Chapter 415 [Evil Alliance] Creating Plagues and Riots

Zhuge Zhengwo and Yuan Suiyun stood in front of Su Chen.

"My lord, the nine northern counties have stabilized, and I have drawn up a list of resources that need to be handed over by various forces in various places."

Zhuge Zhengwo is now helping Su Chen to manage the affairs of the leader of the nine northern counties.

To become the overlord of the nine counties in the north, it is impossible not to allow the subordinate forces to offer resources, otherwise, this martial arts overlord is a false name.

"My lord, this matter needs to be implemented quickly. We have spent too much recently, and the business of the [Blue Dragon Club] continues to slump."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to receive any more big business in the nine counties in the north. After all, all the major forces know that you are the young master of the [Azure Dragon Society]."

"The Azure Dragon Society is the overlord of the nine counties in the north, and they dare not cause trouble on their own territory."

"The other thing is to support the expansion of the Golden Wind and Rain Building's personnel, and the consumption of its own resources will soon consume the resources obtained earlier, so the collection needs to be carried out as soon as possible!"

Yuan Suiyun said from the side.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Yuan Suiyun's words, Su Chen regretted a bit, and took charge of the nine northern counties as the young master of the [Qinglonghui],

Fame is earned, but pockets don't get any bigger.

"I will trouble Mr. Zhuge with this matter!"

In my previous life, Zhuge Zheng was not only the master of the Shenhou Mansion, but also the Grand Tutor, the number one person in the six sects, in charge of the nine counties in the north, without any problems.

"Yes, then my subordinates will start posting now, asking them to send some of this year's resources first."

Many martial arts powers in the nine northern counties have changed, and it can be said that the loss is great. Some of them are in positions, and they may not be able to gather the resources turned in in such a short period of time, so Zhuge Zheng and I are going to collect part of it first.

Su Chen nodded.

After Zhuge Zheng and I left.

Su Chen looked at Yuan Suiyun and said: "Shanhemen must have less resources, otherwise, problems will arise. The Golden Wind and Rain Building has just entered the capital for the time being and needs support. Gu Santong personally Sitting in the township, Dugu Wudi competes with Tianshan faction, which consumes a lot of resources."

In many cases, it is not due to personal strength, it is impossible for a master to make a move at every turn.

So we need manpower

"Suiyun, do you think we have spread a little too much, which led to the current situation!"

Su Chen stood up with his hands behind his back and said.

"My lord, the [Blue Dragon Club] killer mission needs to be resumed as soon as possible. According to the schedule, Qiao Feng should have arrived in Deluo City, Jiangnan Changhe County. He probably needs a lot of resources."

"Lianchengbi and Murongfu do not need resource support for the time being. Lianchengbi is in the central area of ​​Jiangnan, beside the green lake outside Sucheng, to build [Wugou Villa]. The person who invested in the construction of the villa is Li Yimei, daughter of the Li family, a wealthy businessman in Jiangnan."

The original follow the cloud.

Hearing this, Su Chen's eyes moved slightly: "You mean, the [Wugou Villa] established by Lian Chengbi was funded by Li Yimei, the daughter of the Li family, a wealthy businessman. How did Li Yimei get in touch with Li Yimei?"

Su Chen asked a little puzzled.

"When Lian Chengbi entered the south of the Yangtze River, he accidentally rescued Li Yimei from Caihua Thief, and the Li family was just a businessman, and there were no martial arts talents in the family, so the Li family's help for Lian Chengbi was considered a stroke of luck in the early stage. invest."

Yuan Suiyun said.

"The Li family has a good vision and can see that Lianchengbi is extraordinary. If this is the case, Lianchengbi's [Wugou Villa] doesn't need our support in the early stage!"

Su Chen said.

"My lord, [Yedi] met with the three leaders of [Xiemeng] and mentioned one thing, which has something to do with Qiao Feng's current location in Los Angeles."

Yuan Suiyun said with a solemn expression.

"Is it related to Qiao Feng's location in Los Angeles?"

Seeing Yuan Suiyun's solemn expression, Su Chen asked with some doubts.

