The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 414 Mrs. Anqing Hou, Qiao Feng Appears in Jiangnan Luo City

Chapter 414 Mrs. Anqing Hou, Qiao Feng Appears in Jiangnan Luo City (One Chapter)
Cai Jing in the banquet hall fell silent after hearing what An Qinghou said.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "You mean that [Yedi]'s strength has reached the point where his inner strength has melted into the sea?"

The issue that warriors are most concerned about is strength, and everything else can be ranked last.

"Yes! Otherwise, how could I, the number one expert in the Marquis of Anqing Mansion, die in the hands of the other party?"

Seeing what Cai Jing said, An Qinghou couldn't help but turn cold.

"This does not mean to belittle the number one expert in your mansion, but I am a little surprised at the strength of [Ye Di]."

After a brief surprise, Cai Jing's expression recovered.

"Just now the guard outside my mansion said, you brought what I want." An Qinghou said at this time.

"Of course, this is the sincerity of our cooperation,"

Cai Jing took out a jade bottle from his bosom, and said, "There are two [Three-turn Dragon Pattern Pills] in this bottle, which should be able to help you [Tian Wu Zhen Long Jin] break through to the next level."

Anqinghou didn't hesitate, took the jade bottle and said: "I, Anqinghou's mansion and [Golden Wind and Rain Tower] have already made enemies, so I will deal with [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] next!"

From the previous conversation, he knew that the other party was in contact with [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower], so he clarified the matter first.

"Is it better to get rid of enemies or end them? I will meet [Ye Di] tonight. I hope that after I meet, I can see the attitude of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower]. How about Master Hou?"

Cai Jing said in a deep voice.

[Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] and An Qinghou are both useful to him, so he hopes that the two will not conflict.

Of course, he had to meet with [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] before he could finally confirm his attitude.

"I can wait a day!"

An Qinghou said.

"Thank you, Lord Hou, I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, Cai Jing didn't stay here any longer, and turned to leave.

After An Qinghou left, a woman in a purple dress came out from the shadows.

"Do you think this person is the three leader of [Evil League]?"

An Qinghou looked at the woman in the purple dress who came out and said,

"This person has a strong aura, which gives people a sense of unfathomable depth. It is indeed possible. Why don't you follow me!"

The woman in the purple skirt said.

"It will be discovered. Take these two pills for inspection. If there is no problem, leave one for inspection to see if you can refine the same pill. Send me the other one. I will use it to break through 【Heavenly Martial True Dragon Strength】Next level."

Although An Qinghou was young, he was very cautious in doing things.

Although he knew that [Evil League] still needed him as an ally for the time being, he would not attack him.

But no matter what, just in case,


The woman in the purple skirt put the elixir back.

"We still need to find a more powerful pharmacist, otherwise the later pills cannot be refined, and I can't be attached to [Xiemeng] all the time, and cultivate [Tianwu Zhenlongjin] to the last level."

Anqinghou said.

"The subordinates have roughly locked down three people, and they are currently observing. After confirmation, the subordinates will invite them with a lot of money."

Purple dress woman way,

"it is good!"

An Qinghou nodded, and then said: "Is Murong Qingchen still in Fengjiazhuang?"

"Murong Qingchen is still in Fengjiazhuang, but there is news from [Tianjian Division] that the three elders of Tianjian Division have fully recognized Murong Qingchen's status."

"It is estimated that after a while, Murong Qingchen will become the head of the new generation [Tianjian Division]."

The woman in the purple skirt said.

"Is that so?"

An Qinghou frowned slightly, Murong Qingchen had his eye on him regarding the matter of Fengjiazhuang.

Once Murong Qingchen secures the position of [Heavenly Superintendent] chief, he will probably be watched all the time.

"You go down first!"

An Qinghou waved his hand.

The woman in the purple skirt bowed out of the banquet hall. At this time, a person from outside the hall was walking in.

"I've seen Mrs."

The woman in the purple skirt bowed and saluted when she saw the person coming, and walked out of the banquet hall.

The visitor was dressed luxuriously, about 28 or [-] years old, graceful and graceful, wearing a long white dress, with light blue lotus flowers embroidered on the cuffs, gold thread and silver border, and a wide white piece wrapped on the chest, with obvious bumps .

Walking gracefully, it looks a little luxurious, giving people a very beautiful feeling
Mrs. Anqinghou, one of the most beautiful women in the capital
She entered the hall gracefully, showing a high level of aristocratic cultivation, unlike warriors who,

Seeing his wife coming, An Qinghou stepped forward to support the woman's arm.

"Ma'am, why did you come to the front hall?"

An Qinghou asked softly.

"You've been stuck at home for so long, why don't I come and ask!"

The woman spoke, her voice was like that of an orchid in an empty valley, and there was a trace of natural charm in the orchid.

"Ma'am, I will take care of this matter!"

