The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 430 The Resentful Blood Venerable, Li Chenzhou's Violent Fist

Chapter 430 The Resentful Blood Venerable, Li Chenzhou's Violent Fist
Su Chen came here for Huo Mufeng this time, so he will definitely not let Huo Mufeng leave alive.

"Then Su Chen left and went to the place where Gu Santong and Huo Mufeng fought. Could there be any changes there!"

Seeing that Su Chen was being taken away, Zi Hanyue frowned slightly.

Of course, she was also very surprised.

Those four figures brought Su Chen away just now, the speed was too fast.

"No wonder he dared to come, so there are such masters protecting him!"

Zi Hanyue really wanted to follow, but she didn't go there, she wanted to stare here.

At this moment, the Blood Venerable is in trouble.

People from [Blue Dragon Club] did not make a move to surround and kill Jin Duyi together with Xue Zun.

Instead, let Xue Zun face Jin Duyi alone.

At this moment, Jin Duyi turned all his anger into an attack on the Blood Venerable, his hands were full of blood, and he continued to strike forcefully, not giving the Blood Venerable a chance to breathe.

The blood energy fluctuations erupted by the two of them, the air waves formed violently collided with the air, and the sound they made was like waves hitting rocks.

The face of the Blood Venerable in the battle was extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that he made a move, but the people from [Blue Dragon Society] didn't make a move.

Killing intent filled the eyes.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely kill you!"

He roared in his heart, but he could only deal with Jin Duyi with all his might.

boom! boom! boom!
With violent collisions, bloody rays of light continued to burst out.

The figure of Xue Zun keeps retreating, and there is still some gap between his strength and Jin Duyi.

"Blood Lord, you betrayed [Tianshan faction] and master, I will kill you today!"

Jin Duyi's voice was icy cold, his figure was striding continuously, his hands formed into claws, the bloody aura condensed between his fingers, like the sharpest blade, attacking the vital points of the Blood Venerable's body.

Facing Jin Duyi's fierce attack, the blood venerable continued to transform into scarlet blood to improve his defense.

Relying on such a defense, he could barely support under Jin Duyi's palm.

the other side.

On Li Chenzhou's side, it seemed fierce, the black-robed Supreme Elder Lu Qingsheng used a sword.

The sword technique is the [One-word Frost Sword] of the [Tianshan School]! 】

The sword is like frost, fast and extremely cold.

The attacks of the two were not earth-shattering, but they were extremely fierce.

"Li Chenzhou, I don't believe that your punching power can last forever, I want to see how long your punching power can last!"

Lu Qingsheng in the black robe staggered away from Li Chenzhou and punched him, turned around, and looked at Li Chenzhou with a ferocious look in his eyes.

He made a sound, but Li Chenzhou kept punching without making a sound.

Under Li Chenzhou's fist, Lu Qingsheng kept moving his body, and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead unknowingly.

Li Chenzhou's punches were too strong, even if he had good body skills, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

What's more, he wanted to find a flaw in Li Chenzhou's fist strength, and thrust out the most severe blow.

Earlier, he had bumped head-on with Li Chenzhou a few times, and felt the strength of the opponent's body, coupled with the fierceness of the opponent's punches.

He had consumed too much energy in a head-on confrontation with the opponent, and a powerful counter-shock force caused the strength in his body to fluctuate.

So he changed his approach.

Taking advantage of the gaps to draw out the sword, the sword was filled with cold air, so as to influence Li Chenzhou's actions.

Seeing that Li Chenzhou did not speak, he continued to punch.

Lu Qingsheng's heart trembled slightly.

He dodged his figure, the sword light in his right hand flickered, and a cold vortex appeared in his left hand while dotted with cold light.

"Tianshan Ice Soul Palm!"

Jian Guang suddenly retracted, and with his left hand, he slapped it out with a palm.

It collided with Li Chenzhou's fist.

The palm collided with the fist, and a strong chill rushed towards Li Chenzhou's fist.

Lu Qingsheng's body was shaken back, his outstretched arm trembled constantly, but he looked at Li Chenzhou sharply.

At this moment, a layer of ice appeared on Li Chenzhou's punching arm.

"At this moment!"

Shocked Lu Qingsheng had a cold gleam in his eyes and a cruel smile on his face. He seized this opportunity.

The long sword in his hand made a slight tremor, and his figure leaped into the air and slashed out with a sword.

The sword light turned into white light, covering Li Chenzhou.

"The opportunity you've been waiting for is also the one I'm looking for!"

When he was in the air.

The punch on Li Chenzhou's arm soared, directly shattering the ice.

As soon as the footsteps stepped on the ground, the ground burst instantly at this moment, and countless gravel flew up, shooting towards the falling sword light.

boom! boom! boom!
The sword light collided fiercely with the blasted gravel.

At this time, Li Chenzhou bowed and stepped, and a huge air current fluctuated around his body.

These airflows collide with the air, and the air can't bear the pressure and makes a loud explosion.

The powerful voice stimulated Lu Qingsheng.

His head was momentarily empty, and the sword light collided with the gravel, so that his eyes couldn't see Li Chenzhou's movements clearly for a while,

When he recovered briefly, he felt a terrifying force of death approaching.

Li Chenzhou's fist has arrived.

At this moment, Lu Qingsheng's pupils dilated, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"not good!"

Under the ferocious punch, an extremely dangerous air flow spread all over his body.

The shadow of death instantly enveloped his heart.

He reacted instinctively and drew back his long sword, trying to block Li Chenzhou's punch.

The long sword was drawn back and collided with Li Chenzhou's fist, and immediately he felt a huge force coming from the long sword.

The long sword was hit on his chest.

The powerful punch enters his body through the blade of the sword
The whole person was thrown backwards by the punch.

A mouthful of blood spurted out,

"If you lose, the loser will die!"

Li Chenzhou's voice appeared in his ears.

Then Li Chenzhou appeared in his pupils.

Li Chenzhou's fist appeared again, this time Li Chenzhou's fist was not so reserved, but a kind of letting go.

A huge punch appeared above his fist.

The punch not only enveloped Lu Qingsheng's body, but also suppressed Lu Qingsheng's mind.

Lu Qingsheng's mind was injured just now.

It was no longer possible to resist Li Chenzhou's fist.

Fist fell.

It hit his chest directly, and the powerful force rushed directly into his internal organs through the skin. The meridians, heart vessels, and internal organs in the body were all shattered by the huge fist force.

Lu Qingsheng's physical appearance did not change at all, and he looked at Li Chenzhou in horror.

In addition to horror, there is also a trace of fear and disbelief.

Li Chenzhou is a person who wants to concentrate in the sea, and he is the same, but he died under Li Chenzhou's fist.

Lu Qingsheng's body fell to the ground.

Lu Qingsheng fell to the ground, startling the people watching the battle from a distance, and looked at Li Chenzhou in horror.

"Even if you and I are at the same level, you will still die under my fist!"

Li Chenzhou's voice was domineering.

Such a scene made Jin Duyi's heart tremble suddenly when he was fighting with the Blood Lord.

The speed of attacking the blood venerable was a bit slower.

The blood venerable also sensed the changes on Li Chenzhou's side at this moment, and was also shocked, causing him to miss the opportunity to counterattack Jin Duyi.

(End of this chapter)

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