Chapter 412 Murong Fu, Mengcheng 【Iron Palm Gang】

Cui Wuhu wanted to bring back Nie Chong, the son of King Liewu, to Liu Liqing from [Gate of Resentment], and let Liu Liqing kill him.

Of course, if King Lie Wu couldn't find Nie Chong's body, he would think that Nie Chong was not dead, and he would be more jealous, making things a bit confusing.

"Are we going to follow?"

Fairy Yun Xi looked at Cui Wuhu who was leaving with Nie Chong.

"Although this person's realm is only one of heaven and man, but he has poison masters to help him. If you and I follow, I'm afraid there will be bad results."

"I don't want to put myself in danger."

"However, I don't understand. Nie Chong's face is that of death. Why didn't that person kill him directly, but took him away."

Having said that, the woman in the white skirt frowned slightly.

"Since that's the case, whether Nie Chong will die or not has nothing to do with us. Just report the news to the sect. Let's go!"

Fairy Yunxi glanced at the direction Cui Wuhu left and said.

far away
Cui Wuhu, who was carrying Nie Chong, had a slight expression on his face. He thought the two people watching the battle would make a move?
But I didn't expect that the two of them didn't move.

Holding Nie Chong's body, he left quickly.

The matter of Nie Chong fermented very quickly, and it spread within a day.


In a small manor.

inside the room.

Murong Fu ended the energy circulating in his body, stood up, and stepped out of the room.

Xiao Ruoyan was standing outside the door.Murong Fu walked out of the room.

Xiao Ruoyan bowed and waited on her, and now she is Murong Fu's maid.

"Nie Chong, who came to the capital, was kidnapped, and his life and death are unknown."

"There was only one person who made the move, and his strength was one of the most difficult in nature, but he was helped by a master of poison. Nie Chong's teacher, a martial artist with eight difficulties in nature, was killed after being poisoned."

Xiao Ruoyan informed Murong Fu of the information.

"Poisoned, it should be the Five Poison Boy who took action, and he is the only one with this method. It seems that Nie Chong will definitely die, which is a good thing for us."

Murong Fu said softly.

"It's a good thing, but my son, the Twelfth Prince wants you to go to Mengcheng and subdue the Mengcheng Iron Palm Gang."

Xiao Ruoyan said.

"Iron Palm Gang, these twelve princes want to occupy the waterway in Mengcheng."

"Right now, the Iron Palm Gang is rumored to be secretly controlled by Yang Zhan, one of the three inspectors, the right governor. The twelve princes want to grab business from Yang Zhan, so it's a little too hasty!"

Murong Fu frowned slightly.

"My lord, there are some rumors outside that Yang Zhan is about to step down from the position of the right governor."

Xiao Ruoyan said.

"Retire? No wonder? But if this is the case, not only the Twelve Princes will be interested in Mengcheng Iron Palm Gang, but also the other eldest princes."

Murong Fu frowned slightly.

"Yes, I'm collecting information on this, and I believe I'll soon know which factions are interested in that [Iron Palm Gang]."

"However, the Iron Palm Gang is the largest gang in Mengcheng. It is in charge of the thirteen serial docks in the waters outside Mengcheng. It is powerful. Previously, Yang Zhan only cooperated with it and wanted to win them to serve the Twelve Princes. I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Xiao Ruoyan said.

"You and I go to the palace. Get to know the specific information of the Iron Palm Gang. After checking it, we will find a way to make a move!"

Murong Fu said.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in a hundred battles.

While the two were talking, they walked out of the courtyard.

After a while, they came to the residence of the Twelve Princes not far away,

In the mansion of the Twelve Princes, there were four guards in front of them. The guards were dressed in black with a long black knife on their waists.

There was a chilly aura emanating from the long knife, which showed that the strength of these four people was not simple.

When they saw Murong Fu, one of them stepped forward and said, "I met Mr. Murong!"

Murong Fu nodded towards the visitor, and led Xiao Ruoyan into the palace.

He is now a guest of the palace, and he is valued by the twelve princes, and he is given a token to move around in the palace, so these attendants did not stop him.

In the banquet hall
The Twelfth Prince, Liu He, was drinking tea.

"Your Highness, Murong Fu asks to see you!"

Murong Fu, who walked outside the banquet hall, did not step into the banquet hall, but bowed outside and said.

The descendants of the Murong Fu Dayan royal family paid great attention to etiquette.

Because of this, the Twelve Princes admire Murong Fu very much, and Murong Fu is not as unruly as a man in the world, so Murong Fu has the qualification to walk around in the palace for a short time.

"Come in!"

Liu He opened his mouth and said.

Murong Fu stepped into the banquet hall and saluted the Twelfth Prince: "I have seen Your Highness!"

"Murong, you are here because of the Mengcheng Iron Palm Gang!"

When Liu He was talking, he waved Murong Fu to sit down.

But Murong Fu still stood, did not sit down, and said: "Yes, Your Highness, this [Iron Palm Gang] is the largest gang in Mengcheng. At this time, I am afraid many people are watching."

"I came to see His Highness, mainly to ask His Highness if you need to keep your hands when you strike."

Murong Fu said softly.

"Competing for interests, life and death, you don't need to keep your hands, let alone if you keep your hands, others may not. When the time comes, you will be the one who dies."

The Twelfth Prince Liu He said.

"Then this subordinate will understand. Don't worry, Your Highness. I will connect with [Iron Palm Gang] and help His Highness get help from [Iron Palm Gang]."

Murong replied.

"Okay, as long as you help me complete this matter, you will send you an unexpected good deed."

The Twelfth Prince Liu He said.

"Then I'll sit and wait for His Highness's favor. I'll go to the secret storehouse to collect all the materials of [Iron Palm Gang], and then leave for Mengcheng."

Murong Fu then said.

"Okay! You are going to Mengcheng this time to represent me. This is my Wang Ling. You should take it with you!"

"By the way, Yun Hezi, a guest of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, will leave for Mengcheng [Iron Palm Gang] today."

The Twelve Princes handed the token worn around their waists to Murong Fu, and also said something like this.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, that Yunhezi won't be able to reach Mengcheng."

After Murong Fu received Wang Ling, he said with certainty.

"Alright, Murong Fu, you understand my thoughts."

The twelve princes said with a smile.

"Then subordinate, take your leave first, Your Highness waits for my good news."

Murong Fu left after saluting, and took Xiao Ruoyan to the secret vault to retrieve information about the [Iron Palm Gang].

"That's how you trust him!"

A woman in red came out of the back hall, walked up to Liu He, and sat in his arms.

"Believe it, why don't I believe him? I have already checked out his background. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that I can see the desire for power in his eyes."

"I may not be able to give him other things, but power, as long as I succeed, I can give him."

"There is nothing trustworthy in the world that can keep the other party from betraying. The best bargaining chip is interest, and everyone takes what they need."

The twelve princes said in a cold voice.

While speaking, the Twelfth Prince Liu He said, "How does the matter of Nie Chong affect my Seventh Brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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