The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1744: Flame Flag, Flame God Tower, Suppression of Treasure Weapons


"The master of Tianya Pavilion is only in the middle stage of False God, and now he is still being poured into his body by the great elder's karst!"

"He must die!"

In the dark, Yan Yanling saw this scene and couldn't help but say.

She knew it.

If the great elder's karst penetrates into the body of a strong person in the late stage of Virtual God, he will be exploded, let alone the middle stage of Virtual God.

"Damn it, this Tianya Pavilion dares to deceive the king like this!"

Yan Yanling's eyes were filled with anger.

As for the other killings by Tianya Pavilion people in the Yanmo tribe.

She didn't even care.

The Flame Demon clan wants to send troops to occupy Huangzhou.

All the people on the king's side have been arranged to leave the Balrog clan's territory.

Nowadays, most of the people in the clan are members of Great Elder Yan Sikong.


Yan Ying's eyes were also very angry, and there was also anger in her anger.

Angry at his own judgment of Tianya Pavilion.

The Tianya Pavilion Master in the middle stage of Xushen was no match for Yan Sikong.

His eyes were fixed on Lianchengzhi.

I really want to see the ending of Lianchengzhi.

In the battlefield.

The terrifying karst entered Lianchengzhi's body and seemed to melt everything about Lianchengzhi.

Lianchengzhi's expression didn't change at all.

However, his bloodline Red Fire Divine Body began to continue to operate, and the power of the karst that entered his body was completely swallowed by the Red Fire Divine Body.

"This is the power of the Great Elder of the Flame Demon Clan!"

"What a disappointment!"

Lianchengzhi's voice was calm, but it spread throughout the battlefield.


Yan Sikong had discovered something and his expression changed.

The figure retreated rapidly.

"Why don't you have anything going on inside your body?"

He sensed the aura in Lian Chengzhi's body.


Just when he felt the aura in Lianchengzhi's body.

The true energy in Lianchengzhi's body began to explode, and endless flames spread on his body surface.

An unimaginable aura emanated from him, as if he were the master of the entire world.

After the flames, there was a thunder and lightning, a strong wind, and raindrops swirled in the strong wind.

Four different energies form four huge energy apertures.

Each aperture is slowly rotating.

With every rotation, bursts of destructive aura are emitted from these circles.


Yan Sikong's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene.

"You are only in the middle stage of Virtual God, how can you have such an aura!"

He could sense that the aura emanating from Lian Chengzhi's body at this moment was almost at the late stage of Virtual God, and was not something that could be emitted by the mid-stage Virtual God.


"Do you think I, Lian Chengzhi, was lying when I said I would kill you?"

Lianchengzhi's eyes revealed a thrilling light, which was extremely terrifying.

The voice was heavy and the tone was even colder.


Yan Sikong's face looked extremely ugly.



Suddenly, Lian Chengzhi's eyes turned cold and he suddenly waved his hand to strike.

Four extremely terrifying energies of true energy swept toward Yan Sikong.

These four rays of true energy were like the terrifying four rays of swords, attacking Yan Sikong's body directly.

Without even thinking about it, Yan Sikong clenched his palm and punched out.

Terrifying flames instantly burst out from the fist, colliding with the four true essences bombarded by Lian Chengzhi.


Suddenly the sound roared and the aura of destruction rolled, like countless stars exploding, it was indescribably thrilling.

Lianchengzhi's burst of power was shattered by that fist.

But that's it.

Lianchengzhi's figure moved and appeared in front of the great elder Yan Sikong. The red fire magical power operates instantly.

His palms formed into fists, and without any hesitation, he punched out, and the terrifying flame energy rushed towards Yan Sikong.

"court death!"

Yan Sikong was slightly startled when he saw Lian Chengzhi's attacking fist.

Because the terrifying flame energy in his fist made him feel a little palpitated.

This made him angry.

He is from the Balrog clan.

The Fire Demon clan was born in the land of fire and has absorbed earth fire for many years.

Fire is their foundation.

But now, a human being practicing the fire technique appeared, and the power of fire burst out, making his heart palpitate.

How could this make him not angry?

A flag appeared in his hand, and he suddenly swung it towards the fist force of the terrifying flames that swept over him.

As the great elder of the Flame Demon Clan and a strong man in the late stage of False God, how could he not have any treasures on his body.

The flag waved, and terrifying flames erupted in the flag, directly hitting Lianchengzhi's fist.


The two forces exploded again.

Terrifying magma-like flames descended from the void toward the Balrog clan's territory.

Suddenly there were rumbling sounds and screams at the same time.

The Flame Demon clan suffered heavy losses.

"Flaming Flag!"

"This Flame Flag is really on the great elder's body. Didn't he say that the Flame Flag was lost?"

Yan Yanling, who was with Yan Ying, looked at the flag and couldn't help but say.

The Fire Flag, the most precious treasure of the Fire Demon clan.

"Do you really believe what he said, the Flame Flag is lost!"

Yan Ying looked at Yan Sikong in the void and said coldly.

"Fire falls from the sky!"

At this moment, Yan Sikong, who had repelled Lianchengzhi's attack with one strike, began to wave the flame flag continuously. More destructive flames, dense and black, directly hit Lianchengzhi's body.

"A little trick!"

Lian Chengzhi looked at the sweeping attacks and snorted coldly.

Palms raised.

The Flame God Tower appeared and was sacrificed by him. It instantly grew in size and formed a huge black vortex.

The vortex quickly enlarged, whining, and exhaled an unspeakable destructive aura, directly swallowing the terrifying flames swept out by the flame flag.

Suddenly all the light rushed into the black vortex, was quickly swallowed by the black vortex, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yan Sikong's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect that the other party also had a fire attribute treasure, and it was no worse than the Flame Flag in his hand.


The true energy in his body surged towards the flame flag.

The flame flag instantly grew larger and soared into the sky. Endless flames erupted in the flame flag, heading towards the Flame God Tower.

The huge whirlpool released by the Flame God Tower was suddenly shaken into chaos at this moment, and it seemed to be vaguely collapsed.

Lianchengzhi snorted coldly.

The true energy in his body also burst out and poured into the Flame God Tower. Suddenly, a huge black vortex rushed out of the Flame God Tower.

The two black vortexes whirled and whirled, making a harsh sound, and quickly swallowed up all the energy erupted from the flame flag.

Terrifying flames rushed out of the void in a steady stream, and all of them were automatically submerged into the vortex.

While absorbing these flames.

The Flame God Tower moved and moved towards the Flame Flag to suppress it.

The great elder looked slightly startled and wanted to take back the flame flag, but at this moment, Lian Chengzhi moved.

His figure moved, as if he had shrunk to an inch, and appeared in front of Na Yan Sikong with a cold and terrifying aura.

"Your treasure can't help you, just take my blow!"

"Four Jue of Hun Tian!"

Originally, four circles of energy appeared behind Lianchengzhi.

Out in an instant.

These four forces are fire, thunder, wind and rain.

The four attributes of Hun Tian's four skills come together to bring terrifying power.


The space collapsed, and the destructive aura was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, heading towards Yan Sikong.

this moment

The space in front of Yan Sikong was shattered into pieces. (End of chapter)

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