The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 422 Crazy Level 7, Blood Venerable Threat, Yin-Yang Gu Worm

Chapter 422 Crazy Pass Seven, Blood Venerable Threat, Yin-Yang Gu Worms (One Chapter)
See this situation.

The faces of Namu Fengyun and the man in black changed drastically.

As soon as he turned around, he turned around and wanted to escape, but since Li Chenzhou made a move, there was no possibility for him to escape.

As soon as the footsteps stepped on the ground, the body shot out, the speed was so fast, and it was in front of Mu Fengyun in the blink of an eye.

As for the man in black, a violent figure appeared in front of him.

It was Guan Qi.

【Hanyue Sect】The two people who took the shot didn't make any more moves. They were protecting Zihanyue, and there was a vague scene of retreating.

So Guan Qi made a move.

Only by constantly fighting can his strength be improved.

He wants to improve his strength in the battle.

When Guan Qi blocked the man in black, Mu Fengyun made a move, but when his palm collided with Li Chenzhou, he was thrown backwards by the shock.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Although the breath on his body was sluggish, his eyes showed a ferocious look. He slowly got up, and a rich blood burst out from his body. This blood was as thick as bright red blood.

"Li Chenzhou, are you [Blue Dragon Club] going to fight us [Tianshan School] forever?"

His voice was low and hoarse, and he tried his best.

Even the Supreme Elder Yuan Mugui is not the opponent of the opponent, and he has not yet completed him by melting the sea, so he will not be the opponent of Li Chenzhou.

But he had to do everything he could to survive.

Only by living can we take revenge and wash away today's shame.

"Why are you still threatening me with [Tianshan faction] at this time, then you will be disappointed. I [Qinglonghui] has already made a move, so I have no intention of stopping."

"If you have this kind of ability, it will disappoint me. [Tianshan faction] The master of Nanshan should not only have such strength!"

Li Chenzhou looked at Mu Fengyun and said.


Mu Fengyun let out a low cry, raised his two fingers, and tapped a few big acupuncture points all over his body.

The blood qi permeating from the body before became more intense.

After bursting out of blood energy, it formed a thick layer of blood armor on his body.

As for the big acupoints that he tapped, the blood and qi circulated, and a strong air flow appeared, heading towards the dantian in the body. The originally peaceful dantian began to rotate under the impact of this energy, and the speed became faster and faster.

Of course, more and more blood was consumed outside, and Mu Fengyun's face turned pale.

A bottle of elixir appeared in his hand and he swallowed it directly.

The blood energy continues to stimulate the energy in the dantian.

"He is going to attack Dantian Huahai, but this consumes his body's essence and blood. If he steps into Dantian Huahai, his strength may be mediocre."

Zi Hanyue, who was planning to leave, immediately stopped when she saw this situation.

"I didn't expect that Mu Fengyun would use this kind of ruthless exercise, at the cost of his own blood, to increase the power of Qi and blood in a short period of time to stimulate the energy in his body, but after using this exercise, the after-effects are huge. A simple exercise will It will take half a year to recover."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to recover from such consumption. After stepping into Huahai, he can only be a sick Huahai warrior!"

At this time, a deep voice rang in their ears.

Then a figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"I have seen the Blood Venerable!"

The three of Zi Hanyue bowed to the person who appeared.

The visitor just nodded slightly, and looked at Li Chenzhou and the others.

Of course, what he paid attention to was not Mu Fengyun, but Li Chenzhou.

Originally, he didn't plan to show up, Zhuo Yihu was useless and it was time to give up, but Li Chenzhou made a move.

Li Chenzhou's strength was completely beyond his expectation.

Incomparably domineering fist.

And there is a feeling in the fist.

This is a person who uses emotion, and has vaguely formed a mirage.

It is a person who is about to step into the sea and concentrate.

[Blue Dragon Club] Three dragon heads, it is worth him to show up and get in touch.

Li Chenzhou didn't look this way. Although he sensed that someone was showing up, he still respected his opponent.

"Since I broke out with all my strength, then I will use all my strength to kill you with one punch!"

Li Chenzhou said.

He raised his palm and shook it suddenly. He is a person who likes to use fists, and he also likes to use his fists to eliminate opponents.

As soon as his footsteps kicked the ground, he rushed out violently, his fists smashed down like a hurricane with violent vigor.

Mu Fengyun, powered by his own blood, let out a low growl.

"Blood Shadow Returns to the Dragon!"

