The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 425 1 Palm Cracks Throat, 1 Sword Pierces Heart, Fortress Gathers

Chapter 425 Cracking the Throat with a Palm, Piercing the Heart with a Sword, Gathering Foreign Exchanges

"Swordsman in green shirt, kill Nie!"

"I didn't expect two of the three elders of [Tianjian Division] to come?"

A low, hoarse voice came from one of them.

"It seems that you recognize the old man, let the old man take off your masks and see who you are?"

The old man in green shirt called Nie Jiansha was staring at the masked two men, and it could be heard that the other party recognized him from the other party's tone.

As long as the mask is lifted, he believes that he can recognize the other party.

"That depends on your ability, but if the two elders of [Tianjiansi] die here, I don't know if [Tianjiansi] will be in chaos."

There was a trace of coldness in the hoarse voice of the other person.

Murong Qingchen is waiting for the other party, so why does the other party not want to use this opportunity to deal with [Heaven Supervisor].

At this moment, Murong Qingchen's expression was serious.

From the other party's words, she heard many things.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to despise me [Tianjiansi] so much, let's see if you can pass the old man's three-foot Qingfeng sword first!"

While the old man in blue was speaking, he unsheathed his long sword, and his body transformed into a beam of light, attacking the two of them.

Sword light and sword energy burst out instantly. When they approached the two of them, these sword lights exploded, split up, and turned into dozens of long swords, piercing through the vital points on the two of them and attacking away.

face the blow.

The exposed eyes of the two masked people showed a dignified color, and they could clearly perceive the power of this sword.

This time, one of them struck out a palm, the palm of which was black and iron in color, and shook the fierce sword light erupting from the old man in blue. When the two sides collided, bright sparks and powerful vibrations erupted.It made a sharp sound when it came into contact with the surrounding air.

And the ground under this person's feet was due to the collision between the palm of his hand and the sword light, the aftermath, the ground swelled and cracked, his body was shaken back and forth, and the ground continued to crumble.

And another person wearing a mask punched out.

This punch was ordinary, but the fist was filled with fierce innate energy, forming a fierce and fierce energy gang. When it roared out, it appeared extremely sharp and possessed extremely strong destructive power.

Wherever the wind of the fist passed, the air was shaken, and there was a low humming sound.

The old man in green shirt, who drew his sword to fight another person, felt the threat of this punch, his heart moved slightly, and the light of the sword in his backhand turned, a thunderous sword energy burst out from the long sword, and it fell towards the arm. go.

Immediately avoid the sword sideways.

It's just that the other party seemed to know that he wanted to avoid the sword, and retracted his fist in a blink of an eye, colliding with the thunderous sword light.

"Heavenly Fiend's Cold Palm!"

At this moment, the iron color on the palm of the person who made the attack earlier disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, it was filled with a sinister cold air, and the eyes were stern, and both palms attacked the old man in blue.

For a moment, palm shadows filled the sky, directly enveloping the old man in blue.

Seeing this, the old man in blue cloaked his face, and slashed out with the long sword in his hand. The light of the sword was violent and ferocious, directly hitting head-on.

Jian Guang blocked the enveloping palm prints, and shattered the surrounding evil spirits pouring towards the meridians of his body.

He suddenly felt a palpitation, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

Three jets of black light shot towards him in an instant behind the shadow of the palm.

Seeing this, the green-clothed old man wanted to raise his sword to resist, but at this moment, he was previously induced to take out the palm of the sword, and his power suddenly surged, temporarily suppressing the chance of the green-clothed old man to return the sword.

Three black lights shot directly into the body of the old man in blue.

The old man in green shirt was shocked back immediately.

"Hahaha, I hit three of them, the Wuhan piercing nail, the blood in the body will be frozen!"

"Nie Jiansha, today is your death day!"

A deep voice echoed in his courtyard.

The other side!
Fighting against Cai Jing, Wei Tong's eyes changed when he heard such words, he wanted to stagger Cai Jing and return to help the old man in green shirt.

But at this time, Cai Jing's inner energy burst out like a strong wind.

He will not let Wei Tong have a chance to come back.

Fist punched out.

Rush directly at each other.

An angry look appeared on Wei Tong's face, but he had no choice but to receive the punch forcefully.

