The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 438 [Shadow Gate] Gate Master, South China Sea Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 438 [Shadow Gate] Gate Master, South China Sea Chamber of Commerce
"Then this subordinate will make arrangements right away, and may use [Iron Palm Gang] in Mengcheng!" Murong Fu said.

"It can be used, [Iron Palm Gang] is now in contact with you, and can be arranged according to your ideas."

Twelfth Prince Liu He looked at Murong