Tianxue Empire Palace

[The forces under the host will become the lord of the snow domain in the human world. As the first force to occupy a domain, you will be rewarded with 5 golden lottery cards! 】

"This is also a reward!"

Su Chen looked at the information in front of him.

I felt excited!

This time it can be said to be a complete bumper harvest.

But now without the help of characters like Han Qingcheng, Yun Dao doesn't know what to do.

Now the human world controls a domain.

Logically speaking, your luck should become stronger.

In the Tianxue Empire Palace, Su Chen thought in his heart.

"My lord, Jiuhan Palace still needs a thorough investigation. Although Han Qingcheng is dead, the remnant soul of the Moon God may not be dead!"

Empress Tianxue bowed and said.

"The remnant soul of the Moon God should still be there."

Su Chen looked calm.

The previous tip he received was to kill Han Qingcheng, the remnant soul of the Moon God. From this point on, he suspected that the remnant soul of the Moon God might still be there.

"Yesterday's battle, what Han Qingcheng did was somewhat beyond the expectations of my subordinates!"

"Han Qingcheng has been able to sit in Jiuhan Palace for so many years, and the city government is scheming. She shouldn't be so restless!"

"My lord, this side has shown great power and is bound to win!"

"How could she be so stupid to fight against the Lord!"

"This is completely different from the way I know her!"

Empress Tianxue said.

Although she looked down upon Han Qingcheng, Han Qingcheng's performance yesterday was still beyond her expectations.

When fighting.

She didn't think much about it.

But one day of meditation made her feel that something was wrong.

The more I thought about it, the more something was wrong, so I reported it to Su Chen.

"The remnant soul of the Moon Goddess, so what if she still has it?"

"Now that the Snow Territory has been occupied by my human world, if she doesn't want to die, she can only hide!"

"Xueyu, I won't stay long. I'm not in Xueyu. If you have anything to do, report it directly to the Snow Emperor!"

Su Chen looked at Empress Tianxue and said.

"What about Jiuhan Palace?"

Empress Tianxue wants to know whether Jiuhan Palace also reports to the Snow Emperor.

"All matters in Jiuhan Palace are decided by Palace Master Yaoyue!"

"You don't have to worry about Jiuhan Palace, the master of Yaoyue Palace will not take a fancy to your Tianxue Empire!"

Su Chen said.

Maybe before, Yao Yue would have fallen in love with Xue Yu, but now Yao Yue is his woman, and her identity is actually independent from everyone else.


Empress Tianxue looked slightly startled.

She didn't understand the meaning of Su Chen's words.

"Jiuhan Palace may no longer be here in the future, and the master of Yaoyue Palace is the master of the South Pavilion of the four major pavilions of Tianya Pavilion, and one of my wives!"

Su Chen looked at Empress Tianxue and said.

Some things still need to be explained!

Empress Tianxue needs to be in awe.

As for whether Jiuhan Palace will change its name in the future.

Su Chen also didn't know that sometimes people's beliefs did not change. Yaoyue was the master of Yihua Palace in her previous life, and Jiuhan Palace might become Yihua Palace.

Empress Tianxue was slightly shocked when she heard Su Chen's words.

She had no idea that Yao Yue would be Su Chen's woman.

But I felt relieved.

Previously, she had thought about competing with Jiuhan Palace's Yao Yue for the snowy territory, but now there was no need for it. Her life and death were in Su Chen's hands. If Yao Yue said a word, she might die.

There is absolutely no need to argue with her.

"Tianyuan Holy Palace, is there any reply over there? I won't wait for them for too long!"

Su Chen then spoke.

One day.

Prince Xue Ming has not yet come to reply to him.

The man hiding in the dark did not come to see him.

"My Lord, Prince Xue Ming's reply is that he is contacting Tianyuan Holy Palace. He may need to contact Tianyuan Holy Palace before he can come."

Empress Tianxue hurriedly spoke.

"Is that so? Then I'll give them a little more time. Is there any reply from Tianjing Chanyuan?" The Qingyan Su is now in Su Chen's hands.

He gave Tianjing Zen Temple a quote.

Let them exchange for her two treasures worth more than two imperial weapons.

"It has been agreed over there!"

"Three days later, the head of Tianjing Zen Temple will come in person!"

Empress Tianxue said.

"Head of Tianchanyuan, come in person?"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

The head of Tianchanyuan, but the second-in-command of Tianjing Zenyuan, as the second-in-command of one of the four major Buddha places in Tianfo Origin, came here in person. What do they want to do?

Su Chen was thinking in his heart.

"Also, Lord, there is news from Hanhai that the situation of the Happy Buddha Sect's Buddha War has not slowed down at all. The Chairman of the Happy Buddha Sect is personally presiding over this matter!"

Empress Tianxue said.

"Pay close attention. Now that I dominate the snowy region in this world, they still haven't given up!"

"Do they have any background? They still have the support of the Heavenly Buddha Origin!"

Su Chen said.

Empress Tianxue must know more about Hanhai than Huanyuan and the others.

After all, Empress Tianxue had previously laid out the snowy region, so she must have penetrated the vast sea.

"Yes, after my subordinates get the news, they will come immediately to report to the Lord!"

Empress Tianxue bowed and prepared to exit the palace.

Let’s see if the Snow Empress has any luck today,

Su Chen now has a lot of golden lottery cards.

Ready to take a look.

Consume 3 golden draw cards.

[Get 50 invincible defense cards, five heaven and earth mysterious crystals, and one invincible god elixir! 】


"It stretches your crotch too much!"

This is too different.

Su Chen sighed in his heart,

The Invincible Defense Card can be drawn from other draw cards, and the Invincible God Pill, although good, only creates a supreme emperor.

As for the Heaven and Earth Xuan Jing, Su Chen had never drawn it before.

But five of them at once would definitely not be a very good thing.

View the Xuanjing of Heaven and Earth.

[Heaven and Earth Xuanjing]: The crystal produced after the change of the Yuan world can help those with strong bloodline develop their own bloodline power.


"Develop the power of blood!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Many of Su Chen's summoned characters have bloodlines in their bodies, but the level of bloodline development is very low.

Unexpectedly, this Heaven and Earth Xuan Crystal can actually help bloodline development.

It's a great treasure.

"It seems that Empress Tianxue has been abolished!"

"God Xue Yue, you look down on Han Qingcheng, but Han Qingcheng has contributed more to me than you!"

"Moon God, it's not as simple as you think!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"After seeing the people from Tianyuan Holy Palace and Tianjing Temple, use their luck to do another round!"

"It's time to leave the snowy land!"

Su Chen said in his heart.

After all, the Snowy Land is not the center of the metaworld.

And this time the human world officially occupies the snowy area, I am afraid it will also attract the attention of many forces.

Although Empress Tianxue mentioned the four transcendent forces before, there should be more besides those four transcendent forces and the source of Heavenly Buddha.


Just when Su Chen was deep in thought.

Yuan Suiyun's figure came quickly from outside the palace.

"There is news from Li Chenzhou that the Twelve Heavenly Palace has descended on a place in Zhongzhou and turned that place into a forbidden area!"

Yuan Suiyun said. (End of chapter)

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