An Qinghou said softly.

"Husband, you and I are one, there are some things I still need to know."

The woman's voice changed from soft to harsh.

Anqinghou's fief is in the Biansu area, and the Biansu area has five counties, the most powerful of these five counties is the power, named "Qilian Twelve Caves".

Miao Ruofeng, Mrs. Anqinghou, is the daughter of Miao Batian, the owner of the Twelve Caves of Qilian.

But An Qinghou always felt that this Miao Ruofeng was not Miao Batian's daughter,

Because Miao Batian is tall and strong, and Miao Ruofeng is as beautiful as a fairy, these are not proportional at all.

But doubts are doubts, why would he not be able to get such a beauty, and to be able to form an alliance with Qilian Twelve Caves, allowing him to completely control the border area?

"Recently contacted [Xiemeng], and was targeted by Murong Qingchen. Murong Qingchen who is in charge of [Heavenly Supervision Department] may not be very friendly to me!"

Anqinghou said.

"You are in contact with the [Evil Alliance]. The [Evil Alliance] has only appeared in recent years, and they are very extreme in their actions. It seems that there is some purpose. When you contact them, it is best to stop in moderation."

Mrs. An Qing said in a deep voice after hearing the words.

"They have the Dragon Mark Pill that I need, and it's rank three. I need such a pill if I want to break through [Tianwu True Dragon Strength]."

Anqinghou said.

Although Madam An is as beautiful as a fairy, Marquis An Qing doesn't tell Madam Yu An everything.

Now that the other party asked, he didn't hide it either.

"[Three-turn Dragon Mark Pill], this [Xiemeng] can actually refine such a pill?"

Mrs. An Qing was a little surprised.

"Ma'am, this time I came here, I should not only ask about these things, there should be other things!"

An Qinghou changed the subject.

"There is one thing! The [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] will hold a Rare Treasures Conference in the capital in three days, and you will go with me when the time comes."

Mrs. An Qing spoke.

"[South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] is going to hold a Rare Treasure Conference?"

When Anqinghou heard this, his expression changed slightly.

"Ma'am, you and the president of the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce are best friends. I wonder if we can participate in the Rare Treasures Conference of the [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce]."

Anqinghou said.

"Master Hou, is there something wrong with your funds? If you have money to help you, you should not be short of money."

Mrs. An Qing looked at An Qinghou and said.

"Jin Yuling died, and now the money gang has cut off my financial support, saying that they need to wait for the leader of the money gang to get out of customs before continuing to cooperate with me."

An Qinghou said in a deep voice.

The frontier land is barren, and the tax revenue is too little, so it can barely provide for his army.

However, to improve the strength of warriors, pills are needed, and a large number of pills cost too much. He didn't feel the pressure because he had money to help support here.

Now that the money gang has cut off his supply, he needs to find other sources of wealth.

South Sea Chamber of Commerce
He settled in the capital three years ago and opened a large business house in the capital, which is very luxurious.

The things inside are some rare treasures found in the South China Sea area, things that are not found in the inland area, especially the white and round pearls, which are very popular with Mrs. Jingshi.

Of course, there will be some treasure auctions from time to time, which will increase the popularity of the [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce].

If he can occupy a floor on the [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce], he must be able to relieve the current pressure.

Hearing Marquis An Qing's words, Mrs. An Qing frowned slightly: "You are trying to play [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce], [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] is very deep, I advise you not to make such an idea."

"Can you help me make an appointment with Mrs. Ruyi first, and listen to her thoughts?"

An Qinghou didn't care about the depth of the [Hainan Chamber of Commerce], he only knew that he needed to get out of the predicament, even if it was just to solve a little bit first.

"Okay, then I'll help you get in touch. In the afternoon, I'll go to see her and make an appointment for you by the way."

Although Mrs. An Qinghou frowned slightly, she finally nodded.

Golden Wind Drizzle Building.

Nalan Rongyan held an invitation in her hand and placed it in front of Bai Choufei.

"Three days later, the Rare Treasures Conference held by the [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] invites you and me to participate?"

Nalan Rongyan said.

"[South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] Rare Treasures Conference, you and I are invited to participate!"

Bai Choufei was taken aback.

[South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] He knows that the participants are some noble wives and daughters of the capital, who are mainly engaged in women's business.

"There are other treasures appearing in this Rare Treasure Conference, so when they invited them, they invited two people."

Nalan Rongyan said.

"Then let's go and have a look. I just happen to meet some dignitaries from the capital."

Baichou flew away.

"The Marquis of Anqing is in the Marquis Mansion, what's going on?" Bai Choufei asked.

"There is no movement, but his life seems to be difficult. The Money Gang has cut off the financial support. Although his other industries are profitable, they cannot support his consumption."

"However, someone went to see Marquis Anqing today, and his appearance has already been drawn."

