Heavenly Holy City.

Su Chen is practicing cross-legged.

A message appeared in his eyes.

[The host's subordinate Xiao Sanxiao kills the second deputy tower master of Tianfrei Pagoda, Xuanque Minglao, and Dark Mando Girl, and is rewarded with a golden lottery card! 】

"The difference in strength is too big, so giving a golden lottery card is not bad!"

Xiao Sanxiao's strength was perfected in the Void God's Dzogchen. How could the second deputy tower master of Frey Tower and others be Xiao Sanxiao's opponents that day?

Then he took a look at the system mall.

In the transaction column of Xiao Sanxiao, a stove and two corpses appeared.

Su Chen's eyes fell on the stove.

Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace.

Inside the furnace, the immortal body is being tempered!

Su Chen's face showed excitement.

Just trade it back.

[Obtain the incomplete Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace and be rewarded with 5 golden lottery cards. Obtain the body of an immortal and be rewarded with 2 golden lottery cards! 】

"The incomplete Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed and he immediately investigated the Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace.

After the investigation is completed.

Su Chen frowned slightly, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

The Tianfo True Divine Furnace was a true artifact as he thought, but it was incomplete.

Now the power is only close to the real artifact.

A true artifact, a weapon used by a true god.

The reason for the incompleteness is that this Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace does not have the consciousness of a true god. The structure inside the furnace is also being used continuously, and cracks appear. If it is not repaired in time, this Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace will fall to the god level.

To repair it, you need to obtain divine crystals, top-quality divine crystals, and some other special materials. Su Chen has never heard of those materials.

It's a bit difficult to patch.

"Collect slowly. If you can't collect it, forget it!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

That's it.

The magic jar refined by Su Chen suddenly emerged from his body, sending out a stream of consciousness.

"I want to devour the Buddha's true divine furnace that day!"

The magic jar emitted consciousness, which surprised Su Chen a little.

The magic jar he is wearing now is broken and is of low-grade god level.

It was upgraded after the fusion of the magic jar lid and the broken magic jar.

"If the jar swallows up the Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace, what will happen to it?"

A kind of hope appeared in Su Chen's eyes.

"When you get a chance, find someone to suppress this Heavenly Buddha's True Divine Furnace, and then let you devour it!"

Su Chen has no way to take out the Heavenly Buddha True Divine Furnace now.

In the system transaction column, it is only suppressed, not converted. Once it is taken out, he will not be able to suppress the burst of power.

It is possible to let the Buddha's True Divine Furnace escape!

With Su Chen's consent, the magic jar flew into his body.

Finally, Su Chen checked out the immortal body.

There is something unusual about the body of a human immortal. It is filled with black evil energy. It is necessary to remove all the black evil energy before it can be used.

Moreover, this human immortal was actually imprinted with a very strange rune.

If this human immortal body is refined, or the human elixir is refined, these strange runes will still exist, and will enter the cultivator's body and affect the cultivator's soul.

"What a good idea!"

"Who is this Lu Ye? His methods are so extraordinary!"

Su Chen looked at the information about this human being.

He felt a sense of fear towards Lu Ye.

"If this is the case, then return this immortal body to Lu Ye, and then take a look at Lu Ye's expression!"

Su Chen murmured in his mouth.

Then Su Chen took a look at the two corpses.

Blackbird and mandala.

Among them, the dark mandala evolved from a dark mandala. The mandala in his body can swallow it and increase its strength.


"Then Xia Wuyou went to meet Teng Yunhui at Netherworld Inn!"

"The person who entrusted us with the mission is also Teng Yunhui, and Teng Yunhui has discovered that Qin Hongyi has joined us!"

"Are you still thinking about subduing the Lord after the temptation and leading him into the Ancient Star Territory?"

The original Suiyun said.

"Well, subdue me and take me into the Ancient Star Territory. It seems that Teng Yunhui has taken a fancy to our Blue Dragon Society! He is very ambitious!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. That Teng Yunhui wanted to conquer him was because he had taken a fancy to the Qinglong Society.

He is the young master of the Qinglong Club and represents the Qinglong Club.

"The Qinglong Society has shown extraordinary power. He still wants to conquer it, and he is so sure that he can enter the Taikoo Star Territory. It seems that the three royal families of the Netherworld Inn may really be the Taikoo Trading Company from the Taikoo Star Territory!"

