The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1776 The black turtle suppresses the void and suppresses the enemy with one move

"not good!"

See that falling palm!

The expression of the second deputy tower master changed.

"Tian Lei Buddha!"

At this moment, the palm of the second tower master quickly formed a seal, and the power of true energy in his body quickly moved towards the furnace of the Buddha's True God.


Under the explosion of this true energy, a terrifying Buddha light erupted from the Buddha's true furnace that day. The power of the Buddha light was boundless, several times stronger than before.

In the Buddha's light, a Buddha's shadow appeared.

There was a heart-stopping majesty on his face, and the lightning flashed in the Buddha's light, like a pool of thunder.

This is the image of the Heavenly Thunder Buddha left in the furnace of the Heavenly Buddha’s True God.

I had used it before when fighting Lu Xun.

It's his trump card.


The Buddha's body appeared, and a sharp shout broke out from his mouth.

He raised his palm and shot it out.

Buddha's light and thunder light intersect in the palm of the hand, forming terrifying energy fluctuations.

The palm moved towards the grasping palm.

"You dare to face me even if you are not my true self!"

A cold snort from Xiaosanxiao came.

At this moment, the palm that was grabbing the Buddha's True Divine Furnace was slapped directly towards that palm.


There was a roar.

The Buddha's body was shaken and fell back far away.

"The sound of the Buddha's Sanskrit, the thunderous real sword!"

The moment the Buddha's body was knocked back, a terrifying Sanskrit sound came out of his mouth and headed towards the place where Xiao Sanxiao was.

The Sanskrit sound carries the Buddha's light, like a golden ripple-like tide, trying to drown Xiao Sanxiao.

After this mantra.

That day, the figure of Lei Buddha burst out.

The palm of his hand turned into a knife, and the thunder and lightning condensed around him quickly condensed in his hand.


Cut it out with one knife.

First, the Sanskrit sounds attack the soul, and then the thunder knife kills it.


Xiao Sanxiao's figure was forced out, but he snorted coldly.

"Xuanwu suppresses the sky!"

He did not punch, but used the Xuanwu figure suspended in the air,


Xuanwu growled.

It shattered the incoming Sanskrit sound, and then the Xuanwu foot that condensed countless energy kicked out directly.


There was a roar, and the thunder knife was hit,


The thunder knife then shattered.

It turned into streaks of thunder energy and dissipated in the air.

And the huge soles of the feet quickly submerged towards the huge Buddha body.

The Buddha's body also let out a huge roar, his palms formed a seal, and the golden Buddha's palm appeared, heading towards the giant Xuanwu palm.


The golden Buddha palm immediately shattered.

Finally, the giant turtle's feet stepped on the huge Buddha body.

"Dharmakaya, dare to come out!"

Xiao Sanxiao snorted coldly, and the golden dharma body immediately shattered and turned into light spots and disappeared.


At this moment, the second deputy tower master was affected by the disappearance of his body, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

at the same time.

During this period of time, the Black Bird Ming Lao activated the teleportation array.



The Black Bird Ming Lao roared and rushed towards the teleportation array.

The Dark Mando Girl also hurriedly turned around and headed towards the teleportation array.

"Escape! Even if your lives are still useful, keep them!"

"The sky is set ablaze!"


A huge blazing sun appeared in the sky. The blazing sun was so huge that it covered the sky and the earth, and for a while the sky and the earth turned red.

The huge blazing sun fell towards the teleportation array.


Saw this scene.

The three people who fled towards the teleportation array quickly retreated.

It's not that they don't want to enter the teleportation array.

If they enter the teleportation array at this moment, they will be directly covered by the blazing sun. Even if they do not die, they may be smashed deeper into the void after entering the teleportation array.

The previous journeys through the void were all at a shallow level.

In the deep void, the power of the storm is infinite, and they may be directly swallowed by the void storm and turned into ashes. "Let's block it together!"

"Xuanming Tianque!"

"Dark Mandala!"

"Infinite Buddha!"

The three of them roared at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

Blackbirds, mando vines, and golden Buddha bodies all charged towards the huge blazing sun at the same time.

The three of them quickly retreated towards three places.


The attacks of the three people were directly swallowed up by the blazing sun without making any waves.

And the blazing sun continued to hit the three people.

This time.

The three of them were shocked, showing expressions of disbelief.

The three of them joined forces and couldn't block the blow.


The three people shook their bodies and quickly retreated again.


But the blazing sun did not pursue them, but fell next to the teleportation array. The teleportation array collapsed instantly under the blazing sun, and the huge residual power also affected the three people. Their bodies collided, and blood spurted out from their mouths.

"Who the hell are you? Who the hell are you?"

The most seriously injured was the second deputy tower master.

He looked crazy and looked somewhere.


In the void.

The Maitreya Buddha-like figure of Xiao Sanxiao appeared, raising his hand to grab the Heavenly Buddha True God Furnace suspended in the air.

"Tianya Pavilion, smile three times!"

Xiao Sanxiao said very calmly.

"Tianya Pavilion! Damn it, it's you. You provoked the Grotto Tianfo Temple, and you even came to provoke our Tianfo Le Pagoda. Are you trying to make an enemy of my entire Tianfo Origin!"

The second deputy tower master said sharply.


Xiao Sanxiao didn't pay attention to the other party. His palm was suppressing the Buddha's Divine Furnace that day.

This day's Buddha's true furnace is unusual.

It contained terrifying flame energy, and terrifying hot flames were pouring into his palm.

"That is the most precious treasure of my Heavenly Buddha Pagoda, but it is a true divine weapon. Even though it is incomplete, it cannot be refined by you!"

The second deputy tower master looked at Xiaosan who was pressing the Tianfo True God Furnace with his palm and said with a smile.


When Xiao Sanxiao spoke, he suddenly directly sent the Buddha's True Divine Furnace into the mall space.

The Tianfo True Divine Furnace is not simple, and refining it will take some time. It is better to send it directly to the mall space.


The True Divine Furnace of Heavenly Buddha disappears.

The second deputy tower master spat out a mouthful of blood again.

And this moment.

He looked at Xiao Sanxiao with horrified eyes.

Because the trace of connection he had with the Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace was gone.

The Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace is not his. He can use it, but he cannot truly master it.

He left a trace of his soul in it and was able to activate this heavenly Buddha's true divine furnace.

But now that trace of spiritual connection is gone.

"That is the most precious treasure of my Heavenly Frey Pagoda. Do you want to fight to the death?"

"If you don't die, so what?"



And just when the second deputy tower master attracted Xiao Sanxiao's attention.

The figures of the Black Bird Ming Lao and the Dark Mantuo Woman turned into several figures and fled towards the distance.


But suddenly, in the surrounding void, four giant pillars appeared and fell from the sky.

A rumble sounded.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Terrifying power fluctuations emitted from the pillars, causing countless wrinkles to appear in the surrounding space.

Suddenly, an invisible water-shaped ripple appeared all around, blocking their escape route.

And a giant mouth appeared, sucking in a big mouth, forming a terrifying vortex, and all the fleeing shadows were sucked in by the giant mouth.


The giant mouth chewed it.


Two huge screams sounded, and then the giant mouth swung out.


The two figures were thrown directly to the ground.

On the chest, the place bitten open by the giant teeth instantly formed a column of blood, which continued to fly out.

Their faces were pale, and all their true energy had been swallowed up by the black turtle. At this moment, they could only gasp.


"Escape, you can't escape!"

"You, what do you want to do? Haven't you already captured the Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace?"

The second deputy tower master looked at Xiao San and said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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