Chapter 427 Tianshan sent to lure the shot

She didn't hide from Su Chen either, she told the situation on her side.

He looked at Su Chen closely, wanting to know Su Chen's reaction when he heard this.

Su Chen's expression was flat. He had expected that the [Cold Moon Sect] would not make a move. He just came to verify it, so there would not be too many emotional fluctuations.

"Actually, it's better if you don't participate. In this way, we can get more things from [Ghost Domain] or [Tianya Pavilion]."

Su Chen said calmly.

He already had a plan on the way here.

Mainly single kills.

He didn't believe that Huo Mufeng and his group would stay together forever.

As long as they find an opportunity to attack and kill some people, or lure some people away, then they have a chance to deal with Huo Mufeng.

Of course, when the time comes, [Ghost Domain] will be able to occupy [Tianshan School] alone.

If [Cold Moon Sect] competes with it, then there is no need to hold back, if you dare to pick peaches, you are already an enemy, so there is no need to hold back.

"Then I wish Master Su and you all the best in taking down Huo Mufeng, but I can send two elders to help Master Su."

Of course, Zi Hanyue didn't mean to help, but only wanted the two elders to participate.

Then she can justly watch the battle in the dark.

The strength of these two elders is among the nine difficulties of heaven and man, and they can be regarded as strong.

At that time, he can also help lure away two masters who are extremely difficult to deal with, so it's not for nothing.

"Then I would like to thank Miss Hanyue, but these two elders need to obey the arrangement, and I will tell them what to do when the time comes."

"Since Miss Hanyue has informed about this matter, I will leave first."

Su Chen didn't stay here, and left after slightly saluting.

"This is Su Chen?"

"Saint, this Su Chen has an aura, an extraordinary aura!"

After Su Chen left, Elder Yin who was in the room spoke.

"Can be elected by the [Blue Dragon Association] to become the leader of the nine northern counties, how can it be an ordinary person?"

"That's why I don't want to stand against him. Next, I may have to trouble the two elders."

"I really want to see how they deal with Huo Mufeng!"

Zi Hanyue opened the mouth and said.

In fact, she felt a little helpless. Originally, she wanted to deal with Huo Mufeng and the others together with Su Chen, but she didn't expect that Blood Venerable would leave suddenly, disrupting her thoughts.

She understood Blood Venerable's intentions.

Can't stop it, so I can only stay by myself.

Naturally, you can't tell Su Chen about this.

at this time
another place

Nine figures appeared outside the gathering place, it was Huo Mufeng and others who came from the [Tianshan School], they looked at the gathering place in front of them.

"Master, do you want me to visit first!"

Jin Duyi who was beside Huo Mufeng said.

"This is my [Tianshan Sect] territory, we don't need to be afraid of anyone."

Huo Mufeng's eyes were cold, and he stepped towards the gathering place.

At this time, the disciples of the Tianshan School outside the gathering place saw Huo Mufeng's expression excited and bowed to salute.

"Take us forward!"

Jin Duyi said.

The disciples of the Tianshan School led them into the gathering place and headed towards the palace.


Su Chen hid his body in the crowd, and looked at the group of people walking forward. Among them, Huo Mufeng's aura was strong, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"At night, we still need to plan!"

Although Su Chen has a general idea here, he still needs to plan.

"Teacher, I didn't feel any exploration along the way, and there is still the breath of a strong man."

Jin Duyi who was following Huo Mufeng said via voice transmission.

He was aware of his surroundings along the way.

There was nothing around that could make him feel a little bit of pressure.

"Let's see the cause of death of Mu Fengyun and the Supreme Elder first!" After speaking, he stepped into the palace,

inside the palace
Three corpses were placed in it.

The head of the man in black was cracked, which was extremely ugly, while the bodies of Mu Fengyun and Yuan Mugui were still intact.

Hu Mingneng, an old man in green robe, came in front of Mu Fengyun in a blink of an eye. Mu Fengyun was his disciple, looking for the wounds in Mu Fengyun's body.

"Knocked into the body by Qi Jin and died!"

"The person who made the shot is very strong, and it is estimated that he will soon reach the stage of concentrating in the sea!"

Hu Mingneng frowned slightly when he said this.

"It was Li Chenzhou, the head of the three dragons of the [Azure Dragon Society]! Elder Yuan also died in his hands!"

When Jin Duyi was speaking, he came to Yuan Mugui's side, and investigated the cause of Yuan Mugui's death.

"Being killed by someone punching his heart, this Li Chenzhou's fist strength is unparalleled!"

Jin Duyi's eyes were serious.

Finally, he came to the side of the man in black. Seeing his miserable body, Jin Duyi looked a little angry.

"The elder died in Guan Qi's hands. At that time, Guan Qi absorbed the golden plum bottle and entered a state of madness, with sword qi flying and berserk!"

A man in black in the hall spoke.

"Guan Qi Crazy, have you absorbed the golden plum bottle too many times?"

Hearing this, Jin Duyi murmured to himself in a cold voice.

The golden plum vase is a good treasure, but if you use it too much, you will become possessed. When possessed, it will be very violent, and the shots are quite brutal.

"Send the corpses of Master Mu and the others back to the Tianshan faction today. After sending the corpses away, you all will follow me to [Ghost Domain], and today we will pay homage to Master Mu and the others with the people from [Ghost Domain]."

Huo Mufeng's deep voice sounded in the hall.


Some Tianshan sect disciples in the hall began to collect the three corpses, and quickly put them into three coffins.

outside the temple.

The carriage was ready and the coffin was quickly transported away.

A group of Tianshan sect disciples guarded it.

On the main street of the gathering place, inside a small pavilion.

Su Chen looked at the leaving convoy.

After contemplating for a while, he said to one of the four Xiangxi ghosts standing behind him: "Go and inform Zi Hanyue to let the two elders beside her take action against the leaving convoy, and draw out some celestial beings who just followed Huo Mufeng." A master of nine difficulties."


A cyan figure left quickly.

Su Chen's eyes were looking at the palace.

Asking Zi Hanyue to take action has two purposes, one is to lure away the two masters beside Zi Hanyue so as to test whether there are other masters beside Zi Hanyue, and the other is if Huo Mufeng sends someone forward.

Then his first sniper kill will happen, using a strong force to weaken the opponent's strength first.

Finally, concentrate on killing Huo Mufeng.

Of course, this is just his idea, and everything needs to be changed according to the actual situation.

Time passed little by little.

Suddenly, a burst of fireworks appeared ten miles away from the gathering place.

It was the fireworks for the Tianshan faction asking for help.

Looking at the fireworks, Su Chen's eyes were fixed on the palace not far away, and he wanted to see how Huo Mufeng would arrange it.

inside the palace,

Huo Mufeng and his party walked out of the palace.

Seeing the fireworks, a cold light flickered in his eyes.

"Teacher, is the other party trying to transfer some of us?"

Jin Duyi looked at the fireworks and said.

"Teacher, I will go there in person, I want to see what tricks they are playing?"

Beside Huo Mufeng, the Supreme Elder Hu Mingneng spoke.

His disciple was killed, he couldn't swallow this, he needed to pay with the lives of [Blue Dragon Society] or [Ghost Field].

Huo Mufeng nodded calmly.

Hu Mingneng's strength is stronger than Yuan Mugui's before. He is a veteran Dantian sea-forming powerhouse. Even if he encounters the ancient three links, he can resist it for a few minutes. In these few minutes, they are completely able to rush .

(End of this chapter)

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