The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1592 The bloody flag covers the sky, Tie Zhongtang is extremely domineering and invincible.


Seeing this scene, many people were horrified. They did not expect that Li Wuxie from the [Qinglong Club] could actually face the three supreme emperors.

"But I'm afraid that Li Wuxie won't be able to block this attack, and he will definitely be suppressed!"

"That Ling Donglai should take action!"

Some people focused their attention on Ling Donglai, who should have taken action at this moment.

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen's face was calm and his eyes were still looking towards Li Wuxie.

"Very good, very good, I will keep you from killing me, Li Wuxie!"

"Evil Corpse!"

Facing the two attacks, Li Wuxie roared, and a huge skeleton appeared above his body.

The corpse of evil.

Li Wuxie absorbed the power of the evil corpse, not to dissolve the evil corpse, but to integrate all the corpses into his body and merge with his own bones.

Evil, but it transcends the level of the supreme emperor.

At this moment, the evil god Li Wuxie peeled the corpse out of his own bones.

Of course, this kind of peeling off is very painful.

This is bone-pulling.

The pain is often unbearable.

The terrifying evil energy filled the air.

The bright sword light and the huge blood Buddha pestle.

When he collided with the evil corpse, he was blocked by the evil corpse and could not get close to Li Wuxie's body.

Some of the dazzling true energy almost came close to the corpse, but was covered and shattered by the evil energy on the corpse.

But at this moment, Li Wuxie made a sound of pain in his mouth.

It was just this pain that made Li Wuxie even more excited.


The huge skeletal palm instantly penetrated the void and grabbed Yan Wuyan's broken soul.

"If I, Li Wuxie, say to kill you, I will kill you!"

Li Wuxie caught the remnant soul of Yan Wuyan in front of him, and the endless evil energy enveloped him again.

"help me!"

Yan Wuyan's pitiful cry for help came out from the whirlpool of evil energy.

"Destroy, Sky Sword!"

Old Mu's expression condensed.

The long sword in his hand struck towards Li Wuxie again.


The giant skeleton hand came out, and before it even got close to Li Wuxie, it was shattered by the giant skeleton hand, making it impossible to hit Li Wuxie.

"This is Xie's corpse. He actually fused Xie's corpse with his own bones. Don't hold back, Blood Buddha, Heavenly Bowl!"

When the blood-devouring monk saw this scene, he formed a seal with his palm, and a huge bloody golden bowl appeared in his palm, attacking Li Wuxie.

"Kanyu Heavenly Map, the universe is determined!"

At this moment, Taoist Yunmu formed a seal with his palms, and Kanyu Tiantu instantly flew out, heading towards the vortex that enveloped and swallowed Yan Wuyan's soul.

The void was instantly frozen.

Li Wuxie's evil corpse body was also affected at this moment, and his movements were instantly suppressed.


The evil vortex stopped, and Yan Wuyan's soul flew out while screaming.

This time, the spirit that flew out was only one-half of the previous one. It looked extremely miserable, and the spirit was still passing away.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Yan Wuyan growled.

The broken soul quickly headed towards the Kanyu Heaven Map. As long as he entered the Kanyu Heaven Map, his soul would be protected and would not be lost again.

"Damn Qinglonghui, I will definitely avenge this!"

Yan Wuyan felt furious.


The two people's attacks hit Li Wuxie's corpse. Li Wuxie's whole body was shaken and flew backwards, but he blocked the two people's attacks. This time, blood flowed from the corner of Li Wuxie's mouth, and he looked injured.

"Vajra Blood Buddha, the blood of heaven and earth is tragic!"

And at this moment.

The blood-devouring monk from the Blood Buddha Temple roared, and the bloody Buddha light erupted from his body.

These bloody Buddha lights turned into blood droplets all over the sky and poured towards Li Wuxie's evil corpse.

Chi Chi Chi!

Li Wuxie's evil body was corroded at this moment.

The blood of the blood-devouring monk has terrifying corrosive power, not to mention that at this moment, his evil corpse is also affected by the Kanyu Heavenly Map, and the evil energy on the corpse is affected.


The blood-devouring monk took action again, and this time his palm showed golden Buddha light.

Buddha's light shines.

"Heavenly Buddha Palm!"

The Buddha's light originally suppressed evil spirits, but now the blood-devouring monk burst out his full Buddha-nature.

The huge Buddha palm suddenly fell down.


At this moment, Mr. Mu also drew his sword, swung the long sword in his hand, and the extremely sharp sword energy flooded towards Li Wuxie. '

This time, Mr. Mu's sword energy was like a bottomless abyss, with layers upon layers of it, endless blackness, and an aura of coldness and despair that exploded with full force.

This is to use this to kill Li Wuxie.


At this moment, Li Wuxie roared and broke free from the oppression of Kanyu Tiantu.

The body moves.

But the attacks of the two men seemed to be locked on him, with sword energy and Buddha's palm covering all his paths.


At this moment, Taoist Yunmu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the power of Kanyu Tiantu increased again, to truly immobilize Li Wuxie.

"Li Wuxie, you deserve to die!"

