Chapter 417

The three walked out of the hall.

"The two of you come to my place for a get-together!"

One of the burly men in a gray robe and a tiger tooth necklace around his neck spoke.

"it is good!"

The woman in red and the middle-aged man in white nodded at the same time.

The three came to a courtyard.

"Do you know what happened inside [Tianshan School]?"

The woman in red who sat down said.

"Sister in red, we don't need to know what happened inside [Tianshan faction]. I invited you here to ask you about the [Ghost Domain] attack this time?"

"Why does Brother Zhuo have an idea?"

The middle-aged man in white who hadn't spoken before couldn't help but speak when he saw this.

"There is an idea. Behind [Ghost Domain] is [Tianya Pavilion]. Tianya Pavilion currently has only one pavilion master, Gu Santong, blocking Huo Mufeng, which shows how powerful this is."

"Although we are attached to the [Tianshan faction], this is not 20 years ago after all. The situation has changed and the forces have changed. Even if Huo Mufeng's strength recovers, how many strong people will appear in these 20 years?"

"To be honest, I'm not very optimistic about [Tianshan School]."

The man called Brother Zhuo spoke.

"Brother Zhuo, you said this in front of us, so I pretended I didn't hear it, but if Mu Fengyun heard it, it would be a disaster for you Tiger Howling Castle."

The man in white said in a low voice.

The one called Brother Zhuo is Zhuo Yihu, the master of Tiger Howl Castle.

As for the man in white, it was Bai Xiangshou, the owner of Tianxue Valley who was subdued by the Tianshan sect, and Ruan Hongyi from the Tianmang sect.

They are the leaders of the three affiliated factions of the [Tianshan Sect].

"I just want to tell you two, we have been fighting [Ghost Domain] for such a long time, and our three factions have consumed too much manpower. If we continue to consume like this, our three factions may not have much left, and we still have resources for [Tianshan faction] It has not been given in place, and the improvement of personnel strength is very slow.”

Zhuo Yihu said in a deep voice.

"Didn't you say that Huo Mufeng will bring people down the mountain tomorrow?"

"When they make a move, I think they should take down [Ghost Domain], and they should go directly to Ghost Domain and kill the top management of [Ghost Domain]."

Ruan Hongyi, the woman in red, said.

"That's true, but who are the high-level people in [Ghost Domain]? They are people from [Tianya Pavilion]. The strength of Gu Santong is not weaker than that of Huo Mufeng. It's not certain who will win?"

"What's more, after such a long time, the master of [Tianya Pavilion] might arrive soon."

Zhuo Yihu said.

"Brother Zhuo, just say what you think, don't let us guess riddles!"

Bai Xiangshou in white clothes looked at Zhuo Yihu and said.

With so much foreshadowing, there must be something.

"Brother Bai, to be honest, I want to turn away from [Tianshan faction] and no longer be their affiliated force." Zhuo Yihu said.

Hearing Zhuo Yihu's words, Bai Xiangshou and Ruan Hongyi, who were facing him, were stunned, with astonishment in their eyes. They didn't expect Zhuo Yihu to turn against the [Tianshan School].

"Brother Zhuo, people from [Ghost Domain] have contacted you. You want to join [Ghost Domain], but taking refuge in [Ghost Domain] is no different from being affiliated with [Tianshan School]." Bai Xiangshou looked at Zhuo Yihu and said.

Ruan Hongyi on the side also stared at Zhuo Yihu closely, trying to get an answer from him.

"People from [Ghost Domain] didn't contact me, but other forces contacted me?"

"I think, girl in red, you should know which force contacted me, otherwise, you shouldn't ask too much about the internal affairs of the Tianshan faction."

Zhuo Yihu turned his eyes to Ruan Hongyi.

"It seems [Han Yue Sect] also contacted you." Ruan Hongyi didn't deny it, and said in a deep voice.

Back then, the three major forces were defeated by Huo Mufeng and attached to [Tianshan Sect], but now 20 years have passed.

