Chapter 409

They didn't understand how the other party poisoned them at all.

The same people eat the same things, some die and some don't.

How terrible this is.

"It seems that we don't need to do anything. I'm afraid this Nie Chong will not survive."

The young man in white stammered a little.

Although the other party wasn't targeting them, it still chilled him, thinking that if he met such a master poisoner, he might not even know how he died.

"We'd better not move around, otherwise, it may disturb the opponent's rhythm and attack us."

Another young man said.

As for the girl, she was just a little horrified before, but then a smile appeared on her face.

"No, I won't be impulsive. Look at how scared Nie Chong is right now. I still want to see him so frightened. Seeing him like this makes me happy!"

The girl called Qingling spoke.

inside the hall.

Nie Chong's face gradually became calm.

"Commander Cao, ask the innkeeper to expel all the people in the inn. I think the person who poisoned him should be in this inn."

"I want to see who is attacking this prince."

Nie Chong said in a cold voice.

The second floor.

The Five Poison Boy looked at Nie Chong: "He has a bit of brains, but it's a pity that he can't surround this inn with this little manpower. How can he take them down?"

"Let's go!"

The Five Poison Boy said to Cui Wuhu.

"We don't need to leave. If we leave, we will fall into this Nie Chong's trick."

Cui Wuhu said in front of him.

While speaking, two pairs of human skin masks appeared in his hand, one with the face of a child and handed it to the Five Poison Boy, and the other with the appearance of a middle-aged man that he put on himself.

The Five Poison Boy glanced at the human skin mask in his hand, and put it on his face.

When they entered the room, they were all wearing bamboo hats, and the waiter in the inn didn't know what they looked like.

"When I came to Huayuan area, I specially asked the head teacher to help me do this."

"After wearing it, as long as we don't uncover it ourselves, others will not be able to discover our true face."

"Let's keep eating!"

Cui Wuhu said.

While Cui Wuhu was speaking, in the private room not far from them, three figures left directly from the other window in the room.

"Someone leave!"

In the inn lobby, Nie Chong said to Cheng Wu beside him.

When Nie Chong was talking, he was concentrating his ears, checking the situation in each room,

Sensing that the three escaped, Cheng Wu said.

"How is the strength of the three?"

Nie Chong said in a deep voice.

"According to the fluctuations in their voices just now, their strength is not very strong. If I make a move, I can capture them all back." Cheng Wu said.

"Someone is staring at them, they can't go!"

Nie Chong replied, and then said to Cao Mang, "Check every room and bring everyone down to me."

Cao Mang, the leader of the team, heard the words and immediately led the people upstairs to the inn.

"My lord, please raise your hands high, the small shop cannot afford such a loss!"

At this time, the innkeeper cautiously came to Nie Chong and asked.

"This son is the son of King Liewu, and all the losses in the palace will be borne by this son!" Nie Chong said coldly.

When the person in charge heard that Nie Chong was the son of King Liewu, he immediately bowed and said, "Everything will be done according to His Royal Highness's arrangement."

As a warrior or other identities, he can still use the people behind him to overwhelm him. After all, to be able to open such a restaurant and inn in such a bustling town must have some influence.

But Nie Chong reported his identity as the eldest son, which is not comparable to the people behind him, so now Nie Chong can do whatever he wants.

"The son of King Liewu, you are really majestic. This is not the fiefdom of King Liewu."

On the second floor, a window opened, and a woman in a black dress was looking downstairs. The voice just now was made by her. Nie Chong looked at the woman.

A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and there was a charm on her body.

"Sky Illusion Sect, Fairy Yunxi!"

Seeing the woman's appearance, Nie Chong spoke to the only remaining maid beside him.

【Illusion Sect】!
It is one of the thirteen sects in Linbian Tingzhou area of ​​Huayuan.

There are thirteen counties in the Tingzhou area, and each of the thirteen sects manages one county. They are now located in Tongchuan, which is within the jurisdiction of one of the thirteen sects [Tianhuanzong].

Known by the maid as Fairy Yunxi, she is the third disciple of the suzerain of [Tian Huanzong]. It is rumored that she is naturally charming, and she practices the most famous [Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Disillusionment Method] of [Tian Huanzong].

"I didn't expect Fairy Yunxi to be here. What a disrespect, Fairy Yunxi. The other party attacked me on your [Tianxuanzong] territory, but he didn't give you [Tianfanzong] face. I think Fairy Yunxi also I hope these people can be found!"

Nie Chong said,

"Didn't someone leave just now? It's enough for your people to capture those people, but do you think that by driving them out in this way, you can distinguish the other party?"

"The other party is a master of poison, so you won't be able to find out so easily!"

"What's more, Mr. Nie, you don't need to put a high hat on me here. The other party is killing people, but they are all people from your palace, and no one else is touched."

"This has already given us [Tianhuanzong] face, so please, Mr. Nie, don't spread the grievances between you to other people."

"I would like to ask Shizi Nie to be the same as the other party and not to disturb other people. If you want to find the other party, then find the other party with your ability!" Fairy Yunxi looked at Nie Chong and said.

Hearing Fairy Yun Xi's words, Nie Chong's expression changed slightly: "Then let it go for the sake of Fairy's sake!"

"Shopkeeper, arrange a backyard for us!"

As the largest restaurant inn in the town, it has a dedicated courtyard.

"Sir, please!"

The shopkeeper hurried over and led Nie Chong and others towards the backyard of the inn.

When he left, he told the waiter in the shop to clean up the corpse quickly.

Martial arts are prosperous in this world, and fighting in these rivers and lakes is very common. The waiter in the shop quickly began to clean up the corpses on the ground.

After everyone left.

Fairy Yunxi closed the window and returned to the house.

"We just came to follow the whereabouts of Shizi Nie, how did you get in touch with him?" There was also a woman in a white dress in the room.

The woman has a proud figure and a somewhat glamorous appearance.

"If I don't show up, won't you and I be kicked out too?"

"Once you and I are kicked out, I will lose face to [Tianhuanzong]. What's more, I really think that Nie Chong will not be able to find each other if he does this."

"Although poison masters like to watch their masterpieces live, but the other party is so strong in poison, it is not difficult to walk away without making a sound."

"Of course it is possible to be discovered. When the two sides fight, and when the fight starts, the master poisoner will poison without scruple. I'm afraid there will be no life in this building. I'm afraid you and I won't be able to get out."

"I'm doing it for our own good!"

Fairy Yunxi said.

"It is indeed as you said. In fact, I took a look at Nie Chong's face, and he is more than just a bad guy."

The woman in the white skirt said softly.

"Then you count the three people who left, whether it is good or bad."

Fairy Yunxi looked at the woman in the white skirt and said.

(End of this chapter)

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