Chapter 408 Strange use of poison, half of the people will die
The convoy moved on.

Soon the guards who buried the corpses followed, and in the evening, the group arrived in front of a small town.

The town is called Songyuan Town. It seems that there are a lot of vehicles passing by, and the people passing by are also well-dressed. It can be seen that this town is a bit rich.

"My lord, we have arrived at the town, do we want to enter the town?"

Cao Mang came to the front of Nie Chong's carriage.

"Go to the city, why don't you go to the city, I really want to see if those people will attack me at night!"

Nie Chong said in a deep voice.


Cao Mang got the order and led the convoy towards the town.

At the gate of the town, Cui Wuhu and Wudu Boy stood together, followed the crowd behind the convoy, and entered the town.

When the convoy entered the city gate, it hadn't driven a few steps.

Three screams came out, and the palms of the three people who had buried the five corpses began to rot. The rot was so fast that it spread to the whole body in an instant, and they fell from the horse's back.

Rolling in pain on the ground, after rolling for a long time, they lost their breath, and their bodies began to fester. In a short period of time, the flesh and blood of the three people disappeared, leaving a pile of white bones.

Pedestrians on both sides of the road looked at this scene in horror and moved away from the convoy.

Some courageous people stayed on the side of the road to watch, while some timid people left quickly. It is better not to watch such things.

Inside the carriage.

Nie Chong's originally relaxed face turned gloomy.

"move on!"

A cold voice came from his mouth.

Cao Mang, the leader, heard the words and continued to move forward. As for the three bones on the ground, no one took care of them.

This made it hard for the people in charge of cleaning the street. They didn't dare to go forward when they saw the three bones on the street.

"Go and deal with it, or your head will be cut off!"

A guard snapped at an old man sweeping the street.

They don't want to die, so they can only kill others.

The old man had no choice but to drag the cart, and fearfully used the shovel to shovel the three bones into the garbage truck bit by bit.

But in fact they don't know.

The five-poison boy has already reached the point of proficiency in poisoning. If he eats the same steamed bun, the person he wants to die will die, but the others will not die.

So these three bones will be fine for ordinary people to touch.

The carriage soon came to the most luxurious inn in the town.

"Go to the lobby to eat!"

Nie Chong got out of the carriage with the maid and the man in gray robe.

The other party caused him to lose manpower continuously, and the method of poisoning has not yet been found out. He knew that the method of the person who poisoned him was unusual, so he wanted to eat in the lobby of the inn.

At this moment, in a room above the lobby, Cui Wuhu and the Five Poison Boys walked in, and Nie Chong and others were eating in the lobby.

"How many of them are going to die this time!"

Cui Wuhu looked at the Five Poison Boy and said.

"Half of them will die this time. I think they will panic even more if this happens!"

The Five Poison Boy said in a cold voice.

"Half death is good, but we can't delay for too long. According to my investigation, a group of people came to this inn. They may also come for Nie Chong and them."

Cui Wuhu said.

"Pay attention to them, don't let them ruin our plan. My five-layer poison has only reached the third layer, and I will go down two layers. At that time, I can take Nie Chong away. There must be no accidents at this time."

The Five Poison Boy said in a deep voice.

"I asked the Cao family brothers to watch secretly? Although the Cao family brothers are not very strong, they are good at concealing people!"

Cui Wuhu said.

Inside the lobby.

Nie Chong and the gray-robed man sat at a table by the window, and some other guards sat down one after another.

Xiao Er immediately came here with the menu.

"My lord, what do you want to order?"

"Xiao Er, bring a portion of all your signature dishes, and serve with some wine, it's the same on every table!"

Nie Chong opened his mouth and said.

Now that he is being targeted by someone, or by a poison master, he doesn't have much thought about eating.


Xiao Eryi quickly backed away after hearing this.

in a while.

The table of these people is full of food and wine.

The two maids standing beside Nie Chong stepped forward and began to test for drugs. After one by one, they ate all the food on the table and stood behind Nie Chong.

"The prince has no problem!"

After a while, the two maids said at the same time.

On the other tables, Xiao Er eats, and Xiao Er can eat it once.

These people are open to eating and drinking.

at this time
in a box.

There were two men and a woman sitting there. They looked into the hall with serious expressions. Among them was the girl in Tsing Yi. The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old. But looking at Nie Chong at this moment, he was full of hatred.

She held a long sword in her hand, and she held it tightly in her palm, as if she was about to rush out and kill the opponent.

It's just that she seems to deliberately suppress the killing intent on her body, so as not to let her killing intent show through.

"Cousin Qingling, now is not the time to move, you must restrain yourself, as soon as there is any movement, you will be noticed by the other party."

"The gray-robed man next to him is a mixed-race hand martial artist. His palm skills are extremely good, and his practice is even more Hunyuanmen, Hunyuan Kungfu, and his internal energy is extremely strong. Rumor has it that he is about to step into the Seven Difficulties of Heaven and Man!"

"There is also Cao Mang, one of the three commanders of the Liewu Palace, whose strength is even more difficult than that of heaven and man. The three of us are not opponents."

A young man in white beside him spoke.

"Cousin, it seems that we are not the only ones who want to kill them. The news just came that they encountered poison masters on the way here. In the first batch, five people died, and in the second batch, three people died!"

"He is a very strong master of poisoning, I guess they will die later!"

Another person spoke up.

when he speaks.

The guards of King Lie Wu's Mansion, who were drinking heavily below, suddenly covered their necks one after another, foaming from their mouths, and fell to the ground, moaning in pain, just like the few people who fell on the horseback before.

See this situation.

Everyone was shocked and quickly moved away from the table.

Looking at the person who fell on the ground, there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

This is the case for one or two people at each table, and the others are fine.

Sitting upright, Nie Chong's face turned pale, and things were completely beyond his expectation.

At this moment, a maid beside him also clutched her neck and fell to the ground. Like the others, she couldn't breathe for a while.

a time.

The atmosphere in the lobby became tense.

He looked at the maid lying on the ground.

Nie Chong was terrified in his heart. Even beside him, Cheng Wu, who had always been plain in gray, had a solemn expression on his face.

The maid didn't do anything just now, she just ate the food on the table.

He raised his hand and grabbed another maid, and a burst of energy poured into her body.

"No signs of poisoning!"

"My son, the opponent is very strong, we need support!"

He said quietly.

The opponent's poisonous methods are too powerful, they can't stop them.

Upstairs, seeing this situation, the three of them looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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