The fleeing soul of Yan Wuyan roared fiercely on the Kanyu sky map.

"My soul is like this, and you are still arrogant. You are really looking for death!"


That's when.

A figure appeared above Kanyu Tiantu. His palm fell directly. He raised his palm and grabbed Yan Wuyan with one palm. The blood in his palm was like lava.


The terrifying bloody magma enveloped Yan Wuyan's soul.

Yan Wuyan never expected that anyone would take action at this time.

There is no defense. In fact, even if you want to, you can't.

At this moment, being caught in the giant hands like magma, he could only make miserable screams.


After this figure, a huge blood flag appeared. The blood flag appeared, and the terrifying blood evil aura rushed into the sky. The whole world was blood red, and the powerful blood energy headed towards Kanyu Tiantu.

The suppression of Kanyu Tiantu was instantly shattered.


Li Wuxie roared loudly, with evil light shining all over his body, integrating all the corpses into his body, and then moved towards the fallen Buddha's palm with one palm.

A vortex of evil energy appeared on his body and began to swallow up the falling sword energy layer by layer.

Soon the sword energy was swallowed up by the whirlpool of evil energy.

At this moment, Li Wuxie tried his best.


The sword energy exploded and the palms collided.


The terrifying power poured out in all directions, causing the void to tremble.

The three figures retreated at the same time.

Blood marks appeared on Li Wuxie's body, and the blood continued to flow out, but the moment Li Wuxie's body paused, the blood marks began to solidify instantly, and all the blood returned to his body.

He looked at the bloodthirsty monk and Mr. Mu with ferocious expressions.

"Brother Li, long time no see, if you don't mind, I will swallow the remaining soul!"

A figure appeared and greeted Li Wuxie.

"It doesn't matter if I give you the remaining soul!"

Li Wuxie looked at Tie Zhongtang and said.

"Who are you!"

Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple raised his sword and looked at the figure that appeared.

His figure is not burly, but his body is full of strength and energy.

In this momentum, the figure that appeared also had an ethereal feeling, and at first glance it seemed like it was an illusion.

What's even more shocking is that.

The huge bloody flagpole appeared behind the opponent, giving people the feeling of swallowing everything.

He greeted Li Wuxie.

It can be known that this person knows Li Wuxie. "Who is this person?"

Fairy Yunxue who was beside Su Chen looked at Su Chen and said.

If Su Chen was familiar with those people, Su Chen must also know the person who appeared.

"[Tianya Pavilion] Tiezhongtang!"

Su Chen said.

Looking at Tie Zhongtang in the void, Tie Zhongtang gained the power of Emperor Shitian, and his strength could be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

He is an iron-blooded person, but he has gained the power of Emperor Shakti and has also inherited some of Emperor Shaktian's secret skills. The Nahai Sacred Heart Curse in Emperor Shakten's skills can turn anyone's skills into his own, and his mental power It attracts people's hearts and makes the other party fall into a terrifying illusion without knowing it, so Tie Zhongtang's aura changes.

The main reason why Tie Zhongtang appeared this time was at [Tianya Pavilion], and the Supreme Emperor had never appeared.

Now that we have a supreme emperor, it’s time to show up.

No one should underestimate [Tianya Pavilion] in Huangzhou. After all, [Tianya Pavilion] also needs to get out of Huangzhou.

Nowadays, the world is changing, the Yuan world is constantly changing, and many forces are hiding behind it. The strong ones on his side are constantly coming out, and they can also make the world change.

"[Tianya Pavilion], Tiezhongtang!"

Fairy Yunxue couldn't help but glance at Su Chen again. She didn't expect that Su Chen actually said this person's name.

His eyes looked into the void.

At this time, Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple looked at Tie Zhongtang and said, "Are you also a member of the [Qinglong Club]?"

"No, I am, [Tianya Pavilion] Tie Zhongtang!"

"But Brother Li and I are good friends. I can't bear to see so many of you besieging me, Brother Li!"

Tie Zhongtang looked at Mr. Mu and said coldly.

"I've met Mr. Donglai!"

After Tie Zhongtang snorted coldly, he slightly saluted Ling Donglai standing aside.

Ling Donglai nodded slightly towards Tie Zhongtang.

"Does this make you a high-status gentleman?"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen and said.

"This is not Fairy Yunxue, you can find out!"

Su Chen said coldly.

There are things you can say, he can say, but you can't ask.

"The blood-devouring monk is useful to you, so you should find an opportunity to take action and swallow him!"

After the words fell, Su Chen spoke again.


The figure of Yuan Suiyun slowly disappeared from the place.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Fairy Yunxue's expression changed. She had no idea that Su Chen would let the person next to him swallow the blood-devouring monk.

"By taking action like this, you are making an enemy of the Heavenly Buddha Origin and Earth!"

"Monk Xue Yan is the abbot of the Blood Buddha Temple. He has deep connections in the Tian Buddha Shrine, which is the deepest part of the Tian Buddha Origin."

Fairy Yunxue said.

"Tianfoyuandi? We'll get it right!"

