Chapter 428 Without a word, fierce fighting

"[Tianshan Sect] Supreme Elder Hu Mingneng, and two other elders, then in the hall, there are only Supreme Elder Lu Qingsheng, the Lord of Beishan Jin Duyi, and three elders who are extremely difficult to live in."

"In this case, our side can completely deal with Huo Mufeng!"

Seeing three figures walking out of the palace, Su Chen murmured.

He didn't expect to lure three people away at once, including a Supreme Elder.

"Then go meet Huo Mufeng, the head teacher of [Tianshan Sect]!"

Su Chen said.

Behind him, one of the four Xiangxi ghosts left quickly.

at this time
inside the palace.

The hall seemed very quiet, Huo Mufeng looked calm, while Jin Duyi frowned, with a look of worry on his face.

He always felt that something was wrong.


Huo Mufeng's eyes suddenly opened, and beside him, Hu Qingsheng, the elder in black robe, looked out of the hall with a flash of brilliance.

"I didn't expect it to come!"

Jin Duyi thought to himself.

"The ancient three links, there was no winner in the last fight, and it appeared again this time."

Huo Mufeng's body erupted with a huge wave of breath.

The figure came out first, and the other five followed in an instant.

On the square outside the main hall.

Gu Santong stood with his hands behind his back, and when Huo Mufeng appeared, he turned around and passed by.

"Huo Mufeng, I didn't expect us to meet again. The last time we fought, you and I were tied. I originally wanted to get along with you [Tianshan faction], but I didn't expect you to chase after me!"

"Since you are not letting go, I can only let you [Tianshan faction] disappear."

Gu Santong looked at Huo Mufeng and said.

"Gu Santong, you are so arrogant, you actually want to destroy me [Tianshan faction], and you just keep you here today!"

Huo Mufeng's expression was gloomy, and when he was speaking, a series of vigorous vigor surged out of his body, forming a huge air current and pressing towards Gu Santong.

"Elder Lu, you and I will join hands to kill Gu Santong!"

When Huo Mufeng pressed his breath towards Gu Santong, he transmitted the sound to the black-robed old man beside him.

The black-robed old man's face remained motionless, but a bloody aura condensed in his palm, and this bloody aura continuously circulated and gathered together.

He looked closely at Gu Santong.

As long as Huo Mufeng makes a move, he will find a chance to make a move. As long as he interferes with Gu Santong for a while, he believes that Huo Mufeng will find a chance to make a move.

"Divine Power, Sky Sword!"

At this time, Huo Mufeng let out a low cry, and the energy circulating in his body turned into sword energy in a blink of an eye, and a long sword composed of sword energy appeared behind him.

Around the long sword, sword energy tore through the space.


Huo Mufeng let out a low cry, his murderous aura soared to the sky, and the long sword made of sword energy instantly cut towards Gu Santong.

There is no nonsense in the direct shot.

When Gu Santong saw this, golden light shone all over his body, as if his whole body was made of gold, he raised his hand and punched out.

The golden fist blasted out directly, together with the long sword that struck.

When the fist collided with the long sword, the violent energy spread rapidly.

The surge of energy all over the sky made the people around them take a few steps back involuntarily.

And at this time.

The Elder Lu Qingsheng, who was wearing a black robe, moved, and his hands turned into a huge ice pick, attacking behind Gu Santong.

The ice cone carried a huge chill, which instantly cooled the surrounding temperature.

But at this time, a shadow of a fist suddenly appeared, punching on the ice cone, and then fell down, his footsteps stepped on the ground, and immediately attacked Lu Qingsheng, a domineering and fierce aura emanated from the fist.

Seeing this, Lu Qingsheng's eyes froze, energy burst out from his body, and a hazy chill appeared in the palm of his hand, and he slapped it out.

Hit with that fist.

The fist and palm collided together, making a dull sound, and then the two retreated a few steps.

"[Blue Dragon Club] Three dragon heads, Li Chenzhou!"

"You [Blue Dragon Club] want to participate in the affairs of my [Tianshan School] and [Tianya Pavilion]."

Lu Qingsheng looked at Li Chenzhou with cold eyes, and his voice was very low.

"Using people's money to do things for others, [Tianya Pavilion] has paid the price, so of course we will make a move."

Li Chenzhou looked at Lu Qingsheng and said.

With a vigorous twist in the speaking arm, the frost covering his arm was instantly shattered.

"[Azure Dragon Club] You actually want to intervene, so show up all of you, I know you still have strong people in the dark."

When Li Chenzhou finished speaking, Jin Duyi said in a deep voice.

The other side calculated them like this, presumably these people are not the only ones.


When his voice fell, five figures flew over from a distance.

Accompanied by five figures, five powerful auras came suppressing them, causing Jin Duyi's expression to change.

"[Blue Dragon Club] Yan Nantian, Ding Peng, Liu Sheng Yijian, Xue Yiren, [Tianya Pavilion] Guan Qi."

When the five figures descended, Jin Duyi's eyes froze.

He didn't expect so many masters to come at [Blue Dragon Club] at once.

Except for Guan Qi, all of them are characters who have appeared in [Blue Dragon Club].

"You [Blue Dragon Club] are fighting our [Tianshan School] in an all-round way."

Jin Duyi looked at Yan Nantian and the others and said humanely.

"The other party can afford the price, so of course we [Blue Dragon Club] will all come!"

Yan Nantian said.

At this time, it seemed that someone in the gathering place sensed what was happening inside the palace, and came towards this side. Looking at the situation outside the palace, the voice of whispering spread like a tide.

"Tianshan School, Ghost Domain, Azure Dragon Club, here!"

Some people looked at this situation with horror in their eyes.

[Tianshan School] was born recently, and many people have slowly recalled the strength of [Tianshan School] back then, and they also know the ghost domain that they recently fought against [Tianshan School].

But I didn't expect [Ghost Domain] to invite [Blue Dragon Club] to deal with [Tianshan School] this time.

Looking at the current situation, [Human Domain] and [Blue Dragon Club] have the upper hand in terms of numbers.

"In that case, let me see the strength of your [Blue Dragon Club]!"

When Jin Duyi was speaking, a layer of blood appeared on his body, and his entire hair began to turn red like blood. There was a faint chill on his body, and he looked at Yan Nantian and the others with sharp eyes.

"Kill a few of you first, and see how you feel?"

When Jin Duyi was speaking, he raised his arm, and a thick layer of bloody aura appeared on his arm at this moment.

This bloody aura reveals a ferocious and fierce aura.

far away
Watching the battle, Su Chen stared at this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly: "This Jin Duyi is indeed a strong man who transforms the dantian into the sea."

His eyes flickered, thinking whether he should stop this person himself.

But after taking a look at Huo Mufeng who was fighting with Gu Santong, his eyes froze slightly.

His goal is Huo Mufeng.

While he was thinking, Yan Nantian and Ding Peng rushed out instantly, one behind the other, the magic knife appeared in Ding Peng's hand, and an extremely fierce and terrifying aura emanated from the magic knife.

On Yan Nantian's side, his fist intent was concentrated, and he was about to burst into a skyrocketing fist intent.

(End of this chapter)

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