With a low growl, the energy in his dantian turned into a red bloody light, surrounding his fist, forming a bloody dragon shadow.

The sound of dragon chant roared out.

Punch out.

The fists of the two collided together, and an extremely low voice spread.

A blood-colored dragon shadow appeared on Mu Fengyun's fist and shattered, a punch entered his arm, rushed into his body, and then the clothes on his body burst open at this moment.

A body full of cracks was exposed.

These cracks then shattered, and blood sprayed out all over his body.

"You will die, and the headmaster will avenge us!"

Mu Fengyun looked at Li Chenzhou, said these words, and then fell directly on the ground.

the other side

The battle between Guan Qi and the opponent seemed a bit hand-to-hand. Guan Qi's invisible sword energy was not stingy at all, as if his own sword energy was endless.

The man in black had a higher realm than Guan Qi, and his strength was actually higher than Guan Qi's, but he was overwhelmed by Guan Qi's fierceness.

He missed a move, and was subsequently suppressed by Guan Qi with a huge innate invisible sword energy.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Guan Qi to exhaust the sword energy in his body before doing it himself.

But because of the help of Jinmei Ping, Guan Qi's energy in his body was stronger than his, which made him find that the energy in his body was consumed.

And Guan Qi's attack is still going on.

The news about Guan Qi suddenly came to mind, the golden plum bottle lost in [Qinglong Temple] was on Guan Qi's body.

Guan Qi is using the golden plum bottle to restore his own strength.

"You dare to use the golden plum bottle endlessly!"

He growled.

But upon hearing his words, Guan Qi didn't stop attacking, instead, a scarlet aura appeared all over his body, and a crimson light radiated from his eyes.

The whole person gives people a feeling of being enchanted.

The magic source on the golden plum bottle has long been absorbed by Su Chen.

Guan Qi can use the golden plum bottle endlessly, but this matter cannot be known to outsiders.

So he has recently practiced a kind of magic art to make himself appear in a state of being enchanted to paralyze others.

Looking at Guan Qi's enchanted state.

The man in black yelled and cursed secretly, I haven't finished my sentence yet, you have a kind of obsession, isn't this cheating me?

Try to resist
But his chest was still pierced by an invisible sword energy.

Then Guan Qi's invisible sword energy concentrated, not giving him a chance to repair the wound, and concentrated all his strength towards this side.

Seeing this, he mobilized the strength in his body and retreated quickly.

However, Guan Qi's speed was one step faster, he raised his palm, and the invisible sword energy gathered in his palm.

Shot out.

It was printed on the opponent's chest at an extremely fast speed.

The invisible sword energy violently entered the opponent's body and penetrated the opponent's body.


The man in black wanted to say something, but Guan Qi's other palm fell from the air.

The palm fell on the head, and the invisible sword energy poured into the head, making the death look cruel and ugly.

The air was silent and no one came.

In order to reduce casualties, Mu Fengyun gave an order to retreat many guards during the fight, so the guards didn't know what was going on here, or they didn't dare to come here at this time.

The shocking energy fluctuations were simply not something they could bear.

Coming here will only become an innocent dead soul.

Li Chenzhou didn't look at Mu Fengyun on the ground, but followed Guan Qi to Zi Hanyue.

In front of him was staring at the Blood Venerable.

At this time Venerable Blood stepped forward, bypassing Li Chenzhou and looking at Guan Qi.

"Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower, or people from [Tianya Pavilion]?"

Blood Venerable looked at Guan Qi sharply, and asked in a cold tone.

The Dharma King of the [Cold Moon Sect] was killed at the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower.

"It's no wonder that the [Cold Moon Sect] has been able to exist until now under the arrest of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It turns out that its strength is not what we saw before."

Guan Qi didn't care about the tone of the other party, but said in a deep voice.

Hanyue Sect is divided into internal teachers and foreign teachers. In the beginning, they were all members of foreign teachers. They are not very strong, but they are responsible for doing things. The structure of foreign teachers is not much different from that of internal teachers. It is just that foreign teachers have a deputy leader, while internal teachers do not.

With some achievements, Zi Hanyue became the saintess of the internal religion.

This time to deal with [Tianshan Sect] Hanyue sect sent two venerables, and now there is one venerable in front of them.

Of course, why are there so few factions? At first, they wanted to unite with the [Blue Dragon Society].

Coupled with some arrangements in the [Tianshan faction], sneak attacks and plots, I think I can completely take down the [Tianshan faction].

