The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1743: The war breaks out, and the Fire Demon clan is about to be destroyed


Among the advancing chariots, Yan Ying's figure rushed out, looking in the direction of the Balrog clan.

"Your Majesty, something seems to have happened over there!"

Yan Yanling beside her said.

"It should be Tianya Pavilion who took action. I didn't expect it to be like this. It's beyond my expectation!"

Yan Ying looked in the direction of the clan and said.

As soon as she left the Flame Demon Clan, the people from Tianya Pavilion took action.

From this point of view, the people from Tianya Pavilion have already arrived at the territory of the Flame Demon Clan.

"Then shall we return?"

Yan Yanling said.

"The chariot continues forward, we return secretly!"

Yanying looked at the Yanmo clan and said.

She wanted to confirm the strength of Tianya Pavilion.

Dare to attack Yan Sikong so openly.

The sky above the land of the Balrog clan.

The two forces confront each other.

Yan Sikong appeared and looked at Lianchengzhi. Their eyes were as sharp as blades, and the powerful fluctuations of true energy that surged out of their bodies caused the surrounding air to vibrate and make a buzzing sound.

"Middle stage of Virtual God!"

Yan Sikong looked at Lianchengzhi and sensed the aura on his body. He was in the middle stage of Xushen.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

With the strength of the virtual god in the middle stage, he dared to come and take action against him.

This surprised him.

"In the middle stage of Virtual God, in the early stage of Virtual God, with such strength, you are going to kill me!"

"Are you, Tianya Pavilion, arrogant? Or do you underestimate me, the Flame Demon Clan, and Yan Sikong?"

Yan Sikong's eyes were cold.

He was thinking about whether to kill Lianchengzhi with one palm or capture him.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, nor that I look down on you, the Fire Demon Clan!"

"But you, the Flame Demon clan, dare to occupy the deserted state and declare war on Tianya Pavilion at this time, so we can only come and destroy your Flame Demon clan earlier!"

Lianchengzhi said in a very calm tone.

After entering the Balrog clan's territory, Lianchengzhi felt that his blood and red fire body seemed to have revived, and he was ready to devour the flame power in the Balrog clan's territory.

But this impulse was suppressed by Lianchengzhi.

However, the true energy in his body was running wildly at this moment.

“What a nice place!”

Lianchengzhi murmured in his mouth.

Looking at Lianchengzhi's plain face and hearing his arrogant tone.

Yan Sikong's face became extremely gloomy.

After becoming a powerful person in the late stage of Virtual God.

He has never been ignored like this before, and he was still ignored by a middle-level virtual god.

Then he didn't want to talk nonsense, and he clenched his palm suddenly.

Suddenly, a fiery and violent wave of true energy erupted from his body, and the heat wave billowed.


And just when the temperature between heaven and earth rose, Nayan Sikong moved.

The void beneath his feet trembled, making an exploding sound, and then a crack appeared in the void.

The figure turned into a shadow and shot out.

Yan Sikong was so fast that it was difficult to detect with the naked eye. In just an instant, he appeared on the right side of Lianchengzhi.

Immediately, he punched out, and the fiery red essence condensed, which directly turned his fist red. Crimson flames filled the top of his fist. When it roared out, even the space was evaporated by the high temperature. Gotta twist it up.

When Yan Sikong took action, he had no intention of showing any mercy.

This punch.

Not to mention the middle stage of ordinary False God, even the strong ones in the late stage of False God were hit.

I'm afraid half of the body will be directly penetrated by the high temperature.

"The Great Elder's punch can penetrate that Lianchengzhi's body!"

"Kill this Lianchengzhi, and the people behind him, we will take action and kill them all!"

The Lord of the Flame Tower, Yan Huo, said coldly.

"I'm afraid, you can't see it. Do you think that the master of Tianya Pavilion is so easy to kill?"

"Don't we know that the old guy is in the late stage of False God!"

Guan Yutian's figure appeared in front of Yan Huo.

