The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 429 [Cold Moon Sect] Blood Venerable, Violent Jin Duyi

Chapter 429 [Cold Moon Sect] Blood Venerable, Violent Jin Duyi
Another place.

Zi Hanyue looked at the scene in front of her with flickering eyes.

She also didn't expect that [Blue Dragon Club] would mobilize so many people.

Three dragon heads plus two masters of the nine difficulties of heaven and man, it can be said that the strongest combat power of the [Blue Dragon Club] in the nine northern counties has appeared.

Suddenly, a wave of power appeared around her.

A blood-colored figure appeared behind her, it was the Blood Venerable who had left earlier.

Zi Hanyue stared blankly when she saw the Blood Venerable appearing.

"Blood Venerable, why are you here!"

Zi Hanyue asked in surprise.

She didn't expect that the Blood Venerable who left earlier would appear at this time.

According to the logic, Blood Venerable and the others should be on the [Tianshan faction] side by now, or they should have taken action against [Tianshan faction].

"You think we will attack [Tianshan Sect], that is not a wise choice, there is no winner here, we [Cold Moon Sect] will not attack?"

Xue Zun looked at Zi Hanyue and said.

"Then I ask the blood venerable to do it. If Hu Ming, who was lured away before, can come back, I'm afraid this side will be passive."

Zi Hanyue couldn't help but said.

"Hu Mingneng can't go back, don't worry, the victory here is the end!"

The blood venerable looked at the direction of the battle, his eyes were deep, and bloody rays of light shone in them.

"I'm afraid the result of the battle here will not be great. Gu Santong may not be able to kill Huo Mufeng."

Zi Hanyue frowned.

Judging from the battle situation between Huo Mufeng and Gu Santong, although the two of them haven't put out their full strength yet, judging from the traces of the battle, the two may not be able to tell the winner.

When she looked towards Gu Santong and Huo Mufeng.

The aura fluctuations on the two of them are getting bigger and bigger, but their figures follow the aura changes and move towards the outside of the gathering place.

Seeing the two people far away from the fight, Zi Hanyue looked at Xue Zun, and found that Xue Zun didn't pay attention to Gu Santong and Huo Mufeng, so she couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Blood Zun doesn't watch the battle between the two!"

"Even if the two of them decide the winner, Gu Santong would not dare to kill Huo Mufeng, so there is no need to pay attention."

The Blood Venerable said.

"Don't dare to kill Huo Mufeng?"

Zi Hanyue showed surprise on her face, she really didn't understand what the blood lord said.

"You will know later!"

When Xue Zun spoke, his eyes were fixed on Jin Duyi.

"Jin Duyi, has your strength increased a lot in the past 20 years? You're about to concentrate."

"But it's a pity, I'm going to die here today, I'll give you a ride."

After the Blood Venerable's words fell, his figure moved slightly.

He appeared here because of Jin Duyi.

He wants to attack Jin Duyi.

As long as Jin Duyi dies, only Lu Qingsheng will be left at the Huahai level in [Tianshan School].

Then if they join forces to siege, Lu Qingsheng will not be able to leave.

Su Chen sensed a powerful aura, and looked there.

He saw the bloody figure appearing in front of Zi Hanyue.

"Blood Lord!"

He had previously known from Li Chenzhou that the master of [Han Yue Sect] who appeared beside Zi Hanyue was the Blood Venerable.

"How could he appear at this time, and he has the intention of doing something."

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. Earlier, Zi Hanyue said that they would not take action with this blood venerable, but now they appeared and were ready to do so.

It seemed to sense Su Chen's gaze.

The blood venerable glanced at Su Chen, and an oppressive aura swept towards Su Chen.

But when he was about to get close to Su Chen.

Four figures appeared in front of Su Chen, and the aura pressing on Su Chen disappeared as if deep into a quagmire.

Seeing this, the Blood Venerable's eyes froze, but he didn't look at Su Chen again.

The figure was rushing towards Jin Duyi who was fighting Yan Nantian and Ding Peng.

Jin Duyi's strength is higher than that of Yan Nantian and Ding Peng in terms of realm. His body is full of blood, like a demon god. Road ripples.

The palm of the probe was extremely sharp.

Ding Peng's magic knife exploded with all its power, combined with Yan Nantian's fist, barely resisting Jin Duyi's attack.

"Jin Duyi, stay safe and sound!"

Just as Jin Duyi continued to suppress Ding Peng and the others, a deep voice sounded behind him.

Following the sound, a palm slapped his back sharply.

The palm of the hand is blood red, it looks like a bright red bone, and the speed is extremely fast.

Jin Duyi shook Ding Peng and Yan Nantian back with his palm, stretched out his body, and struck with the sneaking palm.

Jin Duyi fell down and took a step back.

The blood venerable who made the shot landed on the ground and took a few steps back before stopping.

Fighting with one blow, it can be seen that the strength of Xue Zun is not as good as that of Jin Duyi.

"Blood Master, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me. Today I want to clean up the dead master."

Jin Duyi looked at the Xue Zun who appeared, his eyes were full of anger, and he looked very violent.

Listening to his address, this Jin Duyi actually called Xue Zun his junior.

This blood venerable used to be a disciple of [Tianshan School] and Jin Duyi's junior.

After finishing speaking, he turned around, gave up dealing with Ding Peng and Yan Nantian, stepped forward, and directly attacked the Blood Venerable.

"You two, let's surround and kill him together!"

Seeing this, Xue Zun said to Ding Peng and Yan Nan.

After speaking, there was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he stepped out suddenly, and the blood and energy around him erupted from his body like a volcano.

"Crimson Blood Coagulation Hand!"

The blood venerable let out a low cry, and violent blood power erupted from the palm of his hand, and he blasted it out.

"Let me see, Junior Brother, have you made any progress in the past 20 years!"

Jin Duyi's robes fluttered all over his body, and his blood-stained hair danced wildly.

The blood in the palm condensed, and he punched out.

Jin Duyi's punch seemed to explode the free air between the sky and the earth, making a booming sound.

Finally, when approaching the palm that the blood venerable slapped, a blood-colored python appeared, the python was ferocious, and violently collided with the bloody hand

At this time, Yan Nantian and Ding Peng did not jointly deal with Jin Duyi, but turned around and attacked Liu Sheng after fighting Xue Yiren with a sword.

Two elders of [Tianshan School] who were fighting Xue Yiren and Liu Sheng with a sword.

I was pinned down and couldn't react at all.

One was hit by Yan Nantian's fist, and the other was slashed across the body by Ding Peng's magic knife.

Then Xue Yiren and Liu Sheng's sword energy pierced through his body.


Seeing this situation, Jin Duyi, who was fighting the blood venerable, let out a low growl, and the strength in his fist exploded even stronger.

The blood statue was knocked upside down and flew tens of meters before stopping. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth when he stopped, and there was anger in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Ding Peng and Yan Nantian didn't make a move, but went to join other people to kill.

"Don't worry here, we're going to clean up Huo Mufeng now!"

Looking at this scene, Su Chen whispered in his mouth: "Take me there!"

Behind him, the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi appeared beside Su Chen, lifted Su Chen directly, and turned into a blue light towards Gu Santong and them.

(End of this chapter)

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