The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1772: Moves from all directions, the temptation of human and immortal corpses


Su Chen, who was lying on the bamboo chair, listened to Yuan Suiyun's news from Li Chenzhou.

His face was slightly startled.

"I didn't expect Tianfreita to take action so quickly."

"But Lu Ye, the third leader of Tianluba Mountain, is really unexpected!"

"The last human immortal in modern times died long ago. All that's left is his obsession and body, which were fused with Lu Ye's consciousness to become the master of the Tianlu Ba Mountain!"

Su Chen looked surprised.

"My lord, this Lu Ye is not simple!"

"We kind of underestimated each other!"

Originally Suiyundao,

"You are a bit underestimating the other party. The heroes on one side are not simple people!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

He really didn't care about Lu Ye, the third master of Tianluba Mountain, before, but this time he got the news from Li Chenzhou, which made him pay more attention to the third master of Tianluba Mountain.

His scheming, strength, and means are extraordinary.

It’s okay not to pay attention.

"Lord, do we need to pay attention?"

Yuan Suiyun said from the side.

"This is Li Chenzhou's matter. He should handle it by himself, and we will not be involved!"

Li Chenzhou is also a generational hegemon.

He should realize something.

Completely able to handle this matter.

"But we have to get back the Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace and the human-immortal body first!"

"Can we detect the whereabouts of the second deputy tower master?"

Su Chen then asked.

"Now the bounty offered by Luba Mountain has been spread throughout Zhongzhou, and all forces are looking for them."

"I believe they will be found soon!"

"Also, my bat clone is already lurking in Tianfrei Tower. I believe I can get some information."

"However, my subordinates are worried that he may have been teleported back to the vast sea. Once this person returns to the vast sea, it may be impossible to take action against him!"

The original Suiyun said.

"We must try our best to find this person! This second deputy tower master must not be allowed to leave Zhongzhou!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

It's exactly what Yuan Suiyun said.

Once the second deputy tower master returns to the vast sea and hides in Tianfrei Pagoda or Tianfo Origin, if he wants to kill the opponent, he will have to attack Tianfrei Pagoda or Tianfo Origin, which is simply impossible.

Palace of All Spirits.

Inside a very ordinary bamboo house in a bamboo forest on the back mountain.

"Sir, the matter has been investigated clearly!"

"Lu Xun is indeed dead!"

"It was his direct disciple Lan Shen and Tianlu Bashan's second master Guo Wu who plotted against him. That's why the second deputy master of Frey Pagoda joined forces with the demons to kill each other that day and took away the body!"

Yin Lao saluted the man wearing a black gold robe and said.

"You took away the corpse, do you want to turn it into a human elixir?"

"Tianfreta is really a good trick!"

The man in black and gold robe snorted coldly.

"Now Tianlu Bashan has begun to offer a reward to the second deputy tower master, as well as the Dark Mantuo Girl and Xuan Que Ming Lao!"

"But sir, the second deputy tower master should have returned to the vast sea by now!"

"Such a reward may not be very effective!"

Yin Lao said in a deep voice.

"That old bald donkey, if he wants to return to the vast sea from Zhongzhou, he can only return to Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou!"

"Only if there is a teleportation array there, let him return to the vast sea!"

"But there are probably a lot of people gathered there, and he has no chance to leave!"

"Now he can only hide in Zhongzhou, or cross back to the vast sea alone!"

"Whether he hides or leaves, he can't escape detection. I believe they will be found soon!"

The man in black and gold robe snorted coldly.

"Immediately mobilize the personnel of the five alliances to investigate the traces of these three people!" "This time I will take action personally!"

The man in black and gold robe said in a deep voice.

The immortal corpse is extraordinary in itself.

What's more, he can also refine the immortal elixir, which is a treasure that can help him break through to his current state.

It's already crazy in itself.

not to mention!

Many people speculated that the second deputy tower owner and others had been injured.


These people should not let Tianlu Bashan go.

Instead, Tianlu Ba Mountain was destroyed.

Now that Luba Mountain is intact and they are wanted, it can be seen that these people are all injured.

Even if the immortal was plotted, the final counterattack would be extraordinary.

One time

There was a storm throughout Zhongzhou.

It's even more noticeable than the Twelve Heavens Temple.

After all, the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Palace has not yet begun.


In a secret cave deep in the mountains.

"Damn it! Damn it, we suffered heavy losses this time, and now we are still being hunted!"

"That Guo Wu is really useless. He can't even find out Lu Ye's true strength!"

"If we knew that Lu Ye was so powerful, we should work together to kill him first!"

The Dark Mando Girl said sharply.

"The previous five shares have been divided between the two of you, and you have suffered heavy losses."

The second deputy tower master looked at the dark mando female and said.

Tianlu Bashan’s bounty was quickly announced, and now the entire Zhongzhou knows about it

He simply cannot return to Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou and leave in the teleportation array.

As a single person, I was afraid that I would be besieged alone, so I met up with the Dark Mando Girl and the others!

"You demon clan should have a teleportation array in Zhongzhou!"

"We leave Zhongzhou through the teleportation array of your demon clan!"

The second deputy tower master spoke.

You can't sit in the teleportation array at Tianfrei Pagoda in Zhongzhou, nor can you escape into the void and leave Zhongzhou, so you can only sit in the demon clan's teleportation array first, and then return to the vast sea from other places.

As long as he returns to Hanhai, there will be no problem with his life.

"Yes, but I'm afraid I'm being targeted now!"

Xuanque Minglao said from the side.

Although there have always been regulations, demons and ferocious beasts are not allowed to enter Zhongzhou, Shenzhou, and Tianzhou.

But this is just a rule.

How could demons and ferocious beasts not enter the hinterland of the human race?

"Aren't you afraid that you will be surrounded and killed before you reach the teleportation array?"

The Dark Mandala spoke.

Hearing this, the second deputy tower master's eyes narrowed.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "There is nothing we can do about this. Don't you know that there are many people in Zhongzhou who are proficient in Tianji magic. I believe they will find our location soon."

"By that time, we will have no chance to leave Zhongzhou, so we have to take this risk!"

"What's more, even if your demon's teleportation array is monitored, they don't know which one we choose!"

"And this gives us time. With our strength, we will definitely be able to activate the teleportation array and leave before they come!"

"not good!"

"Someone is coming!"

The Black Bird Ming Lao suddenly spoke up.


The three of them didn't dare to stay at all and left quickly.

Shortly after they left.

A dark figure appeared in the cave.

"Have you left? Your perception is so strong, but you can't escape. The body of the human and immortal must be mine!"

The dark figure also quickly left.

Subsequently, some figures appeared one after another, all talking about human corpses.

This immortal corpse is more attractive to them than other treasures. (End of chapter)

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