The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 416 [Blue Dragon Club] move, [Tianshan faction] move

Chapter 416 [Blue Dragon Club] move, [Tianshan faction] move
"A strong man is a hero everywhere!"

Su Chen can only comment in this way.

Xiang Yingtian appeared when he killed Jin Yuling, but it was only his name, no one saw his face, so he appeared in Xiangjun under the pseudonym Ma Kongqun, and no one would know that he came from [Golden Wind and Rain Tower].

"Now let's see what Zi Hanyue's reply is."

"[Tianshan faction], if you are a threat, then we will get rid of you."

Su Chen decided to let [Blue Dragon Club] cooperate with [Ghost Domain] once.

He wants [Ghost Domain] to send missions to [Blue Dragon Club], so if [Blue Dragon Club] makes a move, who can say anything?

If the [Tianshan School] can be eliminated through this, then the reputation of the [Blue Dragon Club] will go even further.

In the future, [Blue Dragon Club] will appear in other regions, and they can also receive tasks quickly.

"Now let's see if Zi Hanyue can provide any good news!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Then his consciousness fell on the disc in his head, and the numbers displayed on the lottery card were 6 orange lottery cards and 3 blue lottery cards.

"If you don't count the 2 orange lottery cards that Xiang Yingtian got, I actually only got 4 orange lottery cards in so many days, which is a bit small!"

Su Chen couldn't help sighing.

Recently, he continued to read some books, but there were very few triggers.

However, its own strength has increased a lot, with the cooperation of resources.

His current realm is beginning to move towards the trilemma of heaven and man, and he believes that he will be able to step into the trilemma of heaven and man in a short time.

"The [Tianshan School] matter has come to an end, I should go to the capital."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Draw 6 orange draw cards.

[The host draws three bottles of Zhongtianren Pill and three bottles of Zengyuan Pill. 10 pieces/bottle. 】

Su Chen's luck was not very good, he only won the pill, but nothing else.

"I thought you would give some characters, but I didn't expect it was just a pill."

Su Chen said with a sigh,

Needless to say, the Celestial Pill can help warriors with the unity of spirit and soul step into the realm of heaven and man. Zengyuan Pill is a elixir taken by warriors in the realm of heaven and man, which can increase the cultivation base of the realm of heaven and man.

It is a good medicine, but after all, it is not as fragrant as a character.

I didn't get what I wanted,

Su Chen continued to improve his strength with the pill.

He was thinking about how to deal with [Tianshan faction].

Another place.

Zi Hanyue's complexion was very bad.

"I didn't expect that Huo Mufeng had discovered that our people were lurking in [Tianshan faction], and this fishing was originally to catch our people, but I didn't expect [Tianya Pavilion] to send a strong man like Gu Santong."

"What's the loss on our side?"

Zi Hanyue asked in a deep voice.

"The people lurking in [Tianshan faction] have basically been eliminated, only a few servants are left, and these servants are of little use."

Beside her, Elder Yin in a gray robe spoke.

"That is to say, all our people in the [Tianshan faction] were wiped out."

Zi Hanyue said in a deep voice.

"It's roughly like this, and the last person sent a message about [Ghost Domain]."

"After the Tianshan faction has dealt with the affairs in the mountain, they will take action against [Ghost Domain]."

Elder Yin said.

"Attack [Huanquan], there are experts like Gu Santong in Huangquan, [Tianshan faction] can't take it down, not to mention they may not be able to find Dugu Wudi and others. It’s hard to get in if you guide.”

"The disciples led by the [Tianshan Sect] may also suppress them by force. In this case, the loss will be great. [Tianshan Sect] will not make such a mistake."

Zi Hanyue shook her head and said.

"This matter is from the news that Huo Mufeng was with him. It should not be wrong. It seems to have something to do with the two long swords obtained by Huangquan."

Elder Yin said.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Elder Yin said, Zi Hanyue believed it in her heart.