It's just that they didn't expect that Huo Mufeng was more powerful than they imagined, and he had an insight into their plan.

Let them suffer heavy losses.

However, the fight between [Tianshan School] and [Ghost Domain] gave them a chance to make another move.

Hearing Guan Qi's words, the killing intent in Guan Qi's eyes that the blood venerable looked at became even sharper.

But he glanced at Li Chenzhou beside Guan Qi.

Although Li Chenzhou didn't move, the aura on his body kept locking him, so he didn't make a move.

"For Li Longshou's sake, I won't kill you today, but I hope that you will still be with Li Longshou next time we meet."

"Elder Yin, take Ruan Hongyi, let's go!"

Venerable Blood said to Elder Yin.

In a flash, Elder Yin appeared in front of Ruan Hongyi, grabbed Ruan Hongyi with broken arms, followed the Blood Venerable, and led the people away quickly.

Li Chenzhou glanced at Zhuo Yihu, who was seriously injured, and said in a deep voice: "I saved your life, can I repay it with my life!"

At this moment, Zhuo Yihu endured the injuries in his body, and looked up at Li Chenzhou: "If I can survive, I will pledge my allegiance to the death, but only for myself."

Zhuo Yihu sentenced [Tianshan School] for the survival of Huxiaobao.

Li Chenzhou is saving him, he can be loyal to Li Chenzhou, but Huxiaobao needs freedom.


Li Chenzhou nodded.

What he wanted was not Huxiao Castle, but Zhuo Yihu.

After finishing speaking, a pill appeared in his hand.

"This elixir can help you recover from your injuries. As for the internal injuries in your body, you need to adjust them yourself."

Li Chenzhou said.

Zhuo Yihu swallowed it without hesitation, and began to recover from his injuries.

"We should go too!" Li Chenzhou said to Guan Qi, and then glanced at Zhuo Yihu who had recovered from his injuries.

"After recovering from the injury, go to [Ghost Domain] to find Dugu Invincible, they can contact me."

After Li Chenzhou finished speaking, he and Guan Qi also disappeared into the night.

At this moment, the place was silent, and Zhuo Yihu dragged his injured body away after a while.

The entire palace became silent.

Bai Xiangshou, who had not come out of the house all this time, was horrified.

Although he didn't leave the yard, he was still very clear about the strong clashing sounds from the battle.

The battle was a little fierce.

Now that it's subsided, he didn't go out either.

Just because he didn't go out doesn't mean no one went, some Nanshan disciples appeared, and when they saw the tragic situation, they hugged Mu Fengyun's body and screamed immediately.

Someone quickly transmitted the situation here.

As for Bai Xiangshou, he didn't go out.

Although the disciples of the [Tianshan faction] who just fought did not show up, they can be sure that someone on the other side saw the scene here.

Although he did not rebel, he would still be treated unfriendly.

Of course, with his strength, those people outside are no match for him, but he will continue to lurk in the [Tianshan faction].

The pigeon flew out quickly.

The next day, early in the morning.

A large carriage is moving on the official road beyond the Great Wall.

A trace of blue buds appeared on the grass on both sides, and the sky could be seen at a glance.

The large carriage looks a bit small on this official road.

"The weather outside the Great Wall is still a bit cold!"

Inside the carriage.Sandalwood curls up.

A figure sat in the carriage, wearing a brocade robe and a long gown.

The driver was an old man, a carriage hired by Su Chen in Qingcheng.

As for Ding Peng, Yan Nantian, Xue Yiren, and Liu Shengyijian, these four people traveled day and night and were already outside the Great Wall.

He did not travel with many people.

Although Linchun outside the Great Wall has no beautiful scenery, it is the first time for Su Chen to come to Beyond the Great Wall, and he also wants to take a look at the situation outside the Great Wall.

In the past few days, Su Chen has a general understanding of the outside of the Great Wall in this world, which is no different from the outside of the Great Wall in the ancient past.

However, the few gathering places he passed by seemed very bustling and lively.


A pigeon flew in through the window of the carriage.

"Mu Fengyun, Yuan Mugui, one of the three great elders of the [Tianshan Sect], and another strong man who was born in the Nine Difficulties of Heaven died."

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

See below, about [Cold Moon Sect] Zi Hanyue appeared, and beside him was a strong man from Dantian Huahai, letting him know the strength of [Cold Moon Sect] internal teaching.

Of course, what Su Chen was concerned about was that Huo Mufeng would appear in the gathering place where the [Tianshan faction] was before today.

