The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 431 The siege is exhausted, Tie Zhongtang experience card

Chapter 431 The siege is exhausted, Tie Zhongtang experience card

As soon as Jin Duyi turned around, he turned and fled.

Even if he killed the Blood Venerable today, he might not be able to leave, so he thought about turning around and fleeing,

"You can't go!"

Seeing this, the blood venerable stepped forward with a long knife in his palm, and a blood-colored light flowed out of his palm. With a step forward, the palm of his hand turned into a knife with vigor, and with one knife, the powerful blood-colored knife roared towards the golden sword. Left behind alone.

This is an opportunity to kill Jin Duyi, and his blood venerable will not let it go.

Jin Duyi was blocked from escaping, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he turned around and raised his palm, and stepped forward, avoiding the attack of the blood venerable.

Then he turned around and appeared violently in front of the Blood Venerable, attacking the Blood Venerable with a palm.

Xue Zun didn't expect that Jin Duyi would turn around at all. He just wanted to stop Jin Duyi before, but now the palm came whistling, too close, and he could only resist with his palm.

The two palms collided.

Then an unbelievable wave of power swept towards his body like a storm in the sea.

The whole body was thrown upside down by the shock, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth.


After spitting blood, the Blood Venerable fell to the ground, turned around and left.

Didn't stop at all.

That Jin Duyi wanted to pursue him, but at this moment Ding Peng made a move, stepped on the ground, turned around, and quickly appeared in front of the opponent, turned the magic knife in his hand, and the white light of the knife shone on Jin Duyi.

At this time, Yan Nantian punched, and his punch burst out with force, and he went towards Jin Duyi.

The fist rushed towards Jin Duyi's chest with a storm of blood.

Jin Duyi turned around, with blood on his palm, he grabbed Ding Peng's magic knife, and then punched out, the violent fist force blocked Yan Nantian's fist.

Jin Duyi's realm was one point higher than that of Ding Peng and Yan Nantian, and their shots did not cause too much pressure on each other.

Just then.A dazzling sword light, like a storm of Jin Rui, appeared in front of the opponent.

It was Xue Yiren who made the move. After the first battle in [Qinglong Temple], Xue Yiren stepped into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man with the help of elixir.

Xue Yiren's swordsmanship is sharp and terrifying

Jin Duyi was forced to retreat involuntarily.

One hit back.

Ding Peng turned the magic knife in his hand and slashed out again. The light of the knife made the air vibrate, as if a black light appeared in the white light.

Jin Duyi's body was directly torn apart by the knife, a knife mark appeared on his chest, and blood spurted out.

"Nantian Shenquan!"

At this time, Yan Nantian made a move, and his fists continuously bombarded the opponent's place where the knife marks appeared with violent vigor.

That Jin Duyi's body was hit and retreated, the knife mark on his chest became bigger, and blood sprayed out.

Jin Duyi himself felt that he was hit by a heavy hammer, his whole body was shaken back a few steps, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

But the attack did not stop. Xue Yiren, who had been dodged before, stepped forward again, roaring fiercely, and the long sword in his hand attacked again like thunder.

Fast and sharp!

Cut everything.

Jin Duyi, caught in the three-party siege, was at an extreme disadvantage all of a sudden.

The magic knife is out again.

Jin Duyi felt the light of the sword flowing in his mind, and his expression and figure became sluggish for a while, causing Yan Nantian's fist and Xue Yiren's sword light to hit his chest.

The destructive power rushed into his body in an instant, cutting off his vigor in an instant.

At this moment, the magic knife in Ding Peng's hand turned.


At this moment, Jin Duyi felt great fear sweeping his heart, if he couldn't avoid it, he would definitely die.


He roared that all his strength exploded, and endless vigor emerged from his body.

But the strength of the moment has been weakened.

He could only see the light of the sword, the light of the knife, and the shadow of the fist enveloping him.

In the end, the energy outside his throat was torn apart by the light of the knife, and he felt a pain in his throat, and blood spurted out from his throat, covering his own throat.

He looked at the three people in front of him in disbelief.

He didn't expect this to be the case.

Born 20 years later, he was beheaded and killed here before he became famous again.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and he fell directly to the ground.

the other side

The successive deaths caused the [Tianshan faction] master who was fighting with Guan Qi to panic, and was pierced into the body by Guan Qi's invisible sword energy and died.

So far the battle is over.

"It's so powerful, if they [Blue Dragon Society] assassinate it, I'm afraid it will be stronger than this."

Zi Hanyue, who was watching the battle, was horrified when she saw this situation.

"I don't know how the Blood Venerable's injury is?"

In fact, many people are just paying attention to this battle.

But he didn't notice Liu Sheng Yijian's departure.

When the blood venerable fled, Liu Sheng left with a sword,

They cheated the Blood Venerable.

The blood venerable must hold a grudge, so Liu Shengyijian will not let the blood venerable leave,

After all, all the Blood Venerables were injured, and it was very normal for them to die from their injuries.

another place

Huo Mufeng and Gu Santong confront each other at the foot of a snow mountain.

"Hmph, aren't you afraid that all members of the [Blue Dragon Society] will die!"

Huo Mufeng looked at the ancient three passages.

The reason why he dared to fight the ancient three links away from the gathering place was mainly because they [Tianshan faction] had two strong men who transformed the dantian into the sea, and the [Qinglong society] had only Li Chenzhou.

He believed that the [Tianshan faction] could get rid of the people from the [Blue Dragon Society].

"Could it be that you are so confident that people from the [Tianshan School] can solve the [Blue Dragon Society] instead of being solved by people from the [Blue Dragon Society]!"

Ancient Three Channels.

"Do you think that's possible? Even if you transfer a Supreme Elder, the [Tianshan faction] is stronger than the [Blue Dragon Society]."

Huo Mufeng said in a cold voice.

"Then Headmaster Huo is doomed to be disappointed!"

At this moment, a blue light appeared, and the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi appeared not far from the two of them with Su Chen.

"Hmph, you don't have a place to talk here."

Huo Mufeng looked at Su Chen with disdain in his cold eyes.

Su Chen's strength is like an ant in his eyes.

As for the four Xiangxi ghosts beside him, their strength fluctuated normally.

Although the agility that appeared just now was very strange, but no matter how strong the agility is, he has no strength, and he can easily kill him if he restricts him.

"Young Master Su is here, is the matter over there over?"

For Su Chen, Gu Santong stepped forward and saluted slightly.

"It's a foregone conclusion. There should be no one to leave alive. At this point, Pavilion Master Gu should trust the strength of our [Blue Dragon Society]. The matter over there is over. Now I am here to help Pavilion Master Gu solve this Huo Mufeng."

When Su Chen spoke, he looked at Huo Mufeng.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Huo Mufeng looked up to the sky and laughed, he didn't expect that Su Chen would come to help Gu Santong kill him.

This is a big joke.

But when his laughter has not yet fallen.

Su Chen directly activated the Tie Zhongtang experience card, and a terrifying wave of power erupted from his body.

Tie Zhongtang's strength was no worse than Yedi's.

With Tie Zhongtang's strength and the cooperation of Gu Santong, Huo Mufeng can definitely be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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