At this moment.

Another old man came in and said, "Saint, Yuan Suiyun from Shanhemen sent a message. They wanted to know what happened to [Tianshan School], and they said [Ghost Domain] Dugu Wudi contacted [Qinglonghui] ], please [Blue Dragon Club] experts to deal with [Tianshan School]."

"[Tianshan faction] is trying to deal with [Ghost Domain], and [Ghost Domain] is also asking [Blue Dragon Club] to take action. It seems that our chance has come!"

"You told Yuan Suiyun to tell them the true situation of [Tianshan faction], and that Huo Mufeng might have found the stronghold of [Ghost Domain] with the two long swords left over from that time."

Zi Hanyue said.

The next day
Su Chen got up according to his usual routine, and then came to the headmaster hall.

Yuan Suiyun is already waiting in the hall.

"Teacher, Zi Hanyue sent a message saying that [Tianshan Sect] Fengshan is dealing with the personnel that their Hanyue Sect has arranged in [Tianshan Sect]."

"Also, Huo Mufeng may have used the two long swords left behind when the Seven Swords descended the mountain to find [Ghost Domain] where Dugu Wudi and others are!"

Yuan Suiyun told Su Chen the news he got from Zi Hanyue.

"Is there a problem with the long sword? Could it be that Huo Mufeng left the long sword on purpose at that time, it looks like I'm going to visit Ghost Realm!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

The strength of Gu Santong is similar to that of Huo Mufeng.

Once Gu Santong is surrounded, Guan Qi and Dugu Wudi may not be rescued.

Then even if Gu Santong survived, Dugu Wudi and Guan Qi probably wouldn't survive either.

"Just take this opportunity to destroy the masters of [Tianshan faction]."

Su Chen said in his mouth.

He has Tie Zhongtang's experience card on his side, so it should be no problem for the two of them to suppress or kill Huo Mufeng together.

Even if there are other warriors appearing.

Su Chen took the five masters of the Azure Dragon Society to go, and they could also destroy them.

Perhaps this is a good thing to catch a turtle in a urn.

"Go and inform Ding Peng and Yan Nantian. Li Chenzhou, Xue Yiren, Liu Sheng and Yijian five people, come with me to the [Ghost Domain] beyond the Great Wall."

Su Chen said.

"As for Zi Hanyue, we also need to pay attention to her every move. I'm afraid that their Hanyue sect wants to see the snipe and the clam fight, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Su Chen ordered.

"Yes, this subordinate will find them out, pay close attention!"

Yuan Suiyundao,

"And during the time I went outside the Great Wall, the Five Poison Boys should come back, and the matter of the residence also needs to be further carried out!"

Su Chen ordered.


Yuan Suiyun immediately went to inform Ding Peng and others

The dark place of Shanhe Gate.

The figure of Liu Dao wearing a bamboo hat left the mountain behind the Shanhe Gate and headed for Beyond the Great Wall.

another place

Beyond the Great Wall, Rivers of Forgetfulness

This is the largest gathering place of people under the Tianshan School.

Inside a small palace.

The lord of Nanshan, Mu Fengyun, looked at the letter in his hand, with a happy expression on his face, and said to the three people standing beside him: "The head teacher has completed the purge of the traitors in the faction, and tomorrow he will secretly lead the masters down the mountain, come with us meet."

"The headmaster came to join us in secret, could it be that he wants to wipe out [Ghost Domain] in one fell swoop."

One of the middle-aged women in red said.

The middle-aged woman was just born, Ruan Hongyi, the suzerain of the Tianmang sect among the three subordinates of the Tianshan sect.

"The details will not be known until the head teacher comes. You are currently at the base, don't go out, and when the head teacher comes, I will notify you!"

Mu Fengyun didn't say much, just said to wait for the head teacher Huo Mufeng to arrive.

Seeing this, the woman in red didn't ask any further questions, and walked out of the palace with the other two.

(End of this chapter)

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