"It seems that I should also speed up the pace!"

Su Chen jumped out of the carriage, and two ingots of silver appeared in his hand, which were shot directly into the hands of the old man.

"Next, I will go forward by myself, and the old man can return!"

While speaking, Su Chen's figure had disappeared in front of the old man.

The old man driving the carriage stopped, put the silver ingot in his arms, turned the carriage and returned.

For such things, they often encounter.

After the old man left, Su Chen paused, and four figures appeared beside Su Chen. They were the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi who secretly guarded Su Chen.

"Take me to the gathering place of [Tianshan faction]!"

Su Chen said.

The four lifted Su Chen up in a blink of an eye, and then turned into a blue light and disappeared on the official road.

Tianshan School

in the hall.

Eight figures gathered in the hall.

Huo Mufeng sat on the main hall with a gloomy face, and below him were two old men, one wearing a green robe and the other wearing a black robe.

They are the two remaining grand elders of [Tianshan Sect], Hu Mingneng, an old man in green robes, and Lu Qingsheng, an old man in black robes.

Among them, Hu Mingneng is the master of Mu Fengyun, the lord of Nanshan Mountain.

His face was full of sadness.

Behind them was Jin Duyi, the lord of Beishan Mountain.

As for the other five people, they are the five masters of the nine difficulties of heaven and man within the three peaks,

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall is rather dignified.

"Huxiao Fort, Tianmang Sect betrayed, people from [Cold Moon Sect] [Qinglong Society] [Ghost Domain] showed up together."

"This handwriting is really not ordinary!"

Jin Duyi spoke with a rather gloomy tone.

"Teacher, [Ghost Domain] is a little faster than us, but we are one step slower!"

The old man in green robe said in a deep voice.

"It's not that we are slow, it's that I was careless, it's that I underestimated [Tianya Pavilion]."

Huo Mufeng said in a deep voice.

In the previous battle, he and Gu Santong were tied, and both sides retreated.

When Mu Fengyun went down the mountain, he asked Mu Fengyun to pay attention to the ancient three links, but he didn't think about other things.

"Teacher, now [Ghost Domain] knows that [Qinglonghui] will make a move, and with the [Cold Moon Sect] in the dark, the situation is extremely unfavorable to us."

Jin Duyi said again.

"Let's go down the mountain and use [Ghost Domain] Ancient Three Links, [Blue Dragon Society] Li Chenzhou, [Han Yue Sect] Zi Hanyue, and use their heads to avenge Feng Yun."

"By the way, take Fengyun's corpses and return to [Tianshan School]"

Huo Mufeng said in a low voice.

Killing intent filled the voice.

killing intent

Huo Mufeng led the [Tianshan faction] has never experienced such a shame.

He will not allow such disgrace,

Even if he was defeated by Emperor Zhou back then, he still preserved all the strength of the [Tianshan School],

20 years have passed.

With the restoration of his strength, the rivers and lakes, and the great changes outside the Great Wall, he wanted to restore the majesty of the [Tianshan faction], and wanted to enter the pass and challenge Emperor Zhou again to avenge his past.

But before he challenged Emperor Zhou, he encountered the ghost domain led by [Tianya Pavilion].

There is also the [Cold Moon Sect] who wants to plot their [Tianshan Sect].

He stood up and stepped out of the palace.

Outside the hall, the mountains were dotted with snow overnight, and the cool breeze blew through, bringing a sense of spring that he couldn't feel.


Huo Mufeng came out of the [Tianshan School] with eight figures.

mountain range

in a cave.

An old man with white beard sat alone on an unfinished chessboard, pondered for a long time and walked out of the cave.

Looking in the direction of the [Tianshan School] main hall.

"The wind and cloud are rising again, the rivers and lakes are changing, and the times are changing, why should you fight for the spirit of this moment."

"The yin and yang Gu worms planted by the saintess in your body, as long as you can comprehend them, you will be able to take a further step. As long as you take a step further, the saintess will be able to sense it, and when the time comes to pry the gate of heaven to pull you away, the old man will also be able to follow you." You return together without being suppressed by this world, and your strength is constantly regressing, which is the same as your current strength."

The old man with white beard sighed.

Then continue to return to the cave.

Huo Mufeng's strength has recovered, there are people in this world who can kill him alone, but those who can kill him will inevitably trigger the yin and yang Gu worm on him in the end, and they will not kill him again at that time.

Because that would offend those they dare not offend, so there was no need for him to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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