The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 420 Tianhu Transformation [Tianshan School] Ape Mugui.

Chapter 420 Tianhu Transformation [Tianshan School] Ape Mugui.

When Zhuo Yihu and Ruan Hongyi shot.

Suddenly, there was a low roaring sound of ape roaring in the dark of the courtyard.

Following the sound of howling, ripples appeared in the surrounding air.

An extremely dangerous atmosphere filled the air.

The figures of the two who made the shot paused slightly in the air, and they clearly sensed that the danger was coming towards them.

dark place
Perceiving this situation, Zi Hanyue's complexion changed dramatically.

His eyes were fixed on the place where the air fluctuation appeared.

Accompanied by fluctuations, a cold air appeared like a tide, and the two people who stood still could only feel this cold air penetrating into their hearts.

Immediately run the energy in the body to resist.

But suddenly a thick palm pierced through the cold air and slapped Zhuo Yihu's head.

This palm is as wide as the palm of an ape.

Seeing this palm, Zhuo Yihu's complexion changed drastically, and he let out a low growl, "Hu Xiao Ba Fist!"

There was a sound of tiger roaring in the body, and then a punch blasted out.

The energy above the fist turned into a tiger shadow, and bombarded that fist.

But his punch was directly scattered by that palm, and finally landed on Zhuo Yihu's body.

Zhuo Yihu was sent flying upside down by the palm, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and looked towards the place where the palm was struck in horror.

Completely forget about the pain in your chest.

He Zhuo Yihu had cultivated hard for 20 years, and his strength reached the level of nine difficulties, but he was defeated by a single palm.

And the other party hasn't shown his face yet.

This made him extremely unhappy.

In his gaze, a thick figure landed on the ground.

"I didn't die with one palm. I just watched you practice the Tianhu Heart Sutra of Tiger Roaring Castle to the level of Dacheng, and condense a little bit of tiger spirit. Given enough time, you should be able to use this artistic conception to release the inner energy of your dantian. The strength has melted into the sea, but unfortunately you don't have that time!"

The visitor looked at Zhuo Yihu with a sigh.

As for Ruan Hongyi next to him, the person who shot didn't care.

"Back then, your senior sister committed herself to my [Tianshan faction] the Lord of the North Mountain, in exchange for your Tianmang Sect's vitality, and did not maintain your identity well, and dared to collude with outsiders, kill you, and take your head to the Tianmang Sect to slaughter you Tianmang Sect Zong Manmen."

The voice was cold, with a fierce killing intent, there was no affirmation of Zhuo Yihu in the tone, it was more cold.

"Hmph, Jin Duyi persecuted my senior sister back then. I still remember this hatred. Today, I betrayed you [Tianshan faction], kill you if you have the ability!"

Ruan Hongyi said sharply.

"Who are you!"

At this moment, Zhuo Yihu stood up and looked at him.

"He is Yuan Mugui, one of the three great elders of [Tianshan Sect]."

At this time, Zi Hanyue's figure came out from the darkness.

There was no need to hide now, she was right there in the direction where Ruan Hongyi and Zhuo Yihu dispatched just now, so she just showed up.

"[Cold Moon Sect] Saintess, Zi Hanyue, I never thought that [Cold Moon Sect] would look down on us [Tianshan Sect] so much, and even send you, a young girl, to deal with me [Tianshan Sect], today I will take your head off, Give [Cold Moon Sect] a profound lesson."

Mu Gui, the orangutan, said coldly.

When he was speaking, the corner of his mouth revealed a hint of ferocity, and when the soles of his feet kicked the ground, his body turned into a black light.In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Ruan Hongyi.

The palm of the hand was like a monkey blasting a mountain, and it fell directly with a palm.

That Ruan Hongyi's complexion changed drastically, and he resisted with both hands, but under the violent punch, his arms shattered directly, blood mist filled the air, exposing bones, the whole person flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

With one blow, Ruan Hongyi was severely injured, and there was no chance to make a move.


He is decisive and ruthless in doing things, and does not give the opponent a chance to make a move.

This is to solve their attack to help Na Mutong attack Mu Fengyun.

"Interesting, this person looks crazy, but he is very decisive. [Tianshan faction] is more difficult to deal with than we imagined."

In the dark, Li Chenzhou spoke.

"If my strength meets the opponent head-on, I will probably be hit hard by the opponent with one move. The opponent just said that Qi Jin will melt into the sea. Can the three dragon heads know whether the opponent has already melted into the sea?"

Guan Qi said in a deep voice.

His current strength has not yet reached the level of nine difficulties between heaven and man, and he is not clear about the so-called dantian energy that transforms into the sea, so he asked Li Chenzhou.

"It's melted into the sea, but the range is mediocre, and I can't do thirty strokes with my punches."

Li Chenzhou said in a deep voice.

"I can't get out of thirty strokes!"

Guan Qi was taken aback, and secretly marveled at Li Chenzhou's strength.

To be honest, Guan Qi and Xiao Qiushui are both stronger than Li Chenzhou in Wenshu, but there is no way that the arrangement of strength in the lottery is different.

But Guan Qi's cultivation speed is already very fast. In just a short period of time, he will hit the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man. If the normal Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man are against Guan Qi, it may not be possible to win.

And Guan Qiyou Su Chen bestowed the golden plum bottle, as long as he didn't die, he could fight.

Now it is the undead strong.

Even if the powerhouses in the Sea Transformation Realm wanted to clear the level seven with one blow, they would not be able to do so.

Ape Mugui, who hit Ruan Hongyi hard with this blow, looked at Zi Hanyue, I thought the people around you would make a move?
did not expect

If he really didn't make a move, then Zhuo Yihu would be killed.

Ruan Hongyi survived because of Jin Duyi's existence.

But Zhuo Yihu did not
Zhuo Yihu's face, who was panting at the moment, changed drastically, and he looked at Zi Hanyue, but Zi Hanyue didn't move.

It's not that she doesn't move, as long as it's because of the strong man beside her, she really can't command.

"It's really sad, to be abandoned like garbage!"

Yuan Mugui looked at Zhuo Yihu with a regretful expression, and there was also a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

"If you want to kill me, even if I die, you have to pull a back!"

Zhuo Yihu raised his head, a dark red aura appeared in his eyes, and then a dark red flame appeared on his body.

This flame-like energy surged out frantically to repair the wounds on his body, and the whole person gave off a ferocious aura.

As soon as the footsteps kicked the ground, the whole person pounced on the Yuan Mugui like a tiger.

"Has Tianhu changed?"

"When the Tianhu Heart Sutra has been cultivated to great success, it is a kind of ability that is naturally derived, but it seems to be consuming your own vitality. I don't know how long your body can last."

Yuan Mugui said in a cold voice.

While speaking, his breath erupted, and a layer of white ice mist appeared, and his body began to swell a little in the ice mist, adding to his already burly figure, he looked like a snow mountain ape.

"In the face of absolute strength, this change of yours is useless!"

Yuan Mugui looked at the rushing Zhuo Yihu, raised his palm, and slapped it out. The powerful palm force, like a hill, collided with the tiger's claws slapped by the opponent.

Zhuo Yihu's body was shaken back.

And the moment the shock receded, Yuan Mugui charged straight out, at the same time he clenched his palm into a fist, and the fist danced down like a heavy hammer.

The speed is extremely fast, and a punch is blasted out.

Zhuo Yihu's arms were constantly shattered under the strength of this punch, and fresh blood spewed out of his mouth.It's not the opponent's opponent at all.

"I never thought that I, Zhuo Yihu, would die like this!"

Seeing the punches continue to drop, he felt desolate in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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