Chapter 421 Soaring Fist Intent, Thirty Moves to Kill (Thank you, Xiao Qi, for the reward)

At this moment, a soaring fist appeared behind Yuan Mugui.

Yuan Mugui's expression changed when he made the attack, and he punched backhand.

Instinctively, Zhuo Yihu exhausted his last bit of strength, rolled over and fled to the side.

At this moment, Yuan Mugui's figure was shaken by a punch and he took several steps back, his eyes were looking fiercely at the falling figure not far away.

The figure that appeared was not burly, but standing there made people have to pay attention.

Because there was an aura emanating from him invisible.

This kind of aura gives people the most vicious and vicious aura in the world.

However, there is also a sadness in this momentum, a nostalgic sadness.

When Li Chenzhou was born, he missed his wife more

In his previous life, he integrated power into his fist, this time he not only integrated his own power into his fist, but also integrated a kind of sadness and longing into his fist.

It can be said that it is completely different from when it appeared in [Qinglong Temple].

He was just born at that time, and he was still in the groping stage for integration.

Now, with the passage of time, he has gone one step further.

Once he has perfectly integrated emotion and momentum, he believes that he should be able to concentrate on the dantian of Huahai.

As for why he made the move now, it was because Li Chenzhou was very optimistic about this Zhuo Yihu.

[Blue Dragon Club] Although it is a killer organization.

But this world is huge, and his Li Chenzhou can still conquer some people and make him his own.

He is very satisfied with Zhuo Yihu, he is suitable to be his subordinate.

As for ambition, the strong must have ambition, and a strong without ambition is not called a strong.

Only with ambition can one be able to work hard.

"[Blue Dragon Club] Li Chenzhou, the head of the three dragons."

Seeing Li Chenzhou appear, Zi Hanyue said in surprise.

She didn't expect that Li Chenzhou had already arrived here.

He looked around, wanting to see if Su Chen appeared, or other members of the [Blue Dragon Club].

"I didn't expect Miss Zi Hanyue to think of us [Qinglonghui] together, let's kill this Mu Fengyun first."

Li Chenzhou looked at Zi Hanyue calmly and said.

When Zi Hanyue heard Li Chenzhou's words, her face flushed slightly, as if she had been seen through, but she adjusted quickly.

"I believe Li Longshou also knows that our Hanyue Sect is also interested in [Tianshan School], so it's normal to make a move!"

Of course she couldn't say that they acted to blame the [Blue Dragon Society], thinking that both the [Tianshan faction] and Huangquan would suffer.


On the other side, Mu Fengyun and the others also stopped fighting, but both sides looked at each other warily.

"[Blue Dragon Club], we [Tianshan School] don't seem to have any grudges with you [Blue Dragon Club]!"

Yuan Mugui looked at Li Chenzhou and said.

Li Chenzhou made him feel a sense of oppression, which was still very strong, and he felt that he was no match for this person.

Although in terms of aura, the strength of the two is almost the same now.

"I [Blue Dragon Society] was entrusted to come here to kill people, so there is no grudge or not. We just take money and goods to do things."

Li Chenzhou looked at the other party with a very flat voice.

Hearing the other party's words, Yuan Mugui's face turned cold, and he also recalled the information of [Blue Dragon Club] in his heart.

killer group.

There is nothing to talk about such a force.

Now there is only one battle.

"I'll hold them back, you take the opportunity to leave!" Yuan Mugui sent a voice transmission to Mu Fengyun and the man in black.

Then he said coldly to Li Chenzhou: "That depends on whether you have the ability!"

At the moment of speaking, he poked out his palm, and a bright cold air burst out from his hand, whizzing towards Li Chenzhou with a strong icy cold air.

When the powerful cold air came into contact with the air, layers of frost appeared in the air.

Coupled with his burly figure, his eyes turned scarlet, and he could vaguely see a trace of madness belonging to a beast.

Both palms clenched into fists.