Nalan Rongyan took out a painting from her sleeve, and put it in front of Bai Choufei, the number one expert in the Marquis of Anqing, but died in the hands of [Yedi], so Bai Choufei had to pay attention to Marquis Anqing.

"This person came out after entering Anqinghou's mansion very short time. The person who arranged for him failed to keep an eye on him!"

Nalan Rongyan said in a deep voice.

"Maybe someone from [Evil Alliance]!"

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

Hearing that Bai Choufei said that the other party was from the Xiemeng, Nalan Rongyan frowned slightly, and said, "Then the three leaders of the [Xiemeng] are going to meet Lord [Yedi] tonight? Why is it at this time? Pai How about people going to Anqinghou Mansion?"

"Maybe I want to know the situation in the mountains a few days ago." Bai Choufei said.

"In that case, the three lords of [Xiemeng] will know that the long saber was passed from our hands to Murong Qingchen's."

Nalan Rongyan said.

"We and the [Xiemeng] are just a cooperative relationship, but there is no binding force, not to mention that after today, whether we cooperate or not is another matter?"

"However, matters concerning Marquis Anqing and [Xiemeng] are decided by Lord [Yedi]. We don't need to worry about it, we just need to do what we have to do."

"You have time to find out what special items will appear in this [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] Rare Treasures Conference. The young master likes such things very much. If possible, make some things and send them to the young master." Bai Choufei said.

Bai Choufei knew the effect of some rare treasures on Su Chen.

The Great Zhou Dynasty, Jiangnan, owned the most fertile land of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

There are eighteen counties in the entire Jiangnan area. Although there are only eighteen counties, the area of ​​each county is twice that of other counties.

It can be said that the eighteen counties in the Jiangnan area are equivalent to 36 counties in other counties.

It is the largest area in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, because of the large area, the forces here are intricate.

Changhe County.Los Angeles.

A pier.

Qiao Feng and the three elders came out of a black boat, all three of them were wearing bamboo hats.

It's drizzling outside, although it doesn't move, it can wet the clothes if it falls on the clothes. Wearing a large bamboo hat can avoid the drizzle.

"Master, why did we choose Luo City in Changhe County? Changhe County itself is in the middle of the [-] counties in the south of the Yangtze River, and this Luo City is even more average. The development here may lag behind."

An old man with a bamboo stick beside him spoke.

The old man had nine pockets hanging from his waist.

Beside the old man, there are two other people who also carry bamboo sticks and have eight pockets around their waists.

"Changhe County governs 24 cities, eight of which are in the downstream area, and Los Angeles is in the middle."

"Every year during the rainy season, the eight downstream cities will encounter some flood disasters, and many people will be displaced to the Luo River. In that case, there will be many beggars in this Luo City. It is time for us to recruit the beggars' gang."

Qiao Feng said.

"Master, it's no problem to gather these beggars, but there will be plagues in floods. If we gather these people, I'm afraid we need to beware of the plague and need to reserve a lot of medicine."

The elder Nine Bags beside him said,

"That's right, the plague is useless to me and others with a cultivation level, but it is still very dangerous for people who are born innately, but we are new here, so we may not be able to prepare a large amount of such medicine."

An eight-pocket elder said.

"Before I came here, I checked some information about Changhe County. There are three major factions in Luocheng. Among them, the Luohe Gang is doing water and land business on the surface, but they are secretly doing human trafficking business. If we do this, I'm afraid it will touch their interests."

Another eight bag elder said,

"It doesn't matter if it involves interests. Our beggar gang used to be the largest gang in the world, so when we come to this world, we still have to become the largest gang in the world. It's good that the Luohe gang is in peace with us, but if there is something wrong with us... What are you thinking, I don't mind, I will go to the Luohe Gang myself!"

Qiao Feng spoke boldly.

"But the power behind the Luohe Gang is the Lie family of the Seventh Emperor's son and mother. If this is the case, we may face the Lie family!"

Elder Nine Bags said in a deep voice
"There's no need to worry. Recently, the eldest prince has taken action against the Seventh Prince's mother clan."

"Although the uncle of the Seventh Prince, Lie Zhenbei, the number one master of the Lie family, returned to Jiangnan to sit in the Lie family, which changed the situation, but it still hasn't completely changed."

"For a force like the Luohe Gang, even if we wipe out the Luohe Gang, it will not attract the attention of the Lie Family to a certain extent. If we gain a foothold here, our Beggar Gang can start to radiate Changhe County,"

"After covering Changhe County, it can start to spread towards the entire Jiangnan area."

Qiao Feng said.

"Let's go, let's go to the city first, and see Fangshi where the pills are circulated in the city."

If you want to prepare a large amount of medicine, you need to find a cooperative pill seller to make a large amount of the plague-preventing pill Qinglingdan.

(End of this chapter)

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