Chapter 405 Propagation, go alone [Tianshan faction]

"It's hard to guess who the other party will send."

Dugu Wudi replied in a deep voice.

[Tianshan faction] The strength shown today seems to hide a lot of strong people, so it is difficult to guess who is coming.

"Is that so?"

"You tell me the location of the [Tianshan School], I will go directly to the Tianshan School to see how strong the head teacher of the Tianshan School is?"

"In this case, it will also make the other party fearful, and dare not attack Huang Quan again."

Gu Santong thought so.

Although he just easily killed two strong men with eight difficulties in heaven and man, Gu Santong did not dare to say that he would definitely win the head teacher of [Tianshan School].

"Pavilion Master, shall we go with you then?"

Guan Qi and Dugu Baitian said together.

"No, even if I go alone, even if I'm besieged, I can still kill it, but if you go, you may not be able to kill it."

Gu Santong opened his mouth.

"Then the two of us will wait for the pavilion master at the ghost domain. This is the route to [Tianshan faction]."

Dugu Invincible said.

Gu Santong took the map, glanced at it, put it in his arms, and then headed towards the [Tianshan School].

Looking at Gu Santong's leaving back, Dugu Wudi sighed and said: "My strength is still too weak!"

"My strength is the same!"

"We should find a way to improve the strength of this world."

Guan Qidao.

Previously, they improved their strength according to their own world method, but the improvement was a bit slow.

And in this world, the degree of prosperity of martial arts is much higher than that of theirs, and there may be special ways to improve their strength.

Hearing Guan Qi's words, Dugu Wudi's eyes lit up.

"Speaking of this, I really know that I have read some ancient books these days, and there is a way to quickly increase strength in ancient books."

"It seems to be a large formation. After it is arranged, it can absorb the power between heaven and earth, integrate it into the body, and enhance the body's strength."

"But I don't care about the name of this formation. After I go back, I will read it again!"

Dugu Invincible said.

While the two were talking.

There was a scream in the distance, and the scream came out quickly and disappeared quickly.

"It is estimated that the person who came to support was beheaded by the ancient pavilion master!"

Dugu Invincible said.

As he spoke, he raised his arm, and a black firework shot out in the air.

The disciples of Huangquan quickly gathered here.

Take people away quickly.

As for the ancient three links, they quickly headed towards the [Tianshan School].

Lingnan County.

Shanhe School.

Zi Hanyue appeared in front of Su Chen.

"Headmaster Su, I came here this time mainly to inquire about how many celestial beings you can dispatch to deal with the [Tianshan faction]."

"A strong man with nine difficulties in heaven and man, the others will not come out."

Su Chen said.

"A strong man with nine difficulties."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zi Hanyue's beautiful eyes showed surprise.

"You can only dispatch a strong man with nine difficulties in heaven and man? But Zhangjiao Su, you have obtained a lot of resources this time. Why did you send a strong man with nine difficulties in heaven and man? That's not how Su Zhangjiao traded. .” Zi Hanyue looked at Su Chen and said.

"I am dispatched by the strong man who transforms the dantian into the sea in the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man. Do you think that such a strong man alone is not enough?"

Su Chen looked at Zi Hanyue and said.

"A strong person at the level of Dantian Huahai?" Zi Hanyue's beautiful eyes moved, and she looked at Su Chen with some horror.

A strong man who transforms his dantian into the sea.It's not an ordinary strong man with nine difficulties.

She didn't expect Su Chen to send such a strong man.

Da da!

At this moment, a figure came out from the outside, it was the old man in gray robe who followed Zi Hanyue.

After saluting slightly to Su Chen, the old man whispered a few words into Zi Hanyue's ear.

Hearing the gray-robed old man's words, Zi Hanyue's face turned serious.

"Headmaster Su, something happened outside the Great Wall. Gu Santong, the owner of the East Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion], appeared, and violently beheaded two Heavenly Man Eight Difficulties and one Heavenly Man Nine Difficult warriors from the Tianshan School, and now Go to [Tianshan School]."

Zi Hanyue opened the mouth and said.

"En!" Hearing this, Su Chen frowned.

But there was no fluctuation in his heart. It was very easy to kill those people with the strength of the ancient three links, and it was normal to go to the [Tianshan School] by himself.

He himself practiced [Vajra Indestructibility Magical Art] and [Suction Dafa], which is a bit against the sky to be honest.

One is invulnerable, and the other can absorb people's skills.

The two sides complement each other.

Coupled with the strength of the ancient three links, it can simply go on a rampage.

"Into the [Tianshan School] alone, this person is very arrogant. Huo Mufeng, the head teacher of the Tianshan School, was the one who fought against Emperor Zhou back then, so his strength must be extraordinary. In addition, there are so many masters in the [Tianshan School], I am afraid that even if you kill him Can kill him!"

Su Chen then said.

"The strength shown by that person is very strong. I am afraid that he is a strong person at the Dantian Huahai level. Such a strong person should not be an arrogant person. He must have the confidence to go to the [Tianshan School]."

"This may be our chance!"

"We can join forces to attack [Tianshan faction]."

Su Chen said.

"My master hasn't arrived yet, so I don't have a chance to make a move, but I always feel that the situation is a bit unusual. Go check it out. If there is any news about [Tianshan School], let us know immediately!"

Zi Hanyue couldn't help looking at the old man in gray robe.

The old man in gray robe exited the hall.

At this time, Yuan Suiyun appeared in the hall.

"Teaching the news outside the Great Wall, Gu Santong, the master of Dongge Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion], appeared and beheaded two masters of the eight difficulties of heaven and man and one master of nine difficulties of heaven and man on the main peak of [Tianshan School]. on the investigation list."

"The other thing is that after Gu Santong killed these people, he went to [Tianshan School]. According to the clues we got, we can go back and see that Gu Santong should arrive at [Tianshan School] tomorrow."

Yuan Suiyun said.

"The [Tianshan faction] should have known about the ancient Santong's attack on the [Tianshan faction], and what happened to them."

Su Chen frowned and asked.

"There is no useful news for the time being!"

Yuan Suiyun replied.

After Gu Santong killed the strong man with nine difficulties.

[Tianshan School] It seemed to be silent, without the slightest movement.

"Is that so? It seems that things are worth watching. Immediately pay close attention to the movement outside the Great Wall. If there is any other news, please let me know immediately!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

"Teacher Su, I don't want to stay here either. I need to report what happened here to the teacher. As soon as there is news, I will come to see Master Su immediately."

Another place.

Inside the main peak hall of the Tianshan School.

Huo Mufeng and the other two mountain masters gathered together.

"I didn't expect that [Tianya Pavilion]'s ancient three links are so strong, killing two people with two moves, the strength is not easy!"

"Now they are coming towards us [Tianshan faction], and I don't know what they want to do?"

Jin Duyi said.

"What do you want to do? It should be to challenge me, to test my strength."

"I'll let him know my strength."

When Huo Mufeng spoke, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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