The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1684 Moon God’s Heavenly Wheel, Moon God’s True Body Remains

[Summon a character to kill the Moon God's Remnant Soul Han Qingcheng in the Moon God Palace, and you will be rewarded with 2 golden lottery cards! 】

At this time, such information appeared in Su Chen's mind.

"Really dead!"

"Maybe this Han Qingcheng is dead!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

Who knows if the remnant soul of the Moon God is just a wisp?

With a wave of his hand, Han Qingcheng's body was put into the storage ring by Su Chen.

If this kind of blood can be given to Yin Zhong, it will definitely be able to replenish him with a lot of blood essence.


Su Chen put the body into the storage ring, but his eyes narrowed.

Because when he collected the body, he didn't find the mirror Han Qingcheng used before.

If the mirror is inside Han Qingcheng's body.

He will definitely be rewarded.

After all, the mirror is not simple at first glance.

His eyes looked towards the place where Han Qingcheng's body was.

"I still want to hide a treasure, can you?"

Su Chen clapped his palms, and a surge of energy poured into the ground.


A faint black light flew out, but was caught by Su Chen's palm and sent directly into the system space. No matter what kind of treasure you are, after entering the system, you will not be able to make waves.

[Obtain the broken Moon God's Wheel from the Moon God Palace, the Moon God's Wheel, the symbol of the Moon God in the Moon God Palace, and one of the keys to the Moon God's Treasury in the Moon God Palace. You can collect the moonlight from heaven and earth, improve your cultivation, and be rewarded with 5 purple lottery cards. 】

"I didn't expect this treasure to have three uses! It's just a pity, maybe it's broken, otherwise I should be able to get a golden lottery card."

"It's just a symbol of the Moon God. Isn't there a Moon God in the Moon God Palace in the Ancient Star Territory now?"

Su Chen thought to himself.

"Han Qingcheng died like this!"

Looking at this scene, Empress Tianxue felt a little confused.

Although she looked down upon Han Qingcheng, there was no doubt about Han Qingcheng's strength and ability.

Such a character fell like this.

"After today! The snowy land will belong to my human world!"

"Empress Tianxue, please inform Tianjing Chanyuan that if you want Qing Yansu to survive, let them take at least two treasures above the imperial weapon level. Otherwise, her body will be sent back!"

Su Chen looked at Empress Tianxue and said.

His eyes then looked at Prince Xue Ming.

"Prince Xue Ming, the person you just met, tell him that I will meet him in the Tianxue Empire Palace!"

Su Chen still wants to meet the people from Tianyuan Holy Palace.

Su Chen needs to get to know one of the transcendent forces.

Sometimes, not everyone is the enemy.

After all, any world is never just about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.


Prince Xue Ming didn't expect Su Chen to know that person's existence.

"What's the problem?"

Su Chen's tone was a little cold.

"No problem, I will definitely bring the conversation!"

Prince Xue Ming said immediately.

Su Chen's killing attack was too fierce. He didn't want to offend the other party at this time, and he might be killed accidentally.


at this very moment

The void cracked.

A figure of Momituo appeared with one of his arms broken off, and blood flowed from his arm.

But he didn't seem to care.

The intact hand was holding the old woman's body.

The old woman is still breathing a little and is not dead.

Half-step transcendent blood food is very good for Yin Zhong, and maybe he can get some information.

Of course, the two people who were nailed to the iceberg now had no bones left, having been eaten clean by blood-eating insects.

After the two old women were eaten up, the arrows that had pinned them before disappeared.

"Lianxing, Jellyfish Yinji, and Momituo, you go to Jiuhan Palace immediately and completely control Jiuhan Palace. I don't want Jiuhan Palace to be chaotic!" "After controlling Jiuhan Palace, Lianxing, you can use Jiuhan Palace to control Jiuhan Palace." In the name of the palace, Jiuhan Palace is declared to be a subsidiary of the human world!"

Su Chen said to Lianxing and the others.

Now that Jiuhan Palace Han Qingcheng is dead, once the news comes out, Jiuhan Palace may be in chaos.

He didn't want Jiuhan Palace to be in chaos.

Of course, the treasures of Jiuhan Palace must also be occupied, but they cannot be taken away because of chaos.


Lianxing and others immediately took the order and left quickly.


"Go to Tianxue Empire!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

He led the remaining people towards the Tianxue Empire.

After Su Chen and others left.

The Bingxuan Mountains have returned to tranquility.

One day later!

Tianxue Empire and Jiuhan Palace simultaneously announced that they would become affiliated forces in the human world, and the human world would become the lord of the snow domain.

The news spread like a storm.

Everyone was shocked.

I thought that the Jiuhan Palace and the Tianxue Empire would fight, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would become the new master of the Snow Realm in the human world.



The boundary of Jiuhan Palace

A place covered by ice and snow all year round,

Beneath this snow-covered land.

An underground palace.

inside the palace

An old woman on crutches, wearing a gray robe, with gray hair, her whole body hunched over, her face full of wrinkles.

But looking at her face, you can tell that she was also a beautiful woman when she was young.

At this moment, she was looking at a cracked statue in the palace.

If Su Chen were here,

It can be seen that this statue is Han Qingcheng's statue.

At this moment, a ball of divine soul energy was suspended above the cracked statue. This ball of divine soul energy was clear and exuded the pure moonlight luster.

"Han Qingcheng, you are really looking for death!"

"You are just a remnant soul. Do you really think you can escape the fate of being devoured?"

"The souls of those you trained have long been controlled, and even your own soul has been affected!"

The old woman looked at the broken statue and murmured.

"Everything about you is under the Lord's calculation!"

"It's a pity that we can't wait a little longer. In that case, the power of the soul you have developed can be even more!"

As the old woman spoke, she raised her palm and grabbed the group of souls.

The soul showed no resistance

flew into her hands.

Holding the ball of soul, the old woman slowly walked towards the depths of the palace.

Deep inside the palace.

On top of an altar, a figure was floating in it. Within the palace, streams of pure cold air were heading towards the suspended figure.

The figure was wearing a light blue dress and had a beautiful face, similar to Han Qingcheng's face, but a little more noble than Han Qingcheng.

This touch of dignity is exuded by itself.

The old woman came to the altar.

With a respectful expression, he sent the power of the divine soul in his hand into the suspended body.

"The Yuan World is indeed one of the centers of the Ancient Star Territory in ancient times. Now it is gradually recovering. Lord, you will eventually recover!"

"It's just a pity that the Moon Goddess Wheel couldn't return this time!"

"But the Moon God's Wheel is the symbol of the Moon God. If you get the Moon God's Wheel, I believe that the traitor in the Moon God Palace will know about it!"

"When the time comes, you will conquer each other, and my lord can reap the benefits!"

The old woman murmured.

After he finished speaking, he crossed his legs outside the altar, and his aura completely disappeared, as if he had turned into a statue. (End of chapter)

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