The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1650: Counterattack before death, self-destruction, Heavenly Desire Chapter, inviting lust i

"Who is that?"

Some people watching the battle couldn't help but speak.

"The Lord of the Ninth Palace of Jiuhan Palace invites the moon!"

Some people recognized Yaoyue who came.

"Why is Palace Master Yaoyue here?"

Qi Yuying, who was watching the battle, looked a little surprised.

She had no news of Yao Yue's arrival.

Han Qingcheng, the first palace lord, did not inform her of the news that Yao Yue had entered Wu Shang Emperor.

Come and solve Monk Wu, and subdue the jellyfish Yin Ji. In this way, Yaoyue's prestige will be achieved.

Then there will be no obstacles for Yaoyue to become the master of Jiuhan Palace.

The surrounding air completely changed under the cold air, with layers of wrinkles appearing.

Snowflakes fell on Wu's body, and a chill penetrated his skin and entered his body.

Realizing that his eyes moved slightly, the hot energy in his body exploded, dispelling all the cold energy.

"This cold air is extraordinary! You are Yaoyue, the Lord of the Ninth Palace of Jiuhan Palace!"

Zhuowu looked at Yaoyue suspended in the void and said coldly:

"It is rumored that your strength has just reached the level of the top emperor, but I didn't expect that it is not the case. Your strength is at least among the giants among emperors. You hide it well enough."

The cold air that could penetrate his skin was something that top emperors simply couldn't do, so Zhuiwu guessed that Yao Yue's strength was at the level of a giant among emperors.

"Then you are disappointed, I have already stepped into the supreme emperor!"

Yaoyue looked at Monk Wu and said calmly.

As he spoke, the aura on his body began to explode.

Those falling snowflakes seemed to crystallize in an instant, rushing towards the opponent, turning into an endless storm.

The aura of the Supreme Emperor also burst out.

She has no habit of hiding her fighting power, her goal is to kill this realization.

What's more, she hates this person.

So she wanted to kill the opponent as soon as possible.

"The Supreme Emperor, the Lord of the Ninth Palace of Jiuhan Palace invites the Lord of the Moon Palace, who turns out to be the Supreme Emperor!"

Seeing this scene, some people looked horrified.

Jiuhan Palace Yao Yue was the ninth palace lord who was recently introduced. I didn’t expect that he would be a supreme emperor.

Jiuhan Palace is not as weak as others think,

"Jiuhan Palace still has some foundation, but we still underestimated Jiuhan Palace!"

some people thought.

"How is it possible that Yao Yue is actually the supreme emperor? In that case, Master?"

"No, the master is at the level of the supreme emperor and can explode with half-step transcendent power. Yao Yue cannot threaten the master, so the master should be fine!"

Qi Yuying thought in her heart.

Then he contacted Han Qingcheng, the first palace lord of Jiuhan Palace.

But when I got the reply, I already knew it.

His eyes looked into the void.

The boundless storm of cold air surges towards that realization, and the snowflake crystals are like sharp awns, spinning rapidly in the storm.

"Supreme Emperor, I didn't expect it, but even if you step into the Supreme Emperor, what will happen?"

"God is really helping me. You two are the best. If I capture you, I may be able to leave Huanxi Buddha Sect and go to the Origin of Heavenly Buddha!"

Realization laughed wildly.

His eyes became even more intense.

Jellyfish Yin Ji and Yao Yue, if he can take these two best and transform them into his Bodhisattva, his strength will probably make him reach a half-step of transcendence soon, and it is not impossible to take that step.

As for whether he could win Yaoyue, he believed in himself.

Although he has just stepped into the Supreme Emperor, his physical body is strong, and his lusty Vajra body matches his powerful fighting experience.

Definitely better than this Yao Yue.

This Yao Yue has a low reputation and few shots, so his combat experience must be weak.


This means that instead of waiting for Yao Yue to kill him, he takes the lead and kills Yao Yue.


His body exploded and he punched out.

His fist broke through the sky like a spear, his body was filled with desire, and his whole body was like a dragon of flames, burning the sky and destroying the earth.


Among them, there is also a sound of Buddha's roar that fills the air, forming a terrifying air wave, heading towards the sweeping storm.

Wherever the air waves passed, the storms that swept in were shattered, without any impact on the body shape of the enlightenment.

"What a terrifying power!"

"The enlightened monk just didn't try his best!"

At this moment, the jellyfish landed on the ground, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. Yin Ji secretly thought in her heart.


Yao Yue snorted coldly, with a fierce killing intent in her eyes.

Yao Yue was trapped by love in her previous life and let it go in this life. However, against powerful people like Huanxi Buddha Sect, her desire to kill was even more intense.

This kind of person who takes away a woman's true yin and treats her as a plaything makes her very disgusted.

Palms raised.