"[Xiemeng] wants to use the intelligence capabilities of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] to spread the plague and riots in Los Angeles."

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Qiao Feng's report didn't say there was a plague in Los Angeles?"

Su Chen heard something was wrong, but then he understood: "You mean [Evil Alliance] people want to create plague and riots in Los Angeles."

"Yes, and the layout of this matter should have already started, or it should have been completed. Waiting for the flood in the lower reaches of Changhe County. According to the survey of the subordinates, the rainy season in Changhe County has begun, and the amount of water this year is higher than in previous years. Some."

The original follow the cloud.

"[Xiemeng] What are they trying to do? Create plagues, riots, fight against the court, has [Ye Di] found out?"

Su Chen couldn't think of what the other party wanted to do?
Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty is still in its heyday, plagues and riots can only be said to be sparks, which can be extinguished at will.

What is the intention of the other party to do this?
"[Ye Di] did not find out, although [Ye Di] lord saw the three leaders of [Xiemeng], but judging from the breath and other details, the other party may not have met him in his true colors. "

The original follow the cloud.

"Is that so? Then tell Qiao Feng to pay attention to this situation, as well as things about Los Angeles, and report to me as soon as there is a situation. I always feel that there is something hidden behind this matter?"

Su Chen is in Lingnan County, which is far from Jiangnan, even if he doesn't want to see this situation, he can't stop it, and according to the situation, the other party should have already completed the layout.

Now he can only see what the other party wants to do?
"This subordinate will write to Qiao Feng immediately."

The original follow the cloud.

"Isn't Zi Hanyue going to deal with [Tianshan faction]? Why is there no movement at all!"

Since the battle between Gu Santong and Huo Mufeng, the head teacher of the [Tianshan School], Zi Hanyue of the Hanyue Sect seems to have disappeared.

"The subordinates haven't been in contact with Miss Hanyue recently. It is estimated that after seeing Huo Mufeng's strength, he has some scruples and dare not take action against [Tianshan faction]?"

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"But [Tianshan School] is a threat and needs to be eliminated!"

Su Chen said.

Although [Ghost Domain] and [Tianshan faction] continue to clash outside the Great Wall, and casualties are also increasing, masters above the Heavenly Human Realm seldom fight against each other.

In this regard, the [Ghost Domain] gathered by Dugu Invincible has a large number of people, but the results of the battle do not have much advantage.

Judging from the current situation.

[Tianshan faction] intentionally dragged them down in this way.

"[Tianshan School] Do we have spies in-depth inside?"

Su Chen asked.

"[Tianshan School] Except for the Nanshan disciples led by the lord of Nanshan, Mu Fengyun, and the three mountain rangers who appeared later, there is no one else."

"And [Tianshan faction] has been completely sealed off, we can only go in and out, our people can't go to investigate, even if they go in, they can't get out."

Yuan Suiyun explained the situation of [Tianshan School].

"It's so strict. It seems that something may have happened in the [Tianshan School]. I guess Zi Hanyue must know about this matter. I will contact her again. I want to know what happened in the [Tianshan School]?"

"Also tell Zi Hanyue that [Ghost Domain] should contact [Qinglong Society] and ask [Qinglong Society] to send a killer to deal with [Tianshan faction]."

"Then this subordinate, please contact Zi Hanyue again."

After speaking, Yuan Suiyun bowed and exited the room.

[The host's subordinates, Xiang Yingtian became the martial arts leader of Xiang County in the north of Xiling under the pseudonym Ma Kongqun, and rewarded 2 orange lottery cards. 】

At this time, a reminder message appeared in Su Chen's mind,

"Xiang Yingtian changed his name to Ma Kongqun, and became the martial arts leader of Xiang County in the northern area of ​​Xiling."

Su Chen recalled Xiangjun's information here.

Xiang County is close to the nine northern counties, and is the smallest area among the eleven counties in Lingxi, and it is also the most chaotic area
He didn't expect Xiang Yingtian to become the leader of the martial arts in Xiang County in such a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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