The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 407 The Three Sons of Liewu King and the Five Poison Boys Poisoned

Chapter 407 The Third Son of King Liewu, the Five Poison Boy Poisoned
Outside the Huayuan area.on a wide road.

Tick, tick.

More than [-] burly and fierce warriors with sabres, rode forward on horseback.

The leader is a big man wearing black gold chain armor, his complexion is bronze, giving people an unusually strong feeling. He is Cao Mang, one of the three deputy commanders of the Liewu Palace.

In the middle of the horse team, guarding a large carriage.

Inside the carriage, a young man in brocade clothes was half lying in the large carriage.

The youthful breath is calm, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the eyes are sharp, giving people a feeling of being very good at planning.

This person is Nie Chong, the third son of King Lie Wu.

Among the heirs of the Liewu prince, the heir with the most outstanding talent and strategy, ranked third among the Liewu prince's heirs in terms of martial arts, second only to the eldest son and eldest daughter.

Beside him were two maids half kneeling, one pinching his shoulder and the other knocking on his leg.

Not far away was a thin man in a gray robe sitting there. The man closed his eyes and sat there motionless.

"We left the Huayuan area, do you think someone will attack us?"

Nie Chong stretched, sat up straight, and spoke humanely to the gray robe.

"My son, it may be the most dangerous place to leave the Huayuan area. After all, this is not the prince's territory, and the other party may choose to fight here."

The gray-robed man opened his eyes, with a cold gleam in his pupils, and said in a deep voice.

"Be careful. In fact, the death of the younger sister has nothing to do with the fight between the nine princes. It should be the enemy of the younger sister, or the enemy of our Liewu Palace. I hope I can lure the other party out this time."

"The enemy in the dark gives us a feeling of being stuck in the throat, and we must get rid of it!"

Nie Chong said in a deep voice.

This time when he went to the capital, he oppressed the Seventh Prince before. In fact, he did it for others to see, just to catch the enemy out.

Originally, he still wanted to fish out the enemy in the Huayuan area, but the other party never made a move.

Now he has left the Huayuan area and is not within his own territory.

It gave the other party a chance, and the other party would not let go of this opportunity, but there was also a danger in itself.

"Don't be so optimistic. If the other party wants to make a move, they must have proven our strength!"

The gray-robed man said.

"With you and General Cao guarding me, there should be no problem in terms of safety."

Nie Chong said.

"My lord, I always have a bad premonition when I come out this time, and this premonition is very dangerous."

The gray-robed man frowned and said.

Hearing the gray-robed man's words, Nie Chong also became serious.

Caravan, keep going.

At this time, Cao Mang, who was in charge of the team, came to the carriage.

"My lord, we will go for another two hours and we will arrive at the nearest small town. Do you want to rest in the small town and leave tomorrow."

Cao Mang said from the window.

"Then spend the night in the small town ahead."

Nie Chong nodded.

The convoy continued to move forward, when a man wearing a bamboo hat appeared in front of them carrying two baskets.

As if hearing the sound of the convoy behind, his figure moved to the side of the road, and lowered his head, allowing the convoy to move on.

After the convoy left.

The person wearing the bamboo hat slowly took off the hat on his head, and opened the basket in front of him, there was a child in the basket, it was the Five Poison Boy.

The one wearing the bamboo hat was Cui Wuhu. The two of them came to kill Nie Chong, the son of King Lie Wu, or to capture Nie Chong and let Liu Liqing take action against him.

"Master Five Poisons, when will they be poisoned!"

Cui Wuhu said.

"After a meeting, some weak people will bleed to death from seven orifices, about five of them. Once these five die, I believe they will panic in their hearts."

"Five people died. Someone must dispose of the corpses. Those who dispose of the corpses will also die in the small town."

A sneer appeared on Wudu Boy's face.

"According to the time calculation, they should arrive at Songyuan Town ahead in the evening!"

"I hope to make them panic tonight, so that we have a chance to take that Nie Chong away!"

Cui Wuhu said.

"Don't think it's that simple! The leader is wearing mail armor, and his strength is much stronger than ours. There are also strong people in that carriage. It's better not to take a direct shot."

The Five Poison Boy said.

"It's good to use poison, but I'm afraid it will leave some traces, and when the time comes to track it down, I'll suspect you!"

Cui Wuhu said.

"Let the brothers of the Cao family dispose of all the corpses left behind without leaving any traces!"

The Five Poison Boy said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he seemed a little excited. Those who used poison and killed people who were stronger than himself left these people still in a state of fear and died in this state of mind.

It's a very exciting thing.


The Five Poison Boy said to Cui Wuhu.

Cui Wuhu rushed directly into the dense forest next to the official road with his load, and continued to follow behind the convoy.

The convoy moved on.

After some time.

Suddenly, some guards on horseback clutched their necks, screamed, fell off their horses, and kept foaming from their mouths.His eyeballs bulged, his body twitched a few times, and he lost his breath.

In this situation, the team stopped.

The guards who were close to these people stepped forward to check.

"Commander, they are poisoned!"

A man with a look of horror on his face said,

Hearing the words, Cao Mang, the leader, jumped off his horse and came to a dead guard who was foaming at the mouth, looking at the life and death opposite, his eyes fixed.

He quickly came in front of the other people, and after investigating, he frowned.

"You guys immediately check if you are poisoned in your body?"

Cao Mang ordered immediately.

A group of guards ran their energy to check if they were poisoned, but they didn't find anything.

"You wait here, I will report to my dead son!"

Cao Mang quickly came to Nie Chong's carriage.

"What happened?"

Inside the carriage, Nie Chong said.

"Five guards were suddenly poisoned and died. I have asked people to check themselves, and the others did not find out that they were poisoned."

Cao Mang replied.

Hear Cao Mang's words.

The carriage suddenly became silent.

Nie Chong's pupils shrank suddenly when he asked. They just walked out of the Huayuan area, and something happened here.

"It seems that our enemy is here, and we need to get rid of those corpses, and we rush to the front town as soon as possible."

Inside the carriage, Nie Chong said.


Cao Mang took the order and arranged for the three of them to stay and dispose of the five corpses, while he jumped on his horse and led the team to move on.

The convoy continued to move forward, but the atmosphere became weird, especially the guards outside the carriage.

The five people who died were with them all the time and never left.

Now that these five people were poisoned to death, it is possible that they themselves were poisoned, but they have not been found out.

This kind of mentality makes people nervous, and nervousness will increase the depression of the atmosphere.

Inside the carriage

"He is a master poison user, we have to be careful!"

Nie Chong said in a deep voice.

Earlier, he thought that someone would attack him directly, but he didn't expect that it would be a master poison user.

Killing is invisible, killing without blood.

Such people are terrible.

"My lord, are you afraid?"

The man in gray robe looked at Nie Chong and said.

"I'm afraid, I won't. The other party didn't attack me directly, so it should mean that there is no chance to make a move."

"And I believe that as long as he makes a move on me, I will be able to find him!"

"Maybe tonight, I will be able to meet the other party!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Nie Chong's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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