"Frost Demon Ape Fist."

There was an ape-like roar from Yuan Mugui's throat, and his figure turned into a ray of light, rushing towards Li Chenzhou violently.

The fists are like huge hammers, and they attack Li Chenzhou with a terrible cold air.

The fist carried not only strength but also cold air, colliding with the surrounding air, a layer of frost appeared in the air, and then it was shattered by the huge force.

Look at this punch.

Li Chenzhou's expression froze slightly, and there was a fierceness in his eyes.

His Li Chenzhou's punches are not only domineering but also fierce, and he is not inferior to anyone in the reputation of violent looting, and the [Tian Tian 36 Road Qi] power is circulating in his body.

[Fantastic 36 Strange Ways] Gong Na is one of the four great masters in Wen Shu.In the Wenshu, there is an inner family mentality that is completely different from ancient and modern times. Qi is the god, meaning is the body, and form is the function.

Immediately, a thick and strong Yang Qi burst out from his body.

The fist is full of violent and fierce yang energy.

Raise your hand and punch,

The fist collided with the opponent's huge icy fist, and the icy energy collapsed without holding on for long, but Yuan Mugui's fist still collided with Li Chenzhou's fist.

This time Yuan Mugui not only has the cold energy, but also the violent power.

What does the ape represent, in fact, it represents power.

It's just that his strength was continuously disintegrated under Li Chenzhou's fist, and finally his figure was shaken and continued to take several steps backwards.

After a successful blow, Li Chenzhou didn't hesitate, and rose into the air.

[Tiantian 36 strange roads]

The strength is like thunder, the momentum is like a thunderbolt, breaking through complexity with simplicity, and the shadow of the fist is like a mountain to attack the opponent.

There was no chance for Yuan Mugui to react at all.

Immediately, shadows of fists all over the sky roared down, and the hearts of the people watching the battle were full of horror.

This Li Chenzhou's punch was too violent and fierce.

Li Chenzhou is not a burly man, but his fist strength is stronger than that of Yuan Mugui.

The suppressed Yuan Mugui roared and wanted to reverse the situation.

But the opponent's moves were so powerful that he didn't give him a chance to breathe.

Under these punches, his whole body was tumbling with vigor and blood, and his whole body seemed to be a little out of control.

"The last nine punches!"

Under the attack.Li Chenzhou, who was in the air, let out a low drink.

Yuan Mugui, who thought he was breathing heavily, was startled when he heard the voice, but then he understood something, and an angry look appeared on his face.

Because Li Chenzhou raised his fist.He cast [Ninety-Nine Oddities, Right and Wrong].

This move has nine strikes, one move is faster than one move, there are nine hidden layers of rigidity and softness repeated, strange and positive intertwined, like mercury pouring into the ground, even with the ultimate body protection magic skill, it is exhausting and difficult to parry.

As if sensing danger.

Yuan Mugui let out a low growl, and a strong blood energy shield appeared all over his body, and the energy in his body burst out like a tide.

Although the qi in his body was consumed before, he has already reached the sea of ​​qi in his dantian, and under the circulation, the qi has recovered quickly.

Li Chenzhou's fist fell and collided with Yuan Mugui's fist.

Make a loud bang.

One punch, two punches, three punches, Li Chenzhou's punches kept increasing.

The fourth punch Li Chenzhou's fist shattered the strength of the opponent's fist.

The fifth punch smashed the opponent's arm, and the arm turned into a blood mist, Yuan Mugui screamed and growled.

The sixth punch hit the opponent's blood gas shield, and cracks appeared in the opponent's blood gas shield.

The seventh punch shattered Yuan Mugui's bloody defense.

In the eighth punch, the inner strength hits the cow across the mountain and enters the opponent's internal organs, shattering the opponent's internal organs.

The ninth punch shattered the opponent's heart.

After nine punches.

Yuan Mugui fell on the ground, looking at Li Chenzhou unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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