The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1756 Suppression, provocation, Li Chenzhou’s power

Nowadays, the meta-world is changing.

Some strong men from many forces showed their cultivation.

Of the twelve people standing in the hall now, three of them are at a transcendent level.

Five people are half-step transcendent, and the others are in Wushang Emperor.

They also knew about the Twelve Heavens Palace, so when they heard what the Third Master said, their faces showed excitement.

"When will Senior Brother Lan Shen choose the third boss?"

At this time, someone spoke.

“Choose today!”

At this time, a figure walked in from outside the palace.

He was tall and wearing a golden robe. He exuded a fierce aura and had arrogant eyes as he stepped into the hall.

"I've met my second uncle and my third uncle!"

The person who appeared saluted Guo Wu and Lu Ye.

"Lan Shen, in the main hall is the mountain master of Tianluba Mountain. You can choose five people to follow you to the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

The second-in-command Guo Wu, who was wearing ancient bronze armor, said.

"As long as they can survive ten breaths under my breath, they can follow me to the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

Lan Shen looked at the people in the hall and said.

"Ten breaths!"

After hearing Lan Shen's words, the expressions of everyone in the hall changed.

This sentence contains a hint of insult.

Lan Shen didn't take them seriously.

They are the mountain masters of Tianluba Mountain, not to mention that three of them have reached the transcendent level.

How could Lan Shen despise Lan Shen so much with such strength.

"Lan Shen, although you are the direct disciple of the great master and have been practicing in seclusion with the great master, you should not despise us!!"

One person said coldly.

"I'm not looking down on you, but you are indeed weak. Although you have reached the transcendent level, your strength is not worth mentioning in front of me!"

Lan Shen looked at the other party and said coldly.

while speaking.

A breath appeared on Lan Shen's body.

This rising aura created light ripples and swept towards the person who made the sound.

The face of the person who spoke changed,

He felt a terrifying coercion sweeping over him.

It made his body feel as if it was being suppressed by a heavy mountain.

Moreover, his heart seemed to be out of control at this moment, and began to beat rapidly, like a dragon-skin drum, with a deafening sound, implying some mysterious rhythm.

And while the heart is beating.

The blood all over the body began to flow backward uncontrollably.

Pieces of blood seemed to glow and heat.

He wanted to mobilize the true energy in his body to suppress the blood, but he couldn't suppress it at all. The blood began to pour back toward the heart with all its strength, putting unimaginable huge pressure on the heart.

"you you···"

The person who spoke turned pale and was frightened, and quickly wanted to speak.

But the overwhelming pressure made him feel as if someone was strangling his neck, making it difficult for him to speak a word.

Only his heart was still beating violently and uncontrollably, and his body's true energy was also in chaos.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The sound grew louder and louder.

For a moment, he couldn't hear anything or see anything in his mind.

All that was left was the sound of my heartbeat over and over again.


The person who made the sound spat out a mouthful of blood, half-kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily.

He looked at Lan Shen with horrified eyes.

After the change in the metaworld, he entered the transcendent level.

But facing Lan Shen, who was also at a transcendent level, he had no chance to fight back. If the other party had just tried to kill him, his heart would have broken and he would have had no chance of living.


At this time, a pill flew out of the third master's hand, Lu Ye, and landed directly in the injured man's hand. "Swallow it, cultivate for half a month, and you will recover!"

"Thank you, Third Master!"

The person who made the noise quickly thanked him.

"Do you still have any objections to my words now?"

"Under my pressure, if you persist for ten breaths, I will take you into the Twelve Heavens Palace!"

Lan Shen glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Li Chenzhou.

"You are Junior Brother Li. Third Uncle said that you are the most extraordinary person he has ever met. In just a short period of time, you have achieved half-step towards transcendence!"

"It's just that these are not enough. Changes in the metaworld and half-step transcendence are sometimes just cannon fodder!"

Lan Shen said.

Hearing this, Li Chenzhou frowned slightly.

After Lan Shen appeared, he gave everyone a warning, and now he even spoke out to him, with a hint of hostility in his tone.

He didn't offend this guy.

Li Chenzhou was very unhappy when he spoke like this.

What kind of person is Li Chenzhou?

He has the same personality as Yan Kuangtu, and he is a person who believes in boxing and power.

How could I be targeted!

At this moment, the look in Lu Ye's eyes changed slightly.

Li Chenzhou was his most promising disciple. Otherwise, he would not have taken Li Chenzhou to Tianluba Mountain and accepted him as his direct disciple when he discovered him.

He also piled his own resources on Li Chenzhou to help Li Chenzhou grow, and even nominated him to be the leader of this lineage.

Lan Shen targeted Li Chenzhou in this way, which made him feel unhappy.

"Lao San, Lan Shen's words may be a bit exaggerated, but they are true. Now that the Yuan world has changed, I am afraid that the next step will be a bloody storm. If you are even half a step ahead, you will not be able to protect yourself!"

"Although his words are a bit unpleasant, they can still make Li Chenzhou work hard!"

"Just don't say anything, just think of this as a mental test for Li Chenzhou!"

"It also allows him to recognize his own strength during this rapid rise! In the future, he can better assist Lan Shen to get out of this world."

The second master Guo Wu's voice sounded in Lu Ye's mind.

"Second brother, Li Chenzhou is not the kind of person who is suppressed!"

Lu Ye responded.

Just after his message fell,

Li Chenzhou's voice came from below.

"With the recent changes in the Yuan world, there have been countless casualties among the powerful people who transcended the level. When I first came here, I got news that Qin Muyang, the original demon sect, died in Tiansheng City!"

"It can be said that if you transcend the level and enter the Twelve Heavens Palace, you may never return!"

Li Chenzhou looked at Lan Shen and said.

The tone is flat, but the words he speaks are meaningful. Detachment is just like an ant and cannon fodder.


After hearing Li Chenzhou's words, Lan Shen's eyes narrowed.

He didn't expect that Li Chenzhou would dare to refute him.

"Junior Brother Li, are you refuting me?"

"But Junior Brother Li, when you refute me, you must remember the gap between us!"


At this moment, Lan Shen's aura erupted again.

A terrifying pressure swept over Li Chenzhou.

The breath was exactly the same as before.

But when he moved, Li Chenzhou stepped out.

However, the aura on his body also increased instantly.

If Li Chenzhou wants to take action, he must take the lead.


A huge figure appeared behind him, and the figure was surrounded by purple thunder and lightning.

He gained Xiang Wuhen's power and inherited some of Xiang Wuhen's skills.

Xiang Wuhen practiced the Purple Thunder Sword Technique, and he integrated it into his fist intention. (End of chapter)

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