The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 426 Great Zhou Zhou Emperor, the one who stirred up the situation

Chapter 426 Great Zhou Zhou Emperor, the one who stirred up the situation

The capital, the apse of the imperial palace.

A palace with many hidden guards gathered outside. This is the place where Emperor Zhou, the Lord of the Great Zhou, retreated.

inside the palace.

It seemed very empty, but in this empty space, there were two figures playing chess.

A middle-aged man dressed in a dragon robe, with the pressure between his brows, is the Emperor Zhou, the Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In front of him was a middle-aged man with a rough face, exuding a strong evil spirit. It was Xue Pingsheng, the former head of the Great Zhou Tian Supervisor, and a blood knife beside the Great Zhou Zhou Emperor.

"You still have to eliminate the evil spirit on your body, otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to break through again."

The white chess in Emperor Zhou's hands fell, and he spoke.

"My lord, after so many years of slaughtering, it is very difficult to suppress the evil spirit!"

"However, I have found a suitable way for me to ecstasy!"

Xue Pingsheng said.

He didn't address Emperor Zhou as His Majesty, but as Master, which shows that the relationship between the two is a kind of retainer, and the relationship is unusual.

"How is the [Cold Moon Sect] dealing with the matter outside the Great Wall?"

Emperor Zhou said.

"[Cold Moon Sect]'s plan is in progress, but Huo Mufeng is not simple. He has noticed something, and has eliminated [Cold Moon Sect] people lurking in Tianshan Sect!"

"However, recently [Tianshan Sect] is fighting with [Ghost Domain] occupied by [Tianya Pavilion], and it is estimated that a large part of the power will be consumed. By then, [Cold Moon Sect] should be able to take over [Tianshan Sect]."

Xue Pingsheng replied.

"Speaking of [Tianya Pavilion], how is your investigation going?"

When Emperor Zhou heard what he thought of, he opened his mouth and said.

"My lord, the subordinates of [Tianya Pavilion] really haven't found out the specific situation."

"But there are two pavilions, the East Pavilion and the North Pavilion. The master of the East Pavilion, Gu Santong, has already concentrated his strength in the sea. The god is a huge golden body. In addition, the master of the North Pavilion [Ye Di] has melted into the sea. It feels almost enough Concentrate on the sea."

"Golden body sculpts a god, is it caused by exercises, or?"

Emperor Zhou was not interested in warriors below the concentration level in the sea, and he attached great importance to warriors with concentration in the sea.

"Judging from the fight against Huo Mufeng, his golden body that molds the god should have something to do with the exercises."

"However, this Huo Mufeng is not ordinary. He was knocked down by His Majesty back then. I didn't expect to let him concentrate in the sea again in 20 years. It's really not easy!"

There was admiration in Xue Pingsheng's tone.

Back then, Huo Mufeng's realm fell and he was seriously injured. He saw it with his own eyes.

He was amazed that such an injury could recover.

"There is a Gu worm in his body, that Gu worm can help him recover from his injuries, don't envy him!"

Zhou Di said softly.

If it wasn't for that Gu worm back then, Huo Mufeng would have died under his palm.

"That's true!"

Xue Pingsheng nodded involuntarily, he knew what Emperor Zhou was talking about.

"There is also a newly emerged killer organization named [Blue Dragon Society]. It is rumored that there are seven dragon heads in this [Blue Dragon Society], and there are three people. The strongest should be Li Chenzhou, the leader of the three dragons. According to the spy's observation, this person, It has gathered momentum and should soon break through the Huahai level."

"After the emergence of this force, although it was dominated by the seven dragon heads, the prominent figure was Su Chen, who has now become the leader of the nine northern counties."

"He is very young, his strength is average, he has just stepped into Tianren not long ago, and his aptitude is not outstanding in the past!"

"After his father's death, he was completely reborn, and it is also possible that he was hiding his strength in the early stage."

"This Su Chen has something to do with Princess Qingchen."