The two fists collided with a bang.

But this time, Cai Jing didn't withdraw his fist immediately, but gathered all his strength in an instant, condensing a huge force into his fist.

This is to fight against Wei Tong.

Waves of energy surged from above the fist toward his fist, and this force of fist was layered on top of each other, intending to shatter Wei Tong's arm.

Seeing this situation, Wei Tong looked astonished for a moment, and wanted to withdraw his fist, but the opponent's fist was fierce.

Once retracted, his arm may be concussed.

If the arm is concussed, he will be at a disadvantage down there.

In this situation, he can't be at a disadvantage.

So he could only pour out his inner strength and move his arms to resist Cai Jing's attack.

Of course, as a veteran strongman, he has extraordinary experience. When he was fighting against Cai Jing, his other hand suddenly gathered energy and shot towards the opponent's eyes.


Cai Jing turned his head instinctively at this moment.

But when turning, there was a slight fluctuation in the strength of the shot.

And Wei Tong seized this fluctuation, his fist turned into a palm in an instant, and grabbed the opponent's wrist, but Cai Jing was also very sensitive and staggered his grasp with a twist of his wrist.

Seeing this, Wei Tong's expression didn't change at all.

Turning around, the energy in the body exploded, and the back slammed into the opponent fiercely.

Using his back as a weapon, he slammed into Cai Jing's body.

A deep voice came from the place where the two of them intersected, and Cai Jing's body was forcibly shaken so that he flew backwards.

And Cai Jing, who was flying upside down, turned his palm suddenly, and a cold light shot out from his hand, heading towards Wei Tong's throat.

Wei Tong, who was about to take advantage of the situation and give Cai Jing a fatal attack, had no choice but to fight back to block the cold light.

A punch blasted the cold light down.

On the other side, the old man in green shirt who was hit by three bone-penetrating nails held his chest with his right hand, bent his body, and supported his body with a long sword in his hand, without looking at the other two.

However, the person who made the sneak attack succeeded in one blow, and shot towards the old man in blue.

The palm of the hand showed eagle claws, and with a strong evil spirit, it came directly to the head of the old man in green shirt.

He wanted to take off the head of the old man in the green shirt.

But just as he approached the old man in blue, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the bent old man in blue, and the long sword supporting his body suddenly turned into a cold light.

through the opponent's palm.

Insert directly into each other's throat.

At this moment, the three bone-penetrating nails nailed to the body of the old man in green shirt fell to the ground with a light and crisp sound.

"You!" The man whose throat was stabbed looked at the long sword at his throat in disbelief, and pointed his palm at the old man in blue. He didn't understand why he was hit by his bone-penetrating nail, but the other party didn't suffer any injuries.

"You underestimate the background of our [Tianjian Division]!"

The old man in the green shirt drew back his long sword, and traces of blood still remained on the blade, dripping slowly onto the ground.

The blade was smooth and bright again.

The masked man clutched his throat and stepped back.

His eyes were on the chest of the old man in blue.

There were three holes in the coat, but there was a black light on the underwear, and there was a hint of gold in the black color.

"Golden Crow Mail Armor!"

The person wearing the mask said these words and fell directly on the ground.

Coming with him, another masked person appeared in front of the person who fell on the ground, with a trace of anger and sadness in his eyes.

"You killed my brother!"

A deep and angry voice came from the mouth of the masked man, his eyes turned scarlet at this moment, revealing a ferocious chill.

"Do you think the old man is playing tricks with you?"

The old man in blue said coldly, not caring about the scarlet eyes of the masked man at all.

the other side

Cai Jing and Wei Tong had already stopped fighting, he looked this way, and his eyes were also taken aback.

Such a reversal was not expected.

A ferocious look appeared on Wei Tong's face: "You won't be able to leave today!"

While speaking, Wei Tong took out a pair of gloves from his back. The gloves looked ordinary, but it was absolutely not easy to be able to take them out at this time.

"Heavenly Fiend Gold Silk Gloves!"

Cai Jing's face changed when he saw Wei Tong put on the gloves.

In the case of the same strength, either the skills have become stronger, or the weapons are special.

This Tiansha golden silk glove can increase the strength of Qi to [-]%.