20 years is not a snap.

During the ups and downs in the middle, especially during the period of closing the mountain, many people's mentality changed again.

When [Cold Moon Sect] secretly contacted them.

They turned to [Cold Moon Sect], and [Cold Moon Sect] promised them that as long as [Cold Moon Sect] occupied [Tianshan Sect], Tianmang Sect could go out independently.

While talking, Ruan Hongyi looked at Bai Xiangshou, and Zhuo Yihu looked at the same.

Bai Xiangshou looked into the eyes of the two, became vigilant, and immediately said:
"When closing the valley, I opened the closed valley formation to prevent anyone from entering my Tianxue Valley, so [Cold Moon Sect] did not appear in my Sky Snow Valley, and I did not meet people from [Cold Moon Sect]."

"Brother Bai, what do you think now? By cooperating with [Cold Moon Sect], we can separate our respective forces and restore their former glory."

Zhuo Yihu opened his mouth and said.

"I don't have any ideas right now?"

Bai Xiangshou shook his head and said,

In fact, he didn't tell them.

Although he has not been in contact with [Cold Moon Sect], he has recently been in contact with people from [Ghost Domain].

He still met Dugu Wudi in person, and was successfully moved by Dugu Wudi, so he brought Tianxuegu to join [Ghost Domain].

"It seems that Brother Bai still wants to wait, but sometimes if you wait, you will lose your chance and become an abandoned child."

"Besides, Huo Mufeng will be here tomorrow, and the war is about to break out. I think it's better for Brother Bai to make a choice as soon as possible." Zhuo Yihu looked at Bai Xiangshou and said.

"I will think about this matter carefully, and when I think about it, I will reply to the two of you. I will not spread the word about the two of you. You can rest assured about this. I will come here first today, and I will leave first."

After speaking, Bai Xiangshou stood up, saluted the two of them slightly, and left,

Things are already known, so there is no need to stay any longer.

Ruan Hongyi and Zhuo Yihu didn't stop Bai Xiangshou, and just let him leave.

"You can trust him so much!"

Ruan Hongyi looked at Zhuo Yihu and said.

"It's not that he believed him, but he didn't dare to say that [Tianshan Sect] has three major affiliated forces. If two of them disappear and only his family is left, do you think he [Tianxue Valley] wants to exist? Or is he merged into the [Tianshan School] is not welcome."

"He still needs us to maintain balance, not to mention that if Tianshan sent a platform, it would be a good thing for him. He can use this to take Tianxue Valley to go out independently. He is a smart person and will not cut himself off."

Zhuo Yihu looked at the figure that disappeared at the gate of the courtyard, and said.

"Zi Hanyue from [Han Yue Sect] has arrived here, you and I will go see her together."

Zhuo Yihu then said.

"Zi Hanyue comes here at this time, isn't she afraid of death? Even Mu Fengyun can kill her."

Ruan Hongyi said with a surprised expression upon hearing Zhuo Yihu's words.

"She didn't come alone, the master of [Cold Moon Sect] has already arrived."

"Originally, I wanted to take down the [Tianshan Sect] without making a sound, but Huo Mufeng was superior. He had discovered the [Cold Moon Sect] people long ago, and they didn't move until now. They caught her by surprise."

"However, the appearance of [Ghost Domain] gave her a chance. Zi Hanyue told me that the people from [Ghost Domain] spent a lot of money and invited people from [Blue Dragon Club] to do it."

"People from the [Qinglonghui] make a move. At that time, the [Tianshan School] and the [Ghost Domain] may lose both. At that time, the [Cold Moon Sect] will show up and win the [Tianshan School]."

Zhuo Yihu said.

"Okay, then I'll go with you to meet Zi Hanyue."

Ruan Hongyi said.

"I have a secret passage here, let's go back quickly!"

Zhuo Yihu led Ruan Hongyi into a room and left through a secret passage.

(End of this chapter)

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