Come out with one palm.


The terrifying cold air condensed in her palm, colliding with the fist of realization.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were transformed into ice and fire.

The rain kept falling.

The body of the enlightenment who was fighting was shaken and retreated.

His expression suddenly changed. In a head-on collision, he was knocked back by the opponent. The fire in his body was shaken away by Yao Yue's cold air.

It was only when his expression changed.

Yaoyue's figure appeared in front of him.

The palm becomes a sword!

Cut out with one sword

The sword energy was cold and like a heavy rain, attacking towards Wu.

"not good!"

Realize and your complexion will change again.

The Vajra body on his body surged again, and his fists blasted out to resist the attack and the rain of swords.


The fist collided with the sword rain.

A clanging sound appeared, but the sword rain was not able to cut open the opponent's Vajra Body.

"Your sword rain can't break through my defense, you will die!"

At this moment, Nawu no longer thought about saving Yao Yue, he wanted to use all his strength to kill Yao Yue.

"The bright moon, the sword energy, the ice phoenix and the heavenly auspiciousness, all things are frozen!"

Just at this moment, a cold voice sounded in his ears.

After this sword rain.

Yao Yue's figure had already appeared in front of him.


A huge ice phoenix emerged behind Yao Yue.

The space around the ice phoenix appeared as if it was frozen. It opened its mouth and the terrifying cold air shrouded Wu.


Realizing that his eyes became fierce.

"Vajra Arhat, reincarnation in heaven!"

Enlightenment roared, and around the figure, numerous Buddha figures appeared, covering the sky and the sun. Countless Vajra Arhats were among them, and the Buddha's light shocked the sky.

Vajra Arhat, reincarnation in heaven.

That is one of the secret techniques of the Huanxi Buddha Sect. Once it is used, it feels like entering the kingdom of reincarnation. Not only can it defend, but it can also attack.


Many Arhat phantoms rushed out to resist the cold air breathed out by the ice phoenix.

But this sect-suppressing secret was instantly frozen under the cold air of the ice phoenix.


And right now.

A ray of sword light penetrated the void and bombarded Wu's body.


The diamond-like body, under this sword energy, blood splattered.

And broke his vajra body bathed in fire.

"How can it be!"

"How can you break my Vajra Body!"

Realization yelled.

The Vajra Body of Desire is his most powerful technique.

But just like that, Yaoyue was shattered!

But at this time, Yao Yue appeared in front of him, stretched out her palm, and slapped the opponent's body with one palm.

"You are too weak! You deserve to die if you are weak!"

Yao Yue's cold voice sounded in his ears.


Enlightenment was shaken by this force and flew backwards, hitting the lake not far away. Bang!

The ice on the lake was smashed open, and Wu's huge body fell into the cold lake.

A series of actions that seem slow, but actually happen in one go, almost in the blink of an eye.

Even the others didn't expect that Suiwu would be defeated so quickly. In just a blink of an eye, Suiwu was defeated by Jiaoyue, and he was no match at all.

"The strength of Palace Master Yao Yue is beyond imagination, Zhen Wu is no match at all!"

Some people said in horror.

But after he finished speaking, terrifying flames appeared on the surface of the lake where the enlightened monk fell, the ice disappeared, water mist rose, and for a moment the lake water seemed to have evaporated.

A figure exuding a terrifying aura of lust stood at the bottom of the dry lake.


The figure rushed out and galloped into the distance.

Not a match at all, now he can only escape.

"Escape! Now that I have taken action, how can I let you escape!"

Yao Yue formed a seal with her hands, and several huge icicles appeared in the void. Ice phoenixes wrapped around the pillars, blocking the surrounding space.

The realization of escaping, the moment the body rushed towards the icicle, several ice phoenixes breathed out and made a low moan.

Suddenly, a terrifying chill came out of their mouths.

Forming a series of cold waterfalls.

Blocking Enlightenment's escape route.


When he realized how to take action, his terrifying fist power exploded.

A huge Vajra Arhat appeared behind him, and struck the waterfall with his fist, scattering the waterfall, but then the cold-filled waterfall continued to come from behind.

For a while, he was unable to break through such a defense.

And Yaoyue won't give him time.

Yao Yue raised her palm, and the terrifying cold air condensed in her palm. A spear condensed with cold air condensed in her hand.

In an instant, his body exploded.

After getting close to the other person.

The spear condensed with cold air instantly pierced through the opponent.

Extremely sharp!


Realizing that the Vajra body on his body had been broken before, he could not stop Yao Yue's spear.

His chest was instantly pierced by a spear of cold air.


Realization let out a scream.

"Damn it, damn it, I want you to die!"

The realization that had been pierced through the body looked ferocious, and the blood in his body began to flow rapidly.

As Qi and blood flowed, the fire in his body erupted again.

"The vajra body of desire fire, the Buddha's desire is boundless!"


The enlightened figure was like a cannonball attacking toward Yaoyue.

Yao Yue didn't hesitate and slapped it with one palm.

The terrifying palm power turned into an ice phoenix and rushed out, attacking the terrifying realization condensed in the fire.


Wu didn't even dodge, his fist collided with it, and his body stopped. His strength was not as good as Yao Yue's, and the cold air filled his fist.


At this moment, Enlightenment roared again.

The Vajra Body Bathed in Fire in his body was operating again, but this time, the energy and blood in his body were rapidly depleted again.

The terrifying energy and blood stimulated the power of his desire to disperse Yao Yue's blow.

After dispelling Yao Yue's blow.

The body continues to explode.

He punched Yao Yue with his fist.

Yao Yue's expression was calm, her eyes were cold, her body dodged to avoid the opponent's attack, and then she slapped the opponent with a palm.

His palm instantly fell on the opponent's body.

But when her palm fell on the other person's body, her expression changed.

Because the blood in the opponent's body is boiling, consuming and exploding rapidly!

"I can't kill you, but I still want to make you fall into boundless desire!"

"Heaven desires reincarnation and uses blood as a matchmaker!"

That realization growled.

He was no match for Yao Yue, and the other party had set up a large formation here to prevent him from escaping. He knew that he could not stop Yao Yue and would definitely be killed by Yao Yue.

So he used his own blood as a medium to perform the reincarnation of desire. He wanted Yao Yue to be burned by desire and become someone else's plaything.


The body exploded directly.

Horrible blood spreads everywhere.

Yao Yue's palm touched the opponent's chest, and her arm was instantly covered with blood.

"My cultivation is the Vajra Body of Desire. There is endless desire in my blood. As long as you are stuck with my desire, you will enter into boundless desire!"

"Only venting, only lust, can extinguish your desire!"

"You can't resist this desire. The more you resist, the stronger your desire will be!"

"The people here should be treated as gifts from me! Let you become their plaything."

"Ha ha!"

The sound of enlightened laughter still echoed in the air.


And this time.

Some people watching the battle were looking into the void with horrified expressions, not expecting such a situation to happen.

Qi Yuying has been paying attention to the situation here.

She was the one who collected information from Jiuhan Palace. When she saw the realization of self-destruction, she immediately ran away.

The jellyfish Yin Ji has a mysophobia. When the blood rain falls, a stream of water vapor wraps itself up, blocking the blood rain from corroding.

Part of it felt bad, but part of it didn't have time to prepare.

They were stained by the rain of blood, their bodies were filled with terror and desire, and their minds were occupied by desire.


Rushing towards Yaoyue.


The terrifying cold air broke out, and these people were instantly shrouded in cold air, and then shattered and turned into ice slag.

Yao Yue, who took action, looked ugly at the moment.

She couldn't contain the desire on her arms, and it was eating away at her mind crazily.


"I can't stop it. If this continues, my mind will be eroded in a short time. Once my mind is eroded, I will be swallowed up by desire!"

Yao Yue was horrified.

She didn't expect that the other party had such a hand.

Expression changes.

A space teleportation rune appeared in the palm of his hand.

Jiuhan Palace

Inside a palace.

Su Chen did not leave Jiuhan Palace.

Because Han Qingcheng sent word that Yaoyue would also be involved in the future affairs of Jiuhan Palace.

Yao Yue is now going to kill Xue Wu, so she asks Su Chen to wait here for a while.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, practicing.

[The host summons the character Yao Yue to kill Huanxi Buddha and realize it, and will be rewarded with a golden lottery card. 】

Su Chen, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes.

"The enlightenment was killed like this. It seems that the enlightenment should have just stepped into the Supreme Emperor, and he was killed so easily!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Suddenly the surrounding void changes.

Yaoyue's figure appeared in front of Su Chen.

At this moment, countless blushes appeared on Yao Yue's face, layers of red flames of desire appeared on her body, and her figure completely exploded.

His eyes were a little blurry.

In this blur, there is also a feeling of swallowing people up.

No one can control this look.

What's more, that enchanting body exudes a suffocating aura.

"This is like being poisoned by charm! This happy Buddhist sect"

Su Chen looked surprised.

He had no idea that Yueyuehui would be poisoned by charm.

But there was no time to think too much, Su Chen didn't want to be overtaken.

He raised his palm, and seals appeared in his room.

Isolate the entire room.

But when he hit these seals, Yao Yue's body had already rushed over.

In an instant, Su Chen's lips were blocked by a burst of red lips, and his body was thrown down.


Within the room!

A violent storm passed over the mountain, and the branches swayed wildly.

The roar of thunder shook the sky and the earth, and the heavy rain poured down to moisten the grass. (End of chapter)

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