Don't underestimate these two percent.

His eyes couldn't help looking at the treasured sword in Murong Qingchen's hand. If he had this treasured sword, his strength would also increase by [-] to [-] percent.

At this time, the person wearing the mask had a chilly inner energy fluctuation all over his body, and his aura continued to rise, and a pair of bloody double wheels appeared in his hands.

Seeing the blood-colored twin wheels, the old man's expression froze: "Red-blooded twin-wheels, you are the red-blooded twin demons!"

far away
When Murong Qingchen heard about the Red Blood Demons, his eyes moved slightly.

The Scarlet Blood Demons were characters from 20 years ago, and they are different from those of her father, Emperor Zhou, who were able to make a name for themselves when her father was so powerful in the world.

Back then, the red-blooded twin demons were hunted down by eminent monks from the Buddhist Lingyun Grotto Temple and disappeared into the rivers and lakes. Many people thought they were dead.

But he didn't die, and joined the [Evil League].

"Today I will take your blood to avenge my brother!"

The masked man who was identified took off the mask on his face, took off his cloak, and revealed an ordinary face, but this ordinary face is a little distorted at the moment.

As soon as his footsteps stepped on the ground, he attacked the old man in the green shirt, and the blood-colored wheels in his hands turned into two blood-colored rays of light, and attacked the old man in the blue shirt first.

When the gear was driven by his internal energy, a blood-colored spiral ripple appeared. This ripple was extremely sharp, like a whirlwind. Under the high-speed rotation, the surrounding air vibrated and made a sharp piercing sound.Unusually harsh.

The old man in the green shirt looked solemn, and it seemed that the other party was going to do his best at this moment.

The sword energy in the body burst out and circulated around the body, and then looked at the blood-colored twin wheels flying to the left and right, and immediately slashed out two swords with the long sword in his hand.

Sword Qi burst out, wanting to hit the two wheels.

But the two wheels rotated very fast, shattering the sword energy and continuing to come.

However, the sword energy also slowed down the running speed,

Seeing this, the old man in the green shirt did not retreat but advanced, the long sword in his hand violently slashed out, and a huge sword energy rushed towards the wheels like a tide.

The two wheels collided with the sword energy to form a stream of air.

But at this time, a figure had already grabbed both hands, with two wheels in both hands, and smashed towards the old man in blue with endless blood.

The speed is fast and extremely ferocious.

The old man in green shirt turned back his sword to resist.

The long sword collided with the two wheels, drawing a bright spark.

clang clang clang.

Then one of the red-blooded twin demons remained and continued to attack. The two sides collided fiercely, and bright sparks and powerful vigor erupted.

The Qi Jin was extremely ferocious, within a few meters around them, the Qi Jin was flying around, and ordinary people couldn't get close at all, and if they got close, they might be stabbed by this violent Qi Jin.

Murong Qingchen and Caiwei also retreated quickly, their eyes fixed on the battle in front of them.

Although the power erupted from those two wheels was strong, the sword of the old man in blue was equally fierce and violent, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"Miss, there is no way to go on like this, should we send out the death guards?"

Caiwei opened the mouth and said.

[Tianjiansi] The strongest in the past was the head of the Tianjiansi, but now he is serving Emperor Zhou, and the following are the three elders of [Tianjiansi].

Among the three elders, the strongest force did not appear, sitting in the Tianjian Division.

Below is the death guard. The death guard is a specially refined humanoid puppet, who has absorbed special medicine since childhood. He is not afraid of life and death, and has no pain. He is a big killer of Tianjiansi.

Murong Qingchen, as the head of the Tianjian Division, of course has death guards by his side.

Just when she was preparing to mobilize the death guard.

Fighting against one of the red-blooded twin demons with the old man in blue, his figure suddenly retreated slightly, holding the blood-colored gear in his right hand, and attacked the old man in blue, spinning quickly,

On the other side, the gear in his left hand also attacked the old man in blue.

The green-clothed old man swung the spinning gear away with his sword, and then retracted to block the attacks of the left and right gears.

But at this moment, one of the red-blooded twin demons didn't take back the flying gear, but raised his hand and punched the old man in green shirt in the chest.

Powerful energy erupted from his hands.

