The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1652: 9 Cold Sky Fire, 2nd Soul, 9 Desire Sky Buddha Seed,

Jiuhan Palace.

in the hall.

Han Qingcheng looked at Qi Yuying who returned.

"You said that the monk in the moonlight has realized the reincarnation of heaven and desire?"

"What was the situation then?"

Han Qingcheng asked in a deep voice with a hint of displeasure in her beautiful eyes.

When something happened to Yao Yue, her subordinates did not help.

"Master, I was walking in a hurry and didn't know what happened next?"

Qi Yuying said.

For some reason, she felt a kind of resistance and displeasure towards Yao Yue.

"Is there any news coming back now?"

Han Qingcheng said in a deep voice.

Regarding the reincarnation of heavenly desires in the Buddhist sect.

She knew that being hit by this move would make her horny.

Yao Yue's strength is greater than that of Emperor Wu Shang. If he wants to rely on his own strength to suppress Yu Huo who wants to reincarnate that day, it is simply impossible. He can only rely on others to suppress Yu Huo.


A sigh escaped his lips.

Although her contact with Yao Yue was a little short, she knew that he was an extremely aloof person.

Once such a person has a knot in his heart, it will be a calamity. Even if he has the blood of Ice Phoenix, it may be difficult to break through this calamity.

The more aloof and cool a person is, the more they can't get over things like this.


"I hope you can overcome this knot in your heart, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to even take a step toward transcendence!"

Han Qingcheng sighed in her heart.

"Go down!"

"If Yao Yue returns, please inform me in time!"

Han Qingcheng waved her hands.


Qi Yuying bowed and exited.

Outside the main hall.

Qi Yuying exited the hall: "Master, Yao Yue is very powerful and is a threat to you. I will not let such a threat appear!"

At this moment, a black aura appeared between Qi Yuying's eyebrows.

This breath fluctuated for a moment, disappearing between her eyebrows.

But Qi Yuying didn't seem to notice it.

And this moment.

In the snowy area.

The news that Yao Yue has been reincarnated by the Happy Buddha Sect has spread rapidly.

At that time, many people died tragically because of lust, but some people also escaped.

These people also know something about the reincarnation of heavenly desires.

They spread the news, so many people in the snowy region knew about it.

Jiuhan Palace invites the moon, the supreme emperor, a man who has conquered a country and a city, something like this happened.

attract more attention.

After all, everyone wants to know.

Palace Master Yaoyue, who got the advantage in the end.

Many people have focused their attention on Jiuhan Palace.

They were all waiting for Yao Yue to show up.

One day later.

Yaoyue returned to Jiuhan Palace and headed towards the palace master's hall, as if nothing had happened.

Not long after Yao Yue entered the main hall.

Su Chen was invited into the main hall.

At this moment, Su Chen's aura was surging in his body, and he had a feeling of dual cultivation with Yao Yue's night.

His strength increased rapidly, countless times faster than his own hard training.

As for various experiences, Su Chen cannot express them in words.

It's completely different from Huan Huan and the like.

“I’ve seen Palace Master Han, I’ve seen Palace Master Yaoyue!”

After entering the main hall, Su Chen saluted the two of them.

His eyes couldn't help but take another look at Yao Yue, but after just one glance, his eyes continued to fall on Han Qingcheng.

He was afraid that he would pay too much attention to Yao Yue and let Han Qingcheng notice something?

Han Qingcheng's identity is not ordinary.

Although the opponent's strength has not recovered, it must not be underestimated.

“Palace Master Han, it seems you haven’t finished dealing with the matters in the Snowy Region yet?”

Su Chen said.

Han Qingcheng actually didn't pay much attention to Su Chen's gaze falling on Yao Yue.

The story of inviting the moon has already spread in the snowy area.

Although Su Chen was in Jiuhan Palace, she believed that the other party must have known about Yao Yue.

"Young Master Su! Please come here this time!"

"It's mainly about one thing, which is to invite the Moon Palace Master to enter the vast sea!" Han Qingcheng said.

Originally, Han Qingcheng was planning to declare Yao Yue to be the Lord of Jiu Han Palace after she killed Monk Wu. However, what Yao Yue encountered now was not suitable for her to become the Lord of Jiu Han Palace.

