The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 437 Shangguan Jinhong and Murong Fu Conspired to Help the Money Gang

Chapter 437 Shangguan Jinhong and Murong Fu Conspired to Help the Money Gang

Within a courtyard.

Murong Fu, who was wearing a luxurious robe, was standing in the courtyard.

He is waiting for someone, since Murong Fu took refuge in the Twelfth Prince, Murong Fu has done his best to serve the Twelfth Prince.

Now he has enough credit.

He came this time to meet Shangguan Jin Hong who was lurking in the money gang.

Everything in the world runs, and many times it is inseparable from money.

Although the Twelve Princes have received some support from forces, they still lack a lot in terms of financial resources.

So Murong Fu suggested that the twelfth prince should contact the money gang and find a way to win the money gang.

The money gang is currently in charge of the second gang leader Jin Yuting,

Shangguan Jin Hong and Jing Wuming have become Jin Yuting's guardians.

Of course, Shangguan Jinhong and the others were able to become Jin Yuting's protectors so quickly, mainly because [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] provided enough information about Jin Yuting.

Only by being good at using everything can you get yourself into position as soon as possible.

What kind of person is Shangguan Jinhong? He has a strong grasp of the world and people's hearts.

The courtyard door was opened.

Shangguan Jinhong, who was wearing a strong suit, walked in,

At this time, Shangguan Jinhong's face had changed, and there was an evil spirit on his body, and the unruliness and domineering spirit in his eyes disappeared.

Both Shangguan Jinhong and Jing Wuming fought in Lingnan County.

So the two got some human skin masks from Su Chen, and of course they also learned a little disguise from Su Chen.

Shangguan Jinhong entered the courtyard.

Then I saw Murong Fu, with a face like a jade plate and a body like a jade tree, a handsome young man.

"I've met Brother Shangguan!" Murong Fu bowed and saluted.

"Brother Murong, you are being polite!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"Prepare some beer wine, let's go inside and chat!"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said.

inside the room.

Xiao Ruoyan slowly took some food and wine out of the basket, then closed the door and stood in the courtyard.

"Brother Murong, what a blessing!"

Shangguan Jinhong looked at Xiao Ruoyan who left and said with a smile.

"Please sit down!"

Murong Fu waved his hand, and after Shangguan Jinhong sat down, he poured a glass of wine for Shangguan Jinhong and said, "This time I asked Brother Shangguan to come here mainly for some things to help with money."

"The Twelfth Prince Liu He is short of money here, he wants to get support from the Money Gang!"

"I think this is an opportunity, so I asked Brother Shangguan to discuss this matter!"

When Murong Fu was talking, he also poured himself a cup.

Hearing Murong Fu's words, Shangguan Jin Hong frowned slightly: "Brother Murong, although I have now become Jin Yuting's protector, Jin Yuting has not let me manage the internal affairs of the Money Gang."

Shangguan Jinhong joined the Money Gang for a while.

After becoming Jin Yuting's Dharma protector, he didn't make many breakthroughs.

"Recently, the former manager sent a letter, hoping that my side can support the Jiangnan beggar gang. The flood there is an opportunity for the beggar gang to develop, but too much money is consumed."

Shangguan Jin Hong said in a deep voice.

"Brother Shangguan, didn't you think of a way to crack it?"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said.

"There are methods, but manpower is a problem!"

When he said this, Shangguan Jinhong looked at Murong Fu, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"I was worried about the manpower problem before, but now it should not be a problem!"

"Brother Murong recently conquered the [Iron Palm Gang] in Mengcheng, maybe he can help me reverse this situation!"

Shangguan Jinhong took a sip of wine.

"Brother Shangguan, although I have conquered the [Iron Palm Gang] in Mengcheng, there are still many things I can't do for the time being. After all, I am helping the Twelfth Prince Liu He to control the [Iron Palm Gang]."

"I'm afraid that if I use those people, the news may leak out, which will be bad for me!"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said.

"Don't hide it from him, didn't you send someone from the Twelfth Prince to contact the Money Gang this time?"

"It should be impossible for Jin Yuting to stand in line with the twelve princes now, so Liu He should support other people to take the position. You said that if I replace Jin Yuting, then you can cooperate with Liu He. I think Liu He is willing to cooperate with me. "

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"But I'm afraid that the twelve princes won't believe it. I've been in touch with the twelve princes for a while. He looks carefree on the outside, but he is very careful in his thoughts!"

Murong replied.

"Give him benefits, won't he believe it?"

"I recently got a route map and time for the money to be brought back by the money gang. The person in charge of this route is Wei Xing'an, one of Jin Yuting's most trusted right-hand men."

"You said that he was responsible for the robbery of Qianliang on the route, will it be his fault then!"

"But for this batch of silver taels, I will share half with Twelfth Prince Liu He!"

"I think Liu He will support me even more when he sees Yin Zi."

"After getting the silver taels, I will quickly transfer this batch of silver taels to Jiangnan to the leader Qiao!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"If you see the silver, Liu He will definitely agree, but you have to be careful here. There is a woman next to Liu He, who is from [Shadow Gate], and there are many spies around the capital. When you transfer silver, Be sure to arrange it."

Murong replied.

"At that time, I will secretly notify [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] and let them make arrangements!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

Afterwards, Murong Fu had a detailed understanding of the situation, and said after a while: "After talking about the matter, let's have a drink!"

Murong Fu picked up the wine glass.

at dusk.

The two left the small courtyard one after another.

After Murong Fu left, he went to the residence of Twelfth Prince Liu He.

Now the twelfth prince, Liu He, has the same flow of people in front of the door as the nine ruling princes.

Because at this time the Twelve Princes gained some real power,

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

When you are in power, it means that you have interests. People are like this. If there are interests, people will come.

"I met Mr. Murong!"

The guards bowed to Murong Fu,

Murong Fu quickly came to the hall.

In the hall, the Twelve Princes were receiving a thin middle-aged man in Confucian attire, with some official authority on him.

It is the newly appointed city guard of Mengcheng around the capital.

Although it is only a city, Mengcheng's status close to the capital is unusual. This Mengcheng city guard is no worse than the backward county guards among the nine counties in Lingnan!

"Mr. Murong! Qin Chengshou!"

The two greeted each other, and then Murong Fu saluted Liu He and said, "I've seen Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, Mr. Murong should have something to do here, so I will take my leave first!"

That Qin Chengshou bowed and said.

The twelve princes waved their hands.Qin Chengshou bowed and left.

"Murong is so anxious to find me, is there something wrong?"

"Your Highness, today I made an appointment to meet Shangguanhe, who is next to Jin Yuting in the Money Gang. This Shangguanhe is very ambitious and wants to replace Jin Yuting's right-hand man. He wants to cooperate with us!"

While speaking, Murong Fu stepped forward and whispered something in the ear of Twelfth Prince Liu He,

Listening to Murong Fu's words, the twelve princes' eyes flashed brightly.

"You mean this batch of 200 million silver will go to the Capital Money Gang!"

Liu He said in a low voice.

"Yes, but this Shangguanhe wants half of the silver taels!"

Murong replied.

"For mutual wins, it's okay to give him half, but tell him that you can give him half the first time, and he can only take [-]% next time!"

Liu He opened his mouth and said.

He is also worried about money recently. When he was not in charge of some power, he had enough money, but after he took power, there were too many people eating, which made him unable to make ends meet.

He needs to make money, make money like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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