The old man in green shirt stepped back.

But at this time, the picked-up gear suddenly turned rapidly, and appeared behind the old man in blue.

The gear slammed into the back of the old man in blue.

Although there was Golden Crow's chain armor to resist, it also rushed into his body with a huge force.

The vigor in the old man's body was shaken, and he stagnated for a short time.

And at this moment, the gears of the left hand of the red-blooded twin demons locked the old man's long sword in blue, and the fist of his right hand opened directly, forming a claw, and directly grabbed the old man's throat.

Grasping the old man's throat with his palm, he slashed open the old man's throat fiercely,

A stream of blood sprayed out.

At this moment, the long sword in the blue-clothed old man's hand also detached from the gear, turning into a cold light and piercing into the opponent's heart.

Vigor disappears
The two figures intertwined together.

One person's palm tore open the opponent's throat, and the other's long sword pierced the opponent's heart.

perish together
The scene became silent.

But at this time, that Cai Jing fought with that Wei Tong, his figure was blown away by Wei Tong's palm, but the blown place was going in the direction of Murong Qingchen.

On the way of retreating, he raised his hand and grabbed it, a suction force emerged from his hand, and directly grabbed the treasured knife in Murong Qingchen's hand, and then turned around without stopping, and disappeared in front of Murong Qingchen's eyes.

"Miss, let's just let him go!"

Caiwei who was beside Murong Qingchen said so.

Murong Qingchen looked at the corpse of the old man in green shirt lying on the ground, with a trace of sadness between his brows.

"I put special things on that long knife, and I can find its position when the time comes. I want this [Evil Alliance] to pay a heavy price."

Murong Qingchen said harshly.

That Wei Tong came to the old man in blue, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

They have been together in Tianjiansi for many years, and they left with the body of the old man in blue.

At this time, beyond the Great Wall.

A ray of light appeared outside the gathering place where the Tianshan faction was stationed,

The four figures brought Su Chen down, and the four figures disappeared. Su Chen took a look and headed towards the gathering place.

There are still many people in the gathering place.

Su Chen glanced at a sign at the entrance of the house, and headed in one direction.

in a while.

Su Chen came to a simple two-story building.

In the small building, Dugu Wudi, Guan Qi, Li Chenzhou and others all gathered here. When they saw Su Chen, they all stood up and saluted Su Chen.

"Has Huo Mufeng from the Tianshan School arrived yet?"

Su Chen asked.

"According to the clues, it should arrive at dusk. Huo Mufeng, the lord of Beishan Jin Duyi, and two Supreme Elders will go down the mountain together with the other five elders."

Dugu Wudi replied.

Hearing Dugu Wudi's words, Su Chen frowned slightly.

"A lot of people came from the other party? How many masters came from [Cold Moon Sect]?" Su Chen asked.

If there are fewer people from Hanyue's sect, then he doesn't plan to face it head-on.

[Blue Dragon Club] is an organization of assassins, and assassination is the means.

"Zi Hanyue replied to us that two dantian Huahai masters and three normal masters of the nine difficulties of heaven and man have come. She is willing to attack Huo Mufeng with us."

"Four Xiangxi ghosts, go check out Zi Hanyue's situation!"

With Su Chen's accumulation of resources, the four ghosts of Xiangxi have recently improved their strength a lot. The phantoms of the four of them are invisible. It is most appropriate to check the situation on Zi Hanyue's side.

"They are here!" Dugu Wudi pointed to a place on the map of the meeting place on the table.

In the dark, the four figures disappeared.

But after a while, the four figures returned.

"My lord, there are no other masters around there, only Zi Hanyue and two masters who are extremely difficult to live in."

The Four Ghosts of Xiangxi appeared, opened their mouths, and disappeared after speaking.

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned.

The others stared.

"My lord, do they want to take advantage of the fisherman?"

Dugu Invincible's expression became gloomy.

"I'm going to meet Zi Hanyue and see what she tells me. You go outside the gathering place first." Su Chen said.

He decided to meet Zi Hanyue.

If Zi Hanyue didn't have a reasonable explanation, then they would quickly leave this gathering place and assassinate them instead.

Of course, just in case, he let others go out of the gathering place first.

(End of this chapter)

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