The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 406 Huo Mufeng goes down the mountain, [Tianya Pavilion] [Qinglong Club] is stationed,

Chapter 406 Huo Mufeng goes down the mountain, [Tianya Pavilion] [Qinglong Club] is stationed,
"Headmaster, this ancient Santong is so arrogant, if he is allowed to join my Tianshan Sect, it would be an insult to me [Tianshan Sect]."

"Ever since the head taught you to take charge of the [Tianshan Sect], no one has come straight to me [Tianshan Sect] like this."

Jin Duyi said.

[Tianshan School] Headmaster Huo Mufeng was before he became the headmaster.

The strength of the [Tianshan School] was weaker than that of the [Kunlun School] in the heyday outside the Great Wall, and it was on the same level as the [Tianshan School], and there were three other forces with the same reputation as them outside the Great Wall.

In the third year of becoming the head teacher, Huo Mufeng launched a war. Before the [Kunlun faction] had any reaction, he subdued and eliminated the other three major forces, and became a force comparable to the [Kunlun faction].

Then Huo Mufeng challenged [Kunlun School]'s head teacher at that time, Yuan Xuzi, and severely injured Yuan Xuzi, forcing [Kunlun School] to seal the mountain.

Let the [Tianshan faction] become the largest force outside the Great Wall.

Even back then, Emperor Zhou had made an appointment with Huo Mufeng instead of fighting him [Tianshan faction].

"Headmaster, let me meet that ancient three links first!"

Jin Duyi said.

Jin Duyi [Tianshan School] the master of Beishan, in terms of seniority, is Huo Mufeng's uncle, and his strength is clearly the number one master of [Tianshan School] below Huo Mufeng.

"Uncle Jin, your dantian transforming the sea has just been completed and needs to be consolidated, so it's better not to make a move for the time being."

"The other party must know something about me [Tianshan School] when he comes, so let me meet him in person!"

Huo Mufeng waved his hand.

"Teacher, no, if you make a move, the outside world will think that there is no one in [Tianshan Sect]?"

"This incident happened because of me in Nanshan. I invite Master to come out of the mountain and fight against that ancient three links!"

Hearing this, the Lord of Nanshan, Mu Fengyun said.

"That's even more unacceptable. These are some trump cards of my [Tianshan faction], and I can't reveal them for the time being. I will go to meet the ancient three links in person. You stay here [Tianshan faction]."

Huo Mufeng waved his hand.

Then he walked out of the palace, turned into a ray of black light, got off the [Tianshan School], and went to intercept the ancient three links.

a day later.

A message came from outside the Great Wall.

[Tianya Pavilion] Gu Santong, the owner of the East Pavilion, and Huo Mufeng, the head teacher of [Tianshan School], fought at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

This battle lasted for a day and a night, and the surrounding snow mountains collapsed.

The two left regardless of the outcome.

But the most shocking thing is that Gu Santong and Huo Mufeng both had a phantom.

The virtual image fight is earth-shattering.

Immediately this virtual image was interpreted.

In the second stage of the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, concentrating in the sea, the virtual image is their condensed god shadow.

Lingnan County.


Su Chen looked at the news from outside the Great Wall.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He had thought that Gu San Tong would win, but he didn't expect it to be a tie. The opponent's strength has reached the stage of concentrating in the sea just like Gu San Tong.

"Sure enough, he is indeed a character who can fight against Emperor Zhou."

"However, this Huo Mufeng can be regarded as formidable. Back then when he fought against Emperor Zhou, he was severely injured and fell down. In just twenty years, he has reached this level again."

During this period of time, Su Chen has gained some understanding of Huo Mufeng from twenty years ago.

Know what stage Huo Mufeng's strength was at that year.

"Huo Mufeng is so strong, so what stage is Emperor Zhou in?"

Su Chen couldn't help thinking.

Huo Mufeng was able to tie the ancient three links, that is to say, the ancient three links are not the opponent of Emperor Zhou.

In my heart, I was a little more afraid of Emperor Zhou.

"It is worthy of suppressing the whole world with the power of one person!"

Su Chen secretly said.

"After this battle, the development of Dugu Invincible Ghost Domain will no longer be restricted, and it should be able to expand rapidly!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

"My lord, you're wrong. The news just came that the [Tianshan faction] is trying their best to suppress the development of Huangquan!"

"[Tianshan Sect] Mu Fengyun, the lord of the Nanshan Mountain, went down the mountain in person to lead a party to suppress the ghost domain, and the [Tianshan Sect] also opened up three mountain ranges. Among these three mountain ranges, there is a sect that was the time of Huo Mufeng. The three major powers outside the Great Wall.”

Yuan Suiyun, who walked in from the door, said.

"Does it still look strong?"

Su Chen frowned slightly. He thought [Tianshan faction] would relax their suppression of Huangquan because of this battle?
Unexpectedly, Huang Quan became more difficult.

"What do you think [Tianshan faction] is trying to do by doing this?"

Su Chen asked in a deep voice.

He couldn't figure out why [Tianshan School] did this.

Logically speaking, [Tianshan faction] should not be able to suppress Huangquan, and the highest combat power of the two sides is equal, which should be to quell the fight.

What's more, [Tianya Pavilion] only has one East Pavilion Master and North Pavilion Master.

"Maybe this [Tianshan faction] still has a hole card, but the head teacher, they didn't go too far, they just suppressed it, and didn't invade the existing territory of Huangquan."

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"When is the ancient three links expected to return!"

Su Chen asked.

He really wanted to know the details of the battle at that time. The news that came out was just the feelings of the people who watched it. He wanted to know Gu Santong's evaluation of Huo Mufeng.

"Return in three days!"

"My lord [Tianya Pavilion] and [Blue Dragon Club] both need a real residence, otherwise, there are some problems with Mr. Gu's whereabouts."

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"Do you have a suitable place?"

Su Chen frowned.

"What Yuan Suiyun said is also what he is considering. Gu Santong, and Ding Peng from [Qinglonghui], they can't stay in their [Shanhemen] all the time, they need to have their own real residence."

In his mind, these masters are all gathered together!
"My lord, I have recently checked the situation of some mountain ranges in the nine northern counties."

"I found that there is no suitable place in the nine northern counties, but there is a suitable place in the thirteen counties of Lingjiang controlled by [Tianxiameng]. It is Guiyun County, which is the closest to our Lingnan County. There is a very ancient mountain range called Seven Stars. The mountain range is full of miasma all year round, and there are few people."

"I'm going to check with me after the Five Poison Boys come back to see if there is a suitable place to set up a resident inside!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Then recall the Five Poison Boys as soon as possible!" Su Chen said.

"Teacher, don't worry, the Five Poison Boys should be back soon. They will return after they kill Nie Chong, the third son of the Liewu King in the Huayuan area!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Nie Chong, the third son of King Lie Wu, he has gone to the capital. It is true that he cannot go to the capital. Otherwise, there will be pressure on Murong Fu!"

Su Chen said.

Now that Murong Fu is in contact with the twelve princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he cannot be targeted.

Although Murong Fu used the same way to repay him, and blamed the disciples of the National Teacher's Mansion, there are many capable people in the capital. Once Nie Chong came to the capital to exert pressure and send out some capable people, he would be able to find Murong Fu !
So Nie Chong couldn't go to the capital.

He died on the way to the capital, and the focus of the capital will be shifted to the Huayuan area, to King Liewu.

It can only be said that someone was targeting King Lie Wu, rather than having other intentions.

This relieved Murong Fu's pressure from being found out.

(End of this chapter)

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