The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1771 Unexpected, the immortal died early, Lu Ye’s reward and revenge

"Master, what exactly happened here?"

After Lu Ye gave the order.

Li Chenzhou stepped forward and said.

His eyes were looking at this secret place.

The remaining energy in the secret realm gave him lingering fear. Under this power, he would turn into ashes.

"It should be someone from Tianfrei Pagoda who bribed Guo Wu and Lan Shen and made a secret move against the big boss!"

"You go and do things first. Shen Zhou stays here with me for a while!"

Lu Ye waved his hand and said to the others.

"Tianfreta and the others, damn it, they are going to attack me, Tianlu Bashan, so why did they take away the body of the great master?"

Li Chenzhou frowned.

"They should want to use the boss's corpse to make a human elixir!"

"Come on, follow me into the dark pagoda first!"

Lu Ye looked at the dark pagoda still suspended in this secret realm and said.

Only then did Li Chenzhou see the suspended dark pagoda.

The aura is terrifying, proving that this dark pagoda is not simple.

"Master, with this pagoda, how can the master do it?"

"The other party is fully prepared this time."

"Come on, come with me to the pagoda and take a look at the battle just now. What happened?"

Lu Ye said.

"Inside this pagoda?"

Li Chenzhou had a look of confusion on his face.

But he still followed Lu Ye into the pagoda.

Inside the pagoda.

It looks very empty, and a stream of evil spirits is flowing in it, giving people a feeling of depression and erosion of the mind.

Go inside.

Li Chenzhou felt that his soul and body were in an extremely depressed state.

Lu Ye formed a seal on his palms.

The black evil energy suspended in the tower instantly flowed into his body!

"This pagoda is my weapon!"

As Lu Ye spoke, his palms formed seals again, and runes merged into the void in the tower in his hands.


An image appeared in front of them, it was the battle scene in this secret realm.

"The True Divine Furnace of Heavenly Buddha, eighty-one thunder relics, and the old thing's dharma body of Heavenly Thunder Buddha!"

"After being a secret hand, I still used so many methods. It's really impressive, my immortal body!"

"Damn Guo Wu, damn Lan Shen!"

Lu Ye looked at the figure appearing in the tower, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Master, what did you say?"

Li Chenzhou, who was beside him, didn't care about anything else. He was mainly surprised that Lu Ye was talking about his immortal body.

"My immortal body!"

"I'm not lying to you, that's my immortal body!"

"In fact, Lu Xun was already dead in the late Ancient Era!"

"I got his body!"

"It's just that there is still a trace of obsession in my body, which is the obsession to escape from the Yuan World!"

"I used my soul to draw out that obsession, and finally became Lu Xun, the former master of Tianlu Ba Mountain!"

Lu Ye said.


Hear the news.

Li Chenzhou didn't expect it at all.

But then there was a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

In his last life, he was also the overlord of the world, and finally became a doomsday hero.

This Lu Xun, the last human immortal in ancient times, left such a strong obsession on his body after death, which shows how tragic his last battle was and how unwilling he was.

Of course, he didn't expect that his master, Lu Ye, would hide so deeply.

"So what now?"

Li Chenzhou calmed himself down and said.

To the master in front of him.

Very impressed.

But there is also a hint of caution in the admiration!

"I must get that immortal body back!"

"In this case, because that immortal body can help me practice!"

"The reason why I can reach the consummation of the False God in this era is partly due to my own background, but also because of the help of the human-immortal body!"

"I want you to go and ask people from the [Blue Dragon Society] to help me regain my immortal body!"

Lu Ye said. "Master, the Qinglong Society killed Guo Wu!"

"Will they help us seize the immortal body from Tianfrei Pagoda?"

"I can give them double the reward that I spread to the outside world!"

Lu Ye thought for a moment and then spoke.

"The disciple immediately secretly goes to Tiansheng City to contact the young master of the Qinglong Society!"

"On my last trip to China, I had a close relationship with the young master of the [Qinglong Club]. With such a price, it is not difficult to ask them to take action."

Li Chenzhou said.

"Then go!"

Lu Ye nodded.

Li Chenzhou quickly exited the Dark Tower and left this secret realm.

within a period of time.

In the black tower.

Lu Ye was the only one.

"Damn the Heavenly Buddha Pagoda, the Yuan World has changed. I could have used that human-immortal body to practice to the Great Perfection level!"

"It's a pity that now they just let me practice to the level of perfection!"

"This time, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

There was endless killing intent in Lu Ye's eyes.

Destroying one's future is the enemy of life and death.

"This time, with the death of the great master, our foundation in Tianlu Ba Mountain has become relatively weak!"

"In this case, I'm afraid it won't be able to cope with future changes in the metaworld."

Lu Ye said in a deep voice.


The body emerged from the dark pagoda.

The hands began to form seals.

Mark after mark penetrated into the chains that locked the dark pagoda.


The chain shattered.

The dark pagoda instantly turned into a black light and appeared in Lu Ye's hand.

The pagoda disappeared, and black evil energy began to spread out from the surrounding ground.

"The sky opens, the earth cracks, and there is black evil fire!"

Lu Ye shouted lowly.

He slapped his palm on the ground.

The ground cracked and a crack appeared.

Black evil fire filled the cracks.

In the black evil fire, there were dozens of corpses suspended in it, including demons, ferocious beasts, and human beings.

"Tianfreta, add some fire to you, so that you can make others crazy!"

While Lu Ye was speaking, he grabbed his hand.

He grabbed two figures out of the flames in the crack.

Palm seal.

Two points of spiritual light appeared from between his eyebrows and merged into the two corpses.

The corpse was nearly ten meters tall, but it looked very thin. The nails on its hands were as long as a normal person's arm, emitting a dark light, and its head was different from that of a normal person, with three heads.

As for the other body.

It was a corpse of a human being, covered in black flames.

And in the midst of this dark evil aura, there is still a shocking sword intent flowing in the body.

"See my lord!"

The two of them saluted Lu Ye at the same time.

Judging from this name, we can know that the corpses in this crack were all refined by Lu Ye.

"You go and attack the Zhongzhou Heavenly Frey Pagoda, and you can absorb the power of the Zhongzhou Heavenly Frey Pagoda's disciples to your heart's content!"

Lu Ye's tone was calm.

But in this dullness, people feel a crazy coldness.


"The last human immortal in Tianlu Bashan's family is dead!"

"It was Tianfreita who joined forces with the demon clan and the ferocious beast clan to take action and took away the body of the great master!"

"Tianlu Bashan has issued a reward. If you recover the body of the master, you can get a god-level low-grade treasure!"


The Tianlu Bashan incident began to spread.

It immediately attracted the attention of all parties in Zhongzhou and the Yuan World. (End of chapter)

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