The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1777: Sacrificing oneself, the Heavenly Thunder Buddha reappears,

"I will take your life away too!"

Xiao Sanxiao fell down.

"Old bald donkey, if you don't come up with your last resort, if you don't come up with your last resort, we won't be able to survive!"

At this moment, the dark mando woman with blood constantly pouring out of her body shouted.


But when she screamed, the blood column shot out again and flowed faster.

"You forced me to do this!"

The second deputy tower master's eyes were ferocious, he didn't want to use the last resort!

Because once the last resort is used.

He will be transformed into a Buddha and become a clone of the Heavenly Thunder Buddha!

In that case, he loses his sense of self.

It's no different than death.

Unless Tianlei Buddha re-condenses his soul one day, he can recover. But how could Tianlei Buddha expend huge Buddha power to help him condense his soul, it will only make him become his clone.

In that case, Tianlei Buddha can also use this to increase his own strength.

He is not willing to give in, not willing to do anything like this.

He originally thought that coming to Zhongzhou to deal with Tianlu Bashan would be the key to his improvement.

But I didn't expect it would be such a result.



"If you don't do it, you will definitely die. Bo, you still have a chance!"

The Black Bird Ming Lao looked at the second deputy tower master and said,

"Damn, damn!"

The second deputy tower master cursed in his heart.

Thoughts kept flowing in my mind, but I didn't come up with any solution.

The strength of the other party is too terrifying, and it has definitely reached the Great Perfection of the False God.

With such strength, the three of them are like ants in the eyes of others.

"Sacrifice, Heavenly Thunder Buddha appears!"

After pondering for a moment, the second deputy tower master's expression became calm.

Rays of golden Buddha light emerged from his body.

Then a golden light shot out from between his eyebrows.

The light covers the body like a burning flame.

True energy surged around his body, spreading in all directions.

Under the Buddha's light, the blood holes in the bodies of Xuan Que Ming Lao and the Dark Mandala woman seemed to be suppressed, and their bodies began to slowly recover.

It's just that in this Buddha's light, the face of the second deputy tower master changed.

It's like a different person.

The originally red eyes began to change, and their eyes were filled with terrifying thunder and lightning.

The entire locked valley seemed to be in a place of lightning destruction at this moment.

"Something interesting! Thunder energy!"

Xiao Sanxiao looked at the terrifying thunder and lightning flashing in the other person's eyes, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Of course it's just a surprise.

Although the second deputy tower master is now in extraordinary condition, it only makes Xiao Sanxiao surprised.

"Smile three times and hand over the Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace and the Human Immortal Body. Your grievances between Tianya Pavilion, Grotto Tianfo Temple and the Origin of Heavenly Buddha are over now!"

"Huangzhou, you will be the stronghold of Tianya Pavilion from now on!"

"If not, Huangzhou will definitely fall within a month!"

A low and cold voice came from the mouth of the second deputy tower master!

But the sound it made was extremely cold.

The tone was domineering and dangerous.

As soon as he comes out, let Xiao Sanxiao hand over the true divine furnace and the immortal body!

"Threats, the thing that Tianya Pavilion is not afraid of the most is threats!"

"The origin of heaven and Buddha, colluding with demons, this era is your era, but it may also be the era of your destruction!"

Xiaosanxiao looked at Tianlei Buddha and said coldly.


I heard the words Xiao Sanxiao.

The Tianlei Buddha, who occupied the body of the second tower master, moved and attacked Xiao Sanxiao.

The speed is extremely fast, and there is supreme murderous intent in his body.


When approaching Xiao Sanxiao. Punch out,

The power of the fist is earth-shattering.

Xiaosanxiao looked calm, but this time he did not confront the opponent head-on. He wanted to see some of the opponent's strength.

The body quickly fell back, leaving only an afterimage.

The afterimage was bombarded by the fist force, instantly forming a terrifying storm.


The void began to shatter quickly, quickly forming a vortex that swallowed up the surrounding void, including Xiao Sanxiao's leaving body.

"Thunder destroys the world!"

After one hit.

That day, Lord Lei Buddha did not stop at all. His hands gathered together, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning around him quickly gathered in his hands.

Finally, he raised his hands, and the ball of terrifying thunder and lightning suddenly shrouded Xiaosanxiao.

"It's a pity that you are not your true form and cannot display your strongest combat power!"

In the swirling storm, Xiao Sanxiao sighed.

Four forces appeared around him, and these four energies formed a vortex, gathering all the energy in the vortex into his body.


The body moves!

Appearing in front of the thunder and lightning ball, terrifying thunder and lightning also appeared in the palm of his hand.

Colliding with the lightning ball.

That day, Thunder Buddha's power of thunder and lightning shattered, and was absorbed by the power of thunder and lightning in Xiao Sanxiao's hand. It turned into a larger ball of thunder and lightning, and struck hard towards Tian Lei Buddha.


The body of Tianlei Buddha was thrown upside down by the impact.

At this moment, golden cracks appeared on the body.


Xiao Sanxiao's body moved.

Appearing in front of the opponent, the terrifying flame energy in the palm of his hand gathered into a huge spear.

It penetrated instantly.

this moment!

Sensing the crisis, Tianlei Buddha let out a piercing roar, the sound was huge, and his body shot out, attacking together with Xiao Sanxiao.

Naihe is of no use at all.

After resisting more than ten attacks in a row, he was still unable to resist. He was penetrated by the flame spear, and the Buddha's light on his body gradually became dim.

But his face was unusually calm as he looked at Xiao Sanxiao.

"Tianya Pavilion, smile three times, I will avenge this revenge. When I leave the Tianfo Origin, I will have a real duel with you, and I will kill you when the time comes!"

His cold tone echoed here.

"I really hope that you can come out. However, the general trend of this era does not necessarily belong to your Heavenly Buddha Origin. Your Heavenly Buddha Origin may be annihilated in the vast sea. By then, you will not be able to get out."

Xiao Sanxiao sneered, and the flame spear in his hand pierced the body of Tianlei Buddha again.



The body of Tianlei Buddha suddenly collapsed and turned into endless energy aura, vast and powerful.


Xuanwu's giant mouth sucked in all the endless energy into his mouth.

Xiao Sanxiao looked at the two people on the ground.

A wave of his hand.


The wounds of the two men burst again, their heart meridians were broken, and they directly grabbed the bodies of the two men.

He glanced at the two people, the Goddess of Wanxie Palace and Beast God Sect Lian Guihai, who were hiding in one place, trembling.

Then his figure flashed and appeared in the void.

The Xuanwu figure that had previously trapped the surroundings turned into a ray of light and blended into his body.

Then Xiao Sanxiao's figure escaped into the void and disappeared.


After Xiao Sanxiao left.

The two of them breathed heavily, feeling like they had escaped with their lives.

The other party wants to kill them, and they have no chance of survival.

"Tianya Pavilion, smile three times, the powerful master of False God Dzogchen!"

"Why doesn't it appear in the classics? We need to inform the palace of this news as soon as possible!"

"Perhaps this era is not necessarily the era of Buddhism!"

Yuan Ziwei, the goddess of Wanxie Palace, murmured in her mouth.


Without stopping, the two quickly left. (End of chapter)

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