"But these are okay, the main thing is that people from [Changshenghui] and [Bulaotang] have begun to show up." Xue Pingsheng said.

"They have also come out, and more and more forces are entering the game. Simply relying on the power of the world, my accumulation is still a bit short. If I add more blood and evil spirits from the world, I should be able to break open the gate of heaven!"

"Find them all, set off the wind and rain, gather the world's evil spirits, and finally kill them, and use the momentum to break open the gate of heaven!"

Murderous intent flashed in Emperor Zhou's eyes.

"The battle between the nine princes and the other princes is a bit too peaceful, too peaceful, this week's dynasty will not cause fluctuations, and those people will not move either!"

"You should know exactly what to do next!"

Emperor Zhou said.

From their conversation, it can be known that all the situation in the world is controlled by Emperor Zhou, and the battle among the nine princes is also secretly planned by him.

Kowloon seized the throne was prepared by him.

Now the turmoil between the Great Zhou Dynasty is secretly arranged by him.

He is a real chess player in the world.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps coming in from the back of the hall. It was an unnecessary eunuch in eunuch clothes with a fair face.

He came softly in front of the two of them.

"Your Majesty, Chief! News came from Fengyun Villa that Nie Jiansha, one of the three elders of [Heaven Supervisor], was killed when he fought with [Xiemeng] Scarlet Blood Demons."

There is no need for the eunuch to report back.

"Sword kill, was killed, Qingchen underestimated [Xiemeng], here I know, please trouble Eunuch Cai!"

Xue Pingsheng said in a flat tone.

That Eunuch Cai bowed to Emperor Zhou and stepped back.

"I didn't expect that Killing would be the first to appear from my Tianjian Division. I don't know why His Majesty chose Princess Qingchen to be in charge of the Tianjian Division."

"Although Princess Qingchen is talented and intelligent, she still seems a bit immature to be in charge of the [Heaven Supervisor Division]."

Xue Pingsheng said in a low voice.

"Only when Qingchen is in charge, can you secretly control [Tianjiansi], others have more power than Qingchen!"

"What's more, Qingchen's mind pays more attention to the stability of the Great Zhou Dynasty. She will target more people who cause blood rain in [Tianjian Division], but it is because of her that other people can cause more storms!"

"By the way, Qingchen seems to be very concerned about Su Chen from the [Azure Dragon Club]. When he has time, he secretly transfers Su Chen from the nine counties in the north to the capital. Maybe he can help Qingchen deal with more powerful people."

After Zhou Di finished speaking, he played another chess piece.

Xue Pingsheng stopped talking and continued to play chess with Emperor Zhou.

Su Chen, who is far outside the Great Wall, doesn't know yet.

He has been calculated by Emperor Zhou.

At this moment, he came to Zi Hanyue's residence.

When seeing Su Chen, Zi Hanyue showed surprise on her face.

She didn't expect Su Chen to appear outside the Great Wall.

"I didn't expect Master Su, you came to Beyond the Great Wall in person!"

Zi Hanyue looked at Su Hao and said.

"I facilitated the cooperation between [Blue Dragon Club] and [Tianya Pavilion], of course I'm coming!"

Su Chen said softly.

And sat opposite Zi Hanyue, looking at Zi Hanyue, the two hadn't seen each other for a while, Zi Hanyue disappeared after the Changhen Gongmeng supernatural power incident.

If it wasn't for Huang Quan's participation in the [Tianshan School], it is estimated that the meeting between them would have been longer.

"I came here this time to ask the Holy Maiden, how many masters have you come here, and are going to fight against Huo Mufeng of the [Tianshan School] with [Ghost Domain] and our [Qinglong Club]."

Su Chen said straight to the point.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Zi Hanyue said in a deep voice: "Master Su, we [Han Yue Sect] suffered heavy losses in the Tianshan Sect, and I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with Huo Mufeng with you!"

Zi Hanyue looked at Su Chen and said.

(End of this chapter)

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