Su Chen had heard about the Taikoo Trading Company before. It was a trading company across the Taikoo Star Territory.

It's very simple.

"Lord, shall we abandon Qin Hongyi?"

"It doesn't matter, keep using it. As long as he doesn't betray us, we will protect Qin Hongyi! Now that Teng Yunhui wants to subdue me, he probably won't touch Qin Hongyi."

"But we must be careful to prevent Qin Hongyi from betraying!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.


The original Suiyun said.

The next day!

Within the land of Zhongzhou.

"Have you heard that people from Tianya Pavilion appeared, a black turtle suppressed the sky, sealed off the surrounding area, and killed the second deputy tower master of Tianfrei Pagoda, Xuanque Minglao, and Dark Mantuo Girl one by one. !”

"No effort!"

"Do you know who appears in Tianya Pavilion?"

"Tianya Pavilion, Xiao Sanxiao, did not report the title, probably has an extraordinary status in Tianya Pavilion. Do you think the destruction of Tianfrei Pagoda was also the result of Tianya Pavilion's tactics?"

"Tianya Pavilion is located in Huangzhou. It destroyed the Grotto Tianfo Temple and resisted demons and beasts. It has offended the origin of Tianfo."

"Now that you are appearing in Zhongzhou, destroying the Heavenly Buddha Pagoda, and killing the second deputy tower owner of the Heavenly Buddha Pagoda, are you putting pressure on the origin of the Heavenly Buddha!"

Some people are discussing and linking the destruction of Tianfrei Pagoda with Tianya Pavilion.

"The Heavenly Buddha Origin Land is a huge force that controls an entire region!"

"I'm afraid Tianya Pavilion is no match at all!"

"However, is it possible that Freita was destroyed by the Tianlu Bashan people in revenge that day?"

Someone said something like this.

"The head of Tianlu Bashan was attacked and killed by the second deputy tower master of Tianfrei Pagoda and others. It is normal for Tianlu Bashan to retaliate."

"After all, Tianlu Bashan is also the power of my overlord in Zhongzhou."

"There were even immortals sitting in charge earlier, so they must have some background!"

Such discussions spread everywhere.

Tianlu Bashan

In a secret room.

Lu Ye, who was wearing a black robe, frowned as he read the news in front of him.

"The human immortal body was obtained by the people from Tianya Pavilion!"

"Tianya Pavilion, I haven't made contact with you. It might be difficult to get your immortal body back!"

Lu Ye said in a deep voice.

Then a jade slip appeared in his hand.

Light floats in the jade slips.

A projection came out

The projection was none other than Li Chenzhou who went to see Su Chen.

"Master! What are your orders?"

"You already know the news about the immortal body being taken away by Tianya Pavilion, how do you feel about it!"

Lu Ye said in a deep voice.

"Disciple, I also want to discuss this matter with Master!"

"I contacted the young master of the Qinglong Club earlier and told him that the master had previously offered a reward!"

"After getting the news today, I contacted the other party again. The other party said that their Qinglong Club is in alliance with Tianya Pavilion, and they can exchange for the immortal body from Tianya Pavilion! But Master previously promised to double the remuneration. they need!"

Li Chenzhou replied.

This was something he discussed with Su Chen. Su Chen planned to personally come to Tianluba Mountain later to find out the details about Lu Ye.

"I didn't expect that they are actually connected with Tianya Pavilion. In this case, the double reward remains unchanged!"

"Please ask them to replace my immortal body as soon as possible!"

Lu Ye replied.

"Then the disciple rushes to Tiansheng City as soon as possible and has detailed discussions with Su Chen of the Qinglonghui!"

Li Chenzhou bowed and disappeared.

"What is the relationship between the Qinglong Society, Tianya Pavilion, the human world, and the Sword Pavilion? Why did these forces have no signs before? The general trend of this era is Buddhism, but now it is lost to these forces!"

"Human Immortal, False God's Great Perfection! There is no news at all about this person who appears!"

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be at all. It seems that when the forbidden area of ​​the Twelve Heavens Palace opens this time, we will have to get in touch with our old friends!"

After Li Chenzhou disappeared, Lu Ye frowned slightly. (End of chapter)

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