After hearing Fairy Yunxue's words, Su Chen said in a deep voice.

Judging from the current situation, Tianfoyuandi has great ambitions and has already met them, so why should he care.

While talking!

His eyes were looking at the Kanyu Tiantu. He also wanted this thing. This treasure could suppress space, but it was a good treasure.

Of course, this treasure will definitely bring a golden lottery card.

Under this situation, Su Chen would not let this unstoppable picture leave his eyes.

[The host's subordinate Wu Wudi breaks through to the level of the Supreme Emperor and is rewarded with a golden lottery card! 】

At this time, a message appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes!

"Wu Wudi has stepped into the Supreme Emperor. What a good news!"

"In this case, Wu Wudi can take action!"

Su Chen showed a hint of joy on his face.

Wu Wudi had arrived before, but he had not taken action before.

Wu Wudi's weapon, the Tiandao War Box, is not an ordinary weapon. Although it is sealed, it is not comparable to ordinary emperor-level weapons.

Unexpectedly, the birth of the boundary monument of the Truth Immortal Dynasty would be an opportunity for the powerful personnel on his side to show their strength.

I believe that after this time, the forces hiding behind should also show up.


"His face lights up!"

Fairy Yunxue's heart moved slightly. From now on, Su Chen should be a member of the [Qinglong Club]. At this stage, there is a happy look on his face. What does it mean?

"Are there any masters from the [Blue Dragon Club]?"

Fairy Yunxue couldn't help but look into the void.


At this moment, a figure appeared.

The figure appeared, quickly appeared in front of Taoist Yunmu, and punched out.

"Yunmu, be careful!"

Elder Mu from the Zhenwu Temple changed his expression and shouted.

However, Taoist Yunmu's body was covered by the powerful fist force and he could not leave at all. He could only watch the fist with destructive power fall on his body.

I want to mobilize Kanyu Tiantu.

But at this moment, Kanyu Tiantu is being suppressed by Tie Zhongtang's iron-blooded banner and cannot be used at all.


The fist fell on Taoist Yunmu's body.

Taoist Yunmu's whole body turned into a ball of blood mist, with no bones left.

At this moment, without the support of Taoist Yunmu, Kanyu Tiantu seemed to lose its luster in an instant and fell towards the ground.

One time

Many people's eyes were directed towards the Kanyu Tiantu, their eyes were full of fire, but no one dared to move.

"Kanyu Tiantu, our young master wants it, whoever dares to snatch it will die!"

The figure that appeared grabbed the Kanyu Tiantu falling to the ground.

When the figure's big hand was about to grab the Kanyu Heaven Map, it suddenly erupted with a bright light, delaying the hand that was grabbing it, and then turned into a stream of light and fled away into the distance.

A treasure like the Kanyu Heavenly Map is not simple.

You can't get this map of the world by killing Taoist Yunmu.

"Run! Do you think you can run away?"


At this moment, a stream of light appeared behind him and instantly hit the Kanyu sky map.

The Kanyu Sky Map was struck by this light and fell to the ground.

The dust is flying and the energy is raging!

When the energy passes.

There is a dark war box on top of the Kanyu sky map.

The figure fell.

Raising his hand to grab the Kanyu Tiantu, the Kanyu Tiantu exploded with strength and struggled, but under the opponent's big hand, it was impossible to escape.

call out!

In the blink of an eye, the Kanyu Heavenly Map disappeared into the opponent's palm, as if it had never appeared.

"how is this possible?"

When Mr. Mu, who was confronting Tie Zhongtang, saw this scene, his expression changed.

The aura of Kanyu Tiantu disappeared, and he was sure that Kanyu Tiantu did not escape and returned to the Zhenwu Temple.

"Who are you to take the Kanyu Heavenly Map from my Zhenwu Temple!"

Elder Mu shouted as he looked at the figure that appeared.

"Old guy, I just said that the thing that our young master likes has now become our young master's thing!"

"Li Wuxie, you are really incompetent in doing things. You haven't gotten the boundary monument that you want for so long. You are really incompetent!"

Wu Wudi looked at Li Wuxie and said coldly.

Wu Wudi is different from others. He doesn't have that much respect for Ling Donglai. His own talent is not weaker than Ling Donglai. If you give him a little more time, he can catch up with Ling Donglai.

Of course now he is also very conceited.

Because of the breakthrough to the Supreme Emperor, the seal of his Heavenly Dao War Box has been loosened, and he is fully able to burst out with different powers.


When Li Wuxie heard Wu Wudi's words, his face showed anger, and the evil energy in his body exploded.

"This is also the person you called. He doesn't seem to care about Mr. Ling!"

Fairy Yunxue looked at Su Chen.

"Wu Wudi! He has the qualifications!"

Su Chen said.

He was close to the Supreme Emperor when he was born, not to mention that Wu Wudi was a very conceited person in his previous life. How could he let Ling Donglai overpower him.

This is the nature of the character.

"Wu Wudi!"

Fairy Yunxue was shocked when she heard Su Chen say this name. People who can be named like this must be extremely powerful. Otherwise, they would not dare to use such a name at all.

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