The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1755: Tianlu dominates the mountain, passed down by the master himself

Now [Qinglonghui] has a cooperative relationship with the Origin Dynasty.

And this time in the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Palace, the Origin Emperor may also appear, and their Gu family will also follow.

There will definitely be contact with the Blue Dragon Society.

They were considered allies, so he told Su Chen so.

Hearing Guyue Shan's words, Su Chen was slightly shocked. He did not expect that the Zhongzhou Gu Family would actually be a force from the Origin God Dynasty.

"I still underestimated this Emperor of Origin!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

The Origin Dynasty was born and the Origin Emperor was resurrected, but Su Chen did not see how powerful the Origin Dynasty was.

But now the Gu family turned out to be a force of the Origin Dynasty, which made Su Chen look at the Origin Dynasty in a different light.

"The Origin Emperor is not as simple as he appears!"

Su Chen thought in his heart and said: "I can cooperate with you! But why do we have to wait for the Shenwu Emperor to enter the Twelve Heavens Palace? We can attack him outside!"

"Brother Su, it seems you still don't know that behind this Emperor Shenwu is the Wanxie Palace!"

"The Wanxie Palace is very mysterious, and they are ruthless in doing things. If we deal with Emperor Shenwu head-on, then the people from the Wanxie Palace will definitely take action against us afterwards!"

"They will definitely retaliate, and who knows who is dead or injured in the Twelve Heavens Palace, and we can't be found in the Wanxie Palace."

Guyue Mountain Road.

"Wanxie Palace, I didn't expect that the Shenwu Emperor would be the character they introduced. It's really surprising!"

"By the way, when will the Twelve Heavens Palace be opened?"

Su Chen brought the topic to the Twelve Heavens Palace.

"Fifteen days at the latest, mainly because for some reason, one of the Twelve Holy Sons has not shown up!"

"According to logic, after everyone obtains the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons, the Twelve Heavenly Palace will start the trial!"

Guyue Shan said in a deep voice.

"One person didn't show up?"

"Yes, the Twelve Holy Son Orders can actually sense each other. As long as you put your mind into the Twelve Holy Son Orders, you can sense the positions of other Holy Son Orders!"

"But now one token has not appeared!"

"But based on past experience, even if this token does not appear, the Twelve Heavens Palace will still be activated!"

Guyue Mountain Road.

"I didn't expect such a thing!"

Su Chen's heart moved.

One of the Twelve Holy Son Orders is missing, and the one that may be missing is the one in his hand.

He has not practiced the techniques in the Twelve Saint Sons Order, so he cannot contact the Twelve Saint Sons Order, and others cannot sense him.

"As soon as Qin Hongyi arrives, let her take pictures of the Twelve Saint Sons!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

He now has a way to secretly enter the Twelve Heavens Palace, and he doesn't need the token!

"Brother Su, you can actually find a way to obtain the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons!"

"After all, that way, you can enter it before others and get the opportunity in advance!"

Guyue Shan said.

"I have been through the Twelve Heavens Palace so many times. I am afraid that the opportunity has long since disappeared. Isn't Ye Tianyou from the Emperor Demon Clan who I met earlier the same person who entered the Twelve Heavens Palace last time?"

"The strength is only at the transcendent level now!"

Su Chen talked about Ye Tianyou with some disdain on his face.

"The Twelve Heavens Palace is very mysterious, but if you don't break through to the virtual god level, Ye Tianyou should have other ideas."

"Even if he fails in the Twelve Heavens Palace trial, he will still receive a divine source. He can completely break through to the virtual god level!"

"There are still two people who failed and came out. They are now in the early stage of False God!"

"One is in Tianyuan Holy Palace, and the other is in Wanxie Palace!"

"It is estimated that they will also show up this time, or that all the people who have entered the Twelve Heavens Palace in the past will show up!"

"Because there was a prophecy before that the Yuan World will change and the Twelve Heavens Palace will choose the master. It should be this time!" Guyue Shan said.


"Is this so? It seems that there will definitely be a battle in the Twelve Heavens Palace this time!"

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly.

The idea of ​​taking action against Naye Tianyou is getting stronger and stronger. According to the information fed back by Yuan Suiyun, Naye Tianyou is very powerful and has obtained Qin Muyang's Order of the Twelve Holy Sons. He must have a plan.

Then the two continued to chat, and Su Chen accidentally learned some information.

In other words, Guyue Shan took the initiative to tell him.

Half a day later.

Su Chen just left the moon-watching small building.


Heaven kills the mountain.

In the main hall.

On the three central seats made of bronze, the head seat was empty, and two people sat in other places.

Both of them were very tall, and powerful power erupted from their bodies. When they came into contact with the surrounding air, they pressed the surrounding air to form an invisible airflow.

One of them was wearing ancient bronze armor, and the other was wearing gray robes.

The person wearing ancient bronze armor is Guo Wu, the second master of Tianlu Bashan.

This person's body was covered in ancient armor, with only one pair of eyes showing through, exuding endless chill.

As for the other person in gray robe, it was Lu Ye, the third master, who was also Li Chenzhou's master.

Although Lu Ye was wearing a gray robe, his black hair was disheveled and his face looked quite handsome. He also had an indescribable aura about him. This aura was somewhat different from his tall body, especially the invisible aura in his eyes. Desolate.

Others may think there is something wrong with his body.

In fact, this is not the case. It has something to do with the skills he practices.

It was rumored that Lu Ye practiced a technique called Tianlu Scar Fist on Tianluba Mountain.

The power of this punch is huge, but the more you practice it to a higher level, you will feel a sense of sadness in the late autumn.

Below this.

Twelve people were still standing, divided on both sides, and Li Chenzhou was among them.

The aura on his body was restrained, and after his strength reached a half-step of transcendence, he clearly found that his master's strength was not simple, and it was not at all the strength of the giant in the emperor that he had shown before.

Because every time he faced his master, he would feel how unfathomable he was.

Now that his own realm is halfway to transcendence, he, Li Chenzhou, is confident to fight against ordinary transcendent masters.

But facing his master, he felt that he had no chance of winning, and instead felt that the gap was huge.

"We still can't stop practicing, we must step into the transcendental level in the near future!"

Li Chenzhou thought in his heart.

“This time I’m calling you all here to discuss matters related to the Twelve Heavens Palace!”

"Lan Shen, the direct disciple of the Great Master, has the Order of the Twelve Holy Sons on him. This time he will go to the Twelve Heavens Palace to participate in the trial of the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

"Because the first master is going into retreat, the second master will follow him this time to protect him!"

"Lan Shen is thinking of selecting some people to follow him into the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

The third boss, Lu Ye, said.

His eyes were looking at Li Chenzhou.

Although Tianlu Bashan has three heads, Lu Ye has always been responsible for managing Tianlu Bashan.

Li Chenzhou is his disciple and his most promising disciple.

Now, some time ago, I got the opportunity to step into the half-step transcendental level, and I hope to step into the transcendental level soon.

If you enter the transcendental level after entering the Twelve Heavens Palace, you may obtain the divine source and step into the virtual god level.

So he hoped that Li Chenzhou could go there this time. (End of chapter)

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