The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1681 The Immortal Demon God Yin Zhong, the arrow is hidden, the person has not appeared, the

The people who have transcended the level have not shown up yet.

If Jian Yin appears at a transcendent level, it may trigger the emergence of those transcendent forces.

After all, sometimes, unspoken rules are also rules.

If someone destroys it.

It's also bad.

Of course, it would be foolish not to use such power and wait for others to use it.

Su Chen has nothing to do with those transcendent forces.

If you don't get other characters.

It doesn’t matter if you use characters who are beyond the level and see the reactions from all parties.

Four golden lottery cards disappear.

[Obtained the banned character Yin Zhong, obtained 1 half-step transcendence promotion card for the character Yan Kuangzu, 1 half-step transcendence promotion card for the character Demon God Leng Yifu, and 1 half-step transcendence promotion card for the character Guan Yutian. 】

"Character Yin Zhong!"

Su Chen looked slightly surprised when he saw this.

Yin Zhongnai is a character in Shuiyuedongtian. He has an immortal body and can also be said to be an immortal demon. His practice is the Dragon God Skill. He is the closest person to the Dragon God. However, his body can split. I don’t know the specific situation?

But no matter what, he is still a banned character.

Su Chen checked about Yin Zhong's situation.

[Yin Zhong] The natal boy Yin Zhong comes from the Zhongtong clan in [Shuiyue Cave Sky]. He practices the Dragon God Kung Fu. Strength: transcends levels. His combat power is close to the early stage of False God. Flaw: He needs to absorb human essence and blood when he is seriously injured. Pet blood python, strength Half a step beyond the level.


"The flaws in your body are not made up for!"

Su Chen's heart condensed slightly.

Many characters appeared before, and some flaws were made up for, but not for Yin Zhong. Perhaps such flaws will disappear after the ban is lifted.

But this world is different from the previous world.

There are many martial artists, and their essence and blood can be absorbed at will.

However, he also treated the opponent preferentially. His combat power was close to the early stage of False God. He also brought out the opponent's pet, the blood python, and his strength was still half a step above the level of transcendence.

This is equivalent to a powerful puncher.

It is also a blood storage tool.

"This Han Qingcheng's luck is pretty good!"

"I really want to thank her for helping me find so many masters at once!"

Su Chen looked at Han Qingcheng.

I was thinking about whether I should smoke a few more rounds,

At this moment, the surface of Han Qing City was covered with frost, and his mind was moving around, wanting to know where the person Su Chen mentioned was.

Sensing Su Chen's gaze.

His eyes were solemn.

Su Chen looked at her as if he was admiring something.

She had never been scrutinized like this before, and she looked at Su Chen with sharp eyes.

"I'm pretending to be a ghost, but I really want to see the emperor you mentioned!"

Han Qingcheng looked at Su Chen and said.

She didn't find any breath in her soul's perception.

not found.

Then it is possible that Su Chen is playing tricks to oppress her.


A breath swept towards Su Chen.

But before this breath could reach Su Chen, it was torn apart by a sharp sword energy.

Ji Wuxia was still by his side, so there was no need for Su Chen to do anything on his own.

Of course Su Chen can also deal with Han Qingcheng himself.

There is also a Void Demon corpse in the Void God Realm in his hand, which can explode with transcendent power.

It's just that that's Su Chen's trump card. If you can't use it, don't use it.

"It's a shame if you want to see him!"

Su Chen sighed.

"What are you sighing for?"

Seeing Su Chen sigh, Han Qingcheng's eyes narrowed.

"What are you sighing for? What you are sighing for is that you are going to kill people!"

Su Chen's voice was very calm.

Just after his words fell.

Suddenly the void shattered.

A terrifying aura instantly surged out of the broken space.

Everyone looked towards the broken void.

Boom boom boom!

Three dark rays of light appeared in the void. Fireworks flowed above the light, burning with blazing energy, and the aura was terrifying.

For a moment, there was a feeling that the world was collapsing.

"That is!"

Han Qingcheng stared closely at the three dark lights.

"That's an arrow!"

Can she clearly see what those three black lights are?

Three arrows.

Black light penetrated the void and shot toward Han Qingcheng and the others.


She gave a low growl, sounding the alarm.

A terrible sense of crisis arose in his heart.


The arrow was already in front of her when she appeared, completely beyond her imagination.


Han Qingcheng was throbbing with fear and wanted to explode with power, but the arrow locked onto her body and did not give her a chance to explode. Her body's automatic defense energy was shattered by the arrow's burst of power.

It was about to pierce her chest.

At this moment, a mirror appeared in front of her.

It is the Moon God's Heavenly Wheel.

The Moon God's Heavenly Wheel appeared and sent out a strange energy wave, forming a vortex that enveloped the arrow that was about to be shot into her body.

At this moment, four phantoms appeared above the arrow, instantly shattering the power of the vortex.


Arrow impact.

It hit the Moon God's Heavenly Wheel.


The terrifying power exploded, forming a terrifying power fluctuation.

Under this force, Han Qingcheng's body was shaken and flew backwards.

The Moon God's Heavenly Wheel had been repaired previously.

Under this blow, a white spot was left on the mirror again, and a new crack appeared around it.

Instantly flew into Han Qingcheng's body.


Just in this moment.

Two screams came out.

The strength of the two old women following Han Qingcheng was shattered by the arrows.

Explosive strength wanted to resist this arrow.

But the arrow penetrated with power and finally pierced their chests. They didn't even have a chance to take action before they were pierced by the arrow.

Too fast.

Didn't react at all.


Their bodies were nailed to an iceberg.

Blood flowed from their chests.

The aura still lingers on his body.

A half-step of detachment leads to strong vitality.

Not dead for a while.

They stared intently at the arrow that pierced their chests. They felt it, but before they could react, the arrow appeared in front of them.

Don't give them a chance to react.

"Palace Master, save us!"

The two made hoarse sounds.

The two people who were nailed to the iceberg screamed for help.

They were half-detached, and before they could take action, they were nailed to the iceberg with arrows.

This is a great disgrace.

Of course, they were also shocked.

Because the arrows locked onto their true energy, preventing them from mobilizing the power within their bodies, they could only ask Han Qingcheng for help.

At this moment, Han Qingcheng had beads of sweat falling from his forehead, and his face was extremely gloomy.

The opponent just struck suddenly.

She didn't even have a chance to react. If it weren't for the precious mirror she had on her body, she would have blocked the blow in the end.

Her chest would also be pierced, and she would be nailed to the iceberg like the other two, but even if there was a precious mirror to block it, her blood would still boil at this moment.

Two people were heard calling for help.

Han Qingcheng's figure changed, trying to save the two people.

But the moment her body moved.

She felt locked by a terrifying energy. (End of chapter)

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