The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1682 Han Qingcheng’s outbreak, Ji Wuxia takes action

"Who is it? Why don't you come out?"

Han Qingcheng shouted, her mind expanding, trying to find the location of the person who targeted her.

"Han Qingcheng, I just said, you want people to die!"

"But you can dodge the Arrow King's arrow, which is pretty good. You can't save them!"

Su Chen looked at the two people who were nailed to the iceberg by arrows and sighed.

"What did you say!"

Han Qingcheng's expression changed and he looked at the two people nailed in the iceberg.

I saw the two people who were nailed to the iceberg, and countless bloody Gu worms appeared around them, flying towards them.

If Su Chen hadn't wanted the bodies of these two people.

The two arrows from Jian Yin pierced their hearts and directly bombarded their bodies.

The densely packed blood-eating Gu insects instantly turned the iceberg into blood, making it look extremely terrifying.


A miserable cry.

Echoing from the iceberg.

Makes people tremble all over.

"It's so cruel!"

Empress Tianxue's eyes were filled with horror and a touch of heart palpitations.

He couldn't help but think of the blood-eating Gu worms in his body.

"He actually has so many Gu insects. Is this a way to control powerful people in the human world or in the Immortal Tower outside of heaven?"

"No, such a force should not use such methods!"

Empress Tianxue kept thinking in her mind.

When Momituo took action before, he was quite powerful and did not tolerate any insult to Su Chen. That was not the state after being controlled by others. The blood-eating Gu controlled her, but it did not affect her thinking.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Ji Wuxia.

His eyes lingered on Ji Wuxia's body, such a person would not be controlled.

"I don't know how to deal with Han Qingcheng, young master!"

"Han Qingcheng was the moon god in his previous life, so he should have some tricks!"

she thought to herself.

"Su Qingchen, you deserve to die!"

Hearing the pitiful screams, Han Qingcheng's face became ferocious and terrifying.

Moonlight streamed across his body.

As the moonlight circulated, she sacrificed the Moon God's Heavenly Wheel again.

As soon as the moon god's celestial wheel comes out.

The power that burst out this time caused a kind of silence to form in the surrounding void.


Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Under this power, his blood-eating Gu worms were actually immobilized and unable to continue gnawing at the bodies of the two old women.

At this moment, Han Qingcheng's body flew towards the void.

The Lunar Heavenly Wheel emerged behind her.

The moonlight flows.

The sky that was originally daytime turned into night at this moment.

The aura on Han Qingcheng's body also began to change, and she felt like the goddess of the moon.

Especially the power fluctuations in his body.

With the influx of moonlight, her strength has gradually reached half-step detachment, and she seems to have a tendency to surpass half-step detachment.


"Han Qingcheng is bursting with all her strength, and her strength may reach a transcendent level!"

Empress Tianxue sent a message to Su Chen.

"Step into the level of transcendence!"

"Is she looking for death?"

Su Chen's eyes were very calm, a level of transcendence. Now in front of him, it really was nothing, just nourishment.

I originally wanted to keep Han Qingcheng.

She really wanted to know about things in the Ancient Star Territory, and wanted to use Han Qingcheng to see if she could arrange some people in the Ancient Star Territory. However, if the other party was seeking death, Su Chen would not care about using her as nourishment.

"Young Master, there are other means!"

Seeing Su Chen's calm expression, Empress Tianxue was shocked.

The more we fight, the more powerful we feel in the human world or in the Immortal Tower outside the sky.

The three arrows just now were not blocked by the two powerful men who were half a step ahead, and they were nailed to the iceberg.

Although he failed to kill the opponent with one arrow, the effect was even more terrifying than the killing effect.

The person who shot the arrow would definitely be no worse than Ji Wuxia in strength. The moonlight is cold.

Coupled with the icy breath of the snow, a sudden chill swept across the place and snowflakes were flying.

Some weak people suddenly trembled all over, and they tried their best to use their true energy to resist the cold air.


At this moment.

Prince Xue Ming gave a low drink.

The legion that had stopped fighting below retreated quickly under his order.

Just when he finished speaking.

Han Qingcheng, who was suspended in the sky, looked towards him.


Prince Xue Ming couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The body began to bend.

After Han Qingcheng glanced at the other party, he looked at Su Chen. At this moment, Han Qingcheng's eyes were cold, as if he was lonely as a god.

"That guy should come out too. You can hide, but he can't hide!"

In his words, he was talking about Su Chen.

The arrow can be hidden, but Su Chen cannot hide.

"It was difficult for you to dodge that arrow just now. Do you think you are qualified to fight with the opponent?"

Su Chen looked at Han Qingcheng and said.

"You are presumptuous!"

Hearing Su Chen's contemptuous words again, Han Qingcheng's face showed anger, and his aura was about to explode.


Right now.

Ji Wuxia moved his body and walked to Su Chen. With a movement, his body was suspended in the void, standing alone in front of Han Qingcheng.

The sword energy in his body surged.

This sword energy appears.

Most of the moonlight between heaven and earth seemed to disappear in an instant, and the originally falling snowflakes quickly melted under the sword energy.

The world feels like it is clearing up.

The early sunshine melts the snow!

This is Ji Wuxia's sword intent.

"Your opponent is me!"

Ji Wuxia looked at Han Qingcheng and said.

At this moment, Han Qingcheng's eyes were alert. She had only heard about Ji Wuxia's strength before, but had no real experience with it. However, the sword energy bursting out from the opponent's body was not that sharp, but the sword energy contained in it was extraordinary.

"Half-step to the realm of transcendence, you have to face me!"

"Did you come here to die?"

"Young Master Su, you really don't know how to show mercy to women!"

Ji's flawless beauty even took her breath away.

"Han Qingcheng, you have forcibly upgraded your realm to the realm of transcendence. Do you think you are invincible?"

"It seems that you didn't pay attention to the lesson I just gave you!"

"In that case, Your Excellency Snow Emperor, please give her a ride!"

Su Chen's voice was very calm.

Sometimes, he doesn't have to do anything to destroy the flower.

But these words don’t know how to love yourself and don’t find a way for yourself to survive.

That can only be destroyed.

"This young master in this world has such a big mouth!"

"But I couldn't sense the person who shot the arrow. Even if I could resist the arrow just now, I would still be injured!"

"Has that person already reached a transcendent level?"

"That's why he doesn't show his true body. As long as his true body doesn't show up, no one will know who he is?"

"Are you afraid that people will recognize him, or are you?"

The man from Tianyuan Holy Palace who had been hiding in the dark thought secretly in his mind.

But his eyes couldn't help but look into the void.

Ji Wuxia, the Snow Emperor in the human world, had previously killed with one strike, but now she was facing Han Qingcheng, who had raised her strength to a transcendent level.

This Han Qingcheng has a trace of the soul of the Moon God.

When you step into the transcendent level, your strength is extraordinary.

Even if he had super-level combat power, he probably wouldn't be able to deal with her.

After all, transcending combat power is not true transcendence. (End of chapter)

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