Although Yao Yue returned, she did not detect any big fluctuations in the other party's mentality.

But Yao Yue was indeed a little different from before. There was a hint of charm in her cold eyes, and it seemed that she had suppressed Yu Huo with the help of others.

This ending made her a little sad.

After Yao Yue came back, he said goodbye to her and prepared to enter the vast sea to take revenge on Huanxi Buddha Sect.

She knew that Yao Yue wanted to vent, so she notified Su Chen to come and wanted to ask Su Chen for help.

"it is good!"

Su Chen nodded.

It was also his decision to invite Yue to Hanhai.

Nowadays, it is inappropriate to invite the moon in the snowy area, because once it appears.

Yao Yue will inevitably attract people's attention. Although Yao Yue doesn't care, Su Chen doesn't want the other party to face such eyes, so he asks Yao Yue to go to Hanhai to kill people who are happy with the Buddha Sect.

In this case, if the reputation of Yao Yue's killing in the vast sea spreads back, it will replace the current rumors.

while speaking.

Su Chen couldn't help but draw 3 golden lottery cards.

Now he has 7 lottery cards.

Draw 3 cards first to see if there is any change in luck here.

[Get a Jiuhantian fire seed, the exclusive character Yaoyue, get a Lianxing Supreme Emperor cultivation card, and get the second Yuan Shen exclusive character Yaoyue]

"It's all related to Yao Yue. Is this Yao Yue's destiny or Han Qingcheng's destiny?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Then he started investigating.

[Nine Cold Sky Fire]: A kind of flame bred in extremely cold places. It is so cold that it can be integrated into the soul and can freeze space and time.

[Second Soul]: It can be fused to the supreme emperor of Yao Yue’s future generations, and can fully unleash the power of the supreme emperor.


In another palace.

"You said that Palace Master Yaoyue is back and went to see the First Palace Master?"

While sorting out the information, Qi Yuying asked in surprise when she heard the report from the visitor.

"Yes, there seems to be no change in Palace Master Yaoyue. It's not that there is no change, but the aura of Palace Master Yaoyue is richer and more powerful than before. I don't even dare to look at Palace Master Yaoyue!"

A woman beside her spoke.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, news just came from the main palace. The first palace master sent someone to invite the young master in the world!"

"When I came, the young master of the human world had already entered the main hall!"

The disciple said.

"The young master of the human world has also entered the main hall!"

"Why didn't the Palace Master inform me?"

Qi Yuying's expression changed a little and she murmured.

As she spoke, the black aura between her eyebrows appeared again.

"Sister Yuying, why is there a black energy between your eyebrows?"

At this time, the woman standing next to her couldn't help but speak when she saw the black energy.

"Black energy?"

Qi Yuying's expression was startled, and she couldn't help but reach out to touch the black air between her eyebrows.

When she touched the black air.

Her whole body suddenly became gloomy, and a black light appeared in her eyes.

"What's this?"

She couldn't help but speak.

And this time.

The black energy rushed into the eyebrows of the woman beside him in the blink of an eye.

The woman who had spoken previously did not react at all.

The whole person was suddenly enveloped in black energy, and his neck seemed to be stuck, making it impossible to send any message at all.

Then it was swallowed by the black energy. After being swallowed, it turned into a giant black Buddha, and then merged into the center of Qi Yuying's eyebrows again.

And when the black giant Buddha rushed into Qi Yuying's eyebrows.

Qi Yuying looked a little demented, and it took a long time for her to return to normal.

"What just happened?"

"Hey, where's Xiao Cui?"

She looked around, a little confused, wondering why Xiao Cui, who was talking to her just now, was not there anymore?

But he didn't think much about it and continued to look at some information in front of him.

But she didn't know that at this moment, there was a Buddha image between her eyebrows.

Vast sea.

Happy Buddhism.

Inside the main hall.

"Another Nine Desire Buddha Seed has been activated!"

"The Buddha War will stimulate your growth, Han Qingcheng, when all the Nine Desire Heaven Buddha Seeds are activated, you will be my final cauldron!"

Yejia, who had been closing his eyes to rejoice in the Buddhist presiding, opened his eyes, showing an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to close his eyes. (End of chapter)

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