Chapter 411 Poisonous suppression, violent crushing

The speed of the other party is not fast, but it is not slow either. It will soon be close to five feet, and the figure has no intention of stopping

For a moment, Cao Mang's eyes were bright and introverted, and his body was full of murderous intent. As long as the opponent entered the five zhang area, he would send out a thunderous blow.


When the figure of the other party was about to approach five feet, he stopped abruptly.

"Commander Cao Mang, with murderous intent, don't be so cohesive!"

A deep voice came from the man in black robe.

Hearing this voice, Cao Mang's eyes changed suddenly, and the power condensed in his body instantly reached its peak like an oven. The person who came was the one they were waiting for, and he had to act first.

As soon as the footsteps kicked the ground, the figure rushed out instantly.

The ground shook, and his figure was like thunder and lightning, attacking the black-robed man with billowing vigor.

When Cao Mang shot, the Gang Qi exploded, forming a thunderous roar, and the air under Cao Mang's fist suddenly made a sharp and ear-piercing howl.

Cao Mang's fist hit the opponent's body directly, but the opponent's figure dissipated and appeared on the other side. Cao Mang immediately attacked there, and the same thing happened again.

above the city gate.

"Then what is Cao Mang doing? He's attacking the air and trying his best!"

Yun Xi looked at the scene below the city tower, a little puzzled.

The man in black robe was standing far away at this moment, heading towards the carriage.

Cao Mang was in another place, and kept hitting the air with his shots.

"He may have suffered from an illusion, or may have lost his mind due to poisoning."

"Based on the previous situation, this Cao Mang should have lost his mind due to poisoning."

At this time, the curtain of the carriage in front of Nie Chong had already been lifted due to Cao Mang's random punches, and they saw Cao Mang who was constantly punching.

The three people in the carriage looked at this situation, their expressions became very solemn.

"Cao Mang!"

The young man stepped out of the carriage, let out a low growl, and attacked Cao Mang with all his vigor.

Cao Mang paused when he heard the voice.

But then, he attacked the old man.

Seeing this situation, the old man's eyes froze, his figure moved, and he came to Cao Mang in a blink of an eye, stretched out his claws, and grabbed the opponent's arm directly.

Remove one arm of the opponent directly, and then quickly remove the other arm.

In the end, the lightning-fast blows of both legs hit the joints of Cao Mang's legs, click, click, and both legs were broken.

In the next moment, Cao Mang uttered a scream and collapsed on the ground, screaming again and again.

But his limbs were broken, so he could only roll over on the ground, unable to do other movements at all.

"It's really hot!"

Not far away, the man in black robe said.

"Who are you, why do you want to attack the prince of Liewu Wangfu?"

After the young veteran Cao Mang's limbs were crippled, he kicked Cao Mang aside and looked coldly at the man in black.

This black-robed person is exactly Cui Wuhu pretending to be.

"You have killed too many people in Liewu Prince's Mansion, and you don't need to know who they are. I'm here today to see you off."

Cui Wuhu's voice seemed very low, giving off a very eerie feeling.

"That depends on whether you have the strength!"

At this time, Cheng Wu's figure on the carriage moved, and his figure turned into a black light, appearing in front of Cui Wuhu.

The palm of the hand slashed down, like a long knife, and slashed towards Cui Wuhu with terrifying vigor.

Because he was afraid that Cui Wuhu's body would be poisonous, Cheng Wu directly used his palm to form a sword light, and beheaded Cui Wuhu.

He believed that he could cut Cui Wuhu in half with the energy gathered in his palm.

"It's not time for you to die, but you are going to die yourself!"

Cui Wuhu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Wu suddenly felt the energy in his body, as if it had been emptied in an instant, and there was nothing left.

The energy condensed in the palm also shattered immediately.

And at this moment, Cui Wuhu's body erupted with a huge wave of blood energy, which combined with the energy of his body, forming a continuously rising aura.

Then the whole person erupted in an instant, punching out with a punch, and the fist in his hand was fierce, and he punched Cheng Wu who had lost all the energy in his body.

The whole person is like a column of blood, flying upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood, with internal organs in the blood, exhaling more and inhaling less at a time.

After a successful blow, Cui Wuhu didn't stop, he shot out violently, and unscrupulously came in front of Cheng Wu, grabbing the opponent's head with his palm.


Pick off the opponent's head directly.

A stream of blood spurted from the neck.

"Some are cruel, some are unscrupulous, so why doesn't Tan Qing make a move?"

Fairy Yun Xi looked at this scene with horrified eyes, but asked with some puzzlement.

"That's because he thought that the person who appeared was not the person who poisoned him. He was on guard against the person who poisoned him, so he could only watch Cheng Wu being killed."

"I'm just curious about how the other party poisoned them. Cheng Wu and Cao Mang didn't have any signs of poisoning before."

The woman in the white skirt frowned, she kept thinking.

"Who are you guys, how did they get poisoned, and when did you poison them!"

The green-robed old man looked at Cui Wuhu and asked in a deep voice. When he spoke, his whole body was full of vigor, afraid that the other party would poison him.

Although Cheng Wu and Cao Mang are weaker than themselves, but the other party can poison them as well as him.

After thinking for a while, a pill appeared in his hand and swallowed it directly.

This is a detoxification pill, I hope it can help myself.

"Detoxification Pill, this poison has no effect."

"Let you die more clearly. Your poison is placed on the carriage. As long as you touch the carriage, you will be poisoned. Of course, it is only the first layer of poison in the five layers of poison."

"The second level of poison is the earliest five people died before, the third level of poison, three people died at the city gate, and the fourth level is the food in the restaurant. As for the fifth level, I won't tell you."

Cui Wuhu didn't say the last layer of poison, nor how it was applied.

"You are not the person who poisoned, let the person who poisoned come out!"

The green-robed old man looked at Cui Wuhu and said.

While speaking, the green-robed old man stepped forward and rushed towards Cui Wuhu in an instant. He was so fast that he wanted to catch Cui Wuhu when Cui Wuhu launched the fifth layer of poison. antidote.

Seeing the opponent's attack, Cui Wuhu showed a smile on his face, clenched his palm into a fist, and punched out, the fist was like thunder in summer, and there was a loud noise.

Amidst the loud noise, the old man in the green robe who made the move was stunned and hesitated for a while.

And at this moment of hesitation, he felt the heart in his body beating suddenly, thumping, becoming more and more violent, as if it was about to burst at any time.

He retreated quickly, avoiding Cui Wuhu's punch, and landed beside the carriage, moving towards his heart with energy, trying to suppress the beating.

Here Cui Wuhu missed a single blow, his body turned around, and he continued to punch, the punch fell like thunder,

"not good!"

Under such circumstances, the green-robed old man murmured secretly, and let out a trace of vigor that ran through his arms, and then, with the momentum of lifting the mountains and rivers, he forcibly met Cui Wuhu's thunderous punch.

The fist shadow left behind the sound of a powerful torrent, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds in an instant.

The old man in green robe spat out a mouthful of blood, and his arms dropped a little, but at this moment, the old man in green robe turned around and fled towards the distance, so fast that he left the carriage and got on Nie Chong to escape.

Cui Wuhu looked at the fleeing old man in green robe, sneered, and then slapped the intact carriage cover over.

At this moment, Nie Chong's face was pale, and he wanted to say something, but he felt darkness before his eyes, and he fell on the carriage on the ground.

Cui Wuhu stepped forward to mention Nie Chong, turned around and left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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