The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1651 The terrifying Yejia presides over and starts the Buddha War


Happy Buddhism.

In a Zen room, Satyu, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Junior brother is dead!"

He frowned.

"According to my understanding of junior brother's character, after entering the snowy realm, transforming, and absorbing many true yin, he should be able to step into the realm of the Supreme Emperor. How could he be killed by someone?"

"Could it be Han Qingcheng from Jiuhan Palace who took action?"

Na Liaoyu murmured in his mouth.

"Han Qingcheng should not leave Jiuhan Palace. What is going on? Is it possible that Wu is attacking Jiuhan Palace?"

"It shouldn't be!"

He didn't understand.

clatter! clatter!

Just when he was thinking about it.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, and then there was a knock on the door of the Zen room.

"Come in!"

Liaoyu spoke.

A middle-aged monk walked into the Zen room.

"First seat, there is news from the Snowy Region that Yao Yue of Jiuhan Palace has stepped into the realm of the Supreme Emperor to realize the first seat. From the information obtained, Yao Yue should have entered the realm of the Supreme Emperor very early!"

This middle-aged monk informed Yushouzuo of the news from the Snow Region.

"What, Jiuhan Palace's Yaoyue has already stepped into the Supreme Emperor!"

Hearing this, his face suddenly changed.

"I didn't expect it to be like this? Do you really underestimate Han Qingcheng?"

"Didn't the spies in Jiuhan Palace send back any useful information?"

Ling Yu asked in a deep voice.

People like Xu Ning, director of the Seventh Palace of Jiuhan Palace, have been controlled. Huanxi Buddha Sect must have other infiltrations into Jiuhan Palace.

"A piece of news came back that Jiuhan Palace Han Qingcheng invited a young man. After the disciples checked this young man, it turned out that it was the young master Su Qingchen who appeared in the Ancient Celestial City!"

The middle-aged monk replied.

"The young master of the human world, Su Qingchen!"

"Damn it, it seems that Jiuhan Palace and Human World have joined forces!"

"In this world, there are no small plans!"

Liaoyu's face showed a solemn expression.

The Yin Queen of the Yingui sect, the young master of the human world, and Duanlang of the human world are contacting all forces in the Western Sea Territory, preparing to seize the Western Sea Territory of their Happy Buddha Sect.

Now the young master Su Qingchen is in Jiuhan Palace.

This is to join forces to deal with them Huanxi Buddha Sect.

"Pay close attention to what's going on over there in the snowy area, and try your best to find out what's going on with Han Qingcheng and Yao Yue!"

"And also send back the detailed information about the fight between the first leader and Yao Yue!"

Lie Yu ordered.


The monk who came in bowed and exited the meditation room.

"Something has changed. I need to inform Junior Brother Evil to be careful!"

Just as he was about to speak, a message jade slip appeared in his hand, and runes appeared in his hand and poured into it from the seals on his palm.

When this is done.

Monk Liaoyu stood up and walked out of the meditation room.

Came to the presiding hall again.

"Is there something wrong with Realization?"

After entering the main hall, Master Yejia opened his eyes and looked at him with his eyes closed.

"Host, Jiuhan Palace's Yao Yue is a powerful man who has already stepped into the Supreme Emperor. Also, Jiuhan Palace should have cooperated with the human world. I am happy that the Buddha Sect may be in crisis!"

Liaoyu spoke.

"is it?"

At this time, a deep voice sounded in Zhe Yu's ears.


Just when this sound sounded, the surrounding space suddenly became extremely dark, as if entering an endless abyss.


Liao Yu's expression changed.

"Host, you still treat me as the host?"

At this time, in the endless abyss, a giant black Buddha appeared.

Although it was dark, it seemed like a pearl in the abyss.

The moment the giant Buddha appeared, Zhe Yu, who was originally standing, seemed to be weighed down heavily and fell to his knees directly on the ground. Ripples appeared on the ground where he was kneeling.


At this moment, cracks appeared on his knees.

Waves of pain came from above the knee.

He wanted to repair the crack on his knee, but black Buddhist inscriptions poured into his body, making it impossible for him to mobilize any Buddhist power in his body.

"How is it possible? How can the host be so strong?"

I was horrified in my heart.

After he appeared at the ruins of the Divine Dynasty of Origin of China, he secretly stepped into the supreme emperor, not the level of a giant among emperors on the surface.

Moreover, during this period of training, his strength has become more stable and slightly improved.

But it seemed like he couldn't resist the other party.

"Half-step to transcendence!"

"He has taken half a step into transcendence!"

Liaoyu was horrified in his heart. He did not expect that the host, who had no interest in the affairs of the Huanxi Buddhist Sect, would actually take a half-step to transcendence.

And it gave him a stronger feeling than the ancestor in the temple.

"I told you that I would deal with the jellyfish Yinji myself, but you sent Satoru to attack it!"

"Are you not taking my words seriously, or do you think that by secretly stepping into the Supreme Emperor, you have the capital to fight against me? Do you have any thoughts about me as the host?"

A low voice sounded in Zuo Yu's ears.

this moment.

Luo Yu was shocked.

He didn't expect that the host, who had never been involved in Huanxi Buddha Sect's affairs, would know so clearly about the outside world.

And he also knew that he had secretly stepped into the Supreme Emperor.

Not even his junior brother knew about this matter.

He stepped into the Supreme Emperor, not within the Huanxi Buddha Sect, but found a place to step into the Supreme Emperor in the outside world.

"President, spare your life!"

At this moment, Lingyu hurriedly begged for mercy.

He was afraid of the host and took action against him at this moment.


"If I hadn't seen that you were still of some use, I would have refined yours into Buddhist relics long ago!"

Looking at the desire to beg for mercy.

A low voice came from the giant Buddha.

After the sound fell, the surrounding space changed again.

It once again became the quiet palace it was before.

But inside the palace, the man was still kneeling after his desire, with a frightened look on his face. Blood was flowing from his knees, but he didn't make the slightest sound.

"This is just a small punishment for you!"

"You must remember that I am the host of Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

"Now that I understand that I was killed by Yao Yue from Jiu Han Palace in the Snowy Land, I will launch a Buddha War."

"Snowy Territory is vaster than the vast sea. It has an important strategic location for my Huanxi Buddha Sect!"

"The Tianxue Empire in the Snowy Region has taken refuge in Tianjing Zen Monastery. After this enlightenment event, their actions should speed up. We must be faster than them!"

Host Ye Jia said in a deep voice.


The kneeling Liao Yu quickly accepted the order.

"The disciples immediately started the Buddha War. It's just that the human world is now cooperating with Jiuhan Palace. They are making some moves in the Western Sea Region!"

"I just informed Junior Brother Evil to be careful!"

"I'm afraid that the other party has set a trap in the Western Sea!"

Liaoyu spoke.

"There are two more temple elders who will also be dispatched, and the four supreme emperors, if they still can't be defeated!"

"Then let Master Tianyuan take action!"


While Master Na Yejia was speaking, a pair of blood-colored armor appeared in his hand.

The bloody armor flew in front of Monk Yu.

"Heavenly Buddha Blood Armor!"

Monk Liaoyu's expression changed, and then his face became extremely excited.

"I give you this blood armor. You personally lead the Buddha War and win more snowy territories in the shortest time. Don't let me down!" (End of Chapter)

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