"But these are not things you have to pay attention to. Your opponent is me!"

As he spoke, Guan Yutian's body's innate Qi circulated, and Qi energy circulated on his body surface.

A palm struck towards the Yan Huo.

The true energy in the palm exploded, the sound of dragon roar resounded, and only a divine dragon roared out.

The mighty dragon palm.

The last time Guan Yutian took action, he failed to kill the early stage warrior of Xushen.

But this time he had to kill one.

"Only you! Then kill you first!" A look of anger appeared on Yan Huo's face.

He thought the man with the sword was going to attack him, but he didn't expect it to be Guan Yutian.

Guan Yutian was just transcending his level, so he dared to attack him. This was completely provocative.

You deserve to be punished for provoking the strong.


The next moment.

His body shot out, his palms formed into fingers, and he shot towards the dragon shadow hole.


The dragon shadow was pierced.

Yan Huo immediately snorted coldly, and his body shape was like the wind, turning into countless afterimages, and instantly shot towards Guan Yutian's vital parts.

The afterimages all carry the terrifying red-hot palm power.

However, in the face of the intensification of his offensive, Guan Yutian actually responded tit for tat.

As the innate Qi surged, his palms continued to shoot out, and they were stuck together with the afterimages that were roaring towards him.

boom! boom! boom!

The palms collided, the true essence exploded, and the palm power spread wildly, shaking out cracks in the void nearby.


The energy was raging until the last afterimage collided.

A violent shock wave erupted, knocking the two approaching figures backwards.

Guan Yutian stepped back dozens of feet.

He looked at Yan Huo with cold eyes.

Yan Huo frowned tightly at this moment.

Slowly raise your palm.

There were cracks on his palms.

The palm was actually cracked by the shock.

But he is a Balrog, and these cracks are recovering quickly.


At this moment, Long Er's figure moved.

Na and Yan Sikong appeared in front of ten figures.

"I will deal with these ten people, and you enter the land to destroy the Balrog clan!"

The deal with Yan Ying was to deal with Yan Ta and Great Elder Yan Sikong.

But since they took action.

There is no need to keep the land of the Flame Demon Clan, and the people here will also be killed.


The figures of other people shot out at the same time, heading down the valley.


See the crowd rushing towards the valley.

The faces of the ten figures changed, and they were about to stop Kuangtu Yan and the others.

But at this time, a sword roar sounded between heaven and earth.

Then a large array of sword energy appeared around them.

"Your opponent is me. If you can survive under my sword, then you can go down and save others!"

Long Er's white hair danced in the wind, and his eyes were cold and stern.

The long sword in his hand was raised, and the sword energy filled the air.

A terrifying sword energy instantly enveloped these ten figures.


Cut out with one sword

The expressions of the ten figures changed drastically.

Because in their eyes, or in their consciousness, they only saw one sword.

The sword energy is too fast.

In an instant, their minds were torn apart by this sword.

Then countless sword energy poured into their bodies.

And the other side.

Yan Sikong and Lianchengzhi's fists collided with each other.

Facing Yan Sikong's attack, Lian Chengzhi directly punched him.

At this moment, Yan Sikong's originally contemptuous look had disappeared.

Because the two fists collided.

The power coming from the opponent's fist was far stronger than he imagined.

The Flame Demon clan has absorbed the power of flames for many years, using the flames to temper their bodies and essence. The power that explodes from their fists is extremely powerful.

Generally speaking, even those strong human beings of the same level who specialize in cultivating their bodies would find it difficult to confront them head-on.

"Your physical strength is good, but you shouldn't confront me!"

"What is the strongest power of my Balrog clan? It is the power of fire!"


Yan Sikong shouted lowly.

The true energy above the fist suddenly changed, like magma, pouring into Lianchengzhi's fist.

Heading towards Lian Chengzhi's body,

As long as this true magma enters Lianchengzhi's body.

Liancheng Zhi will be melted by this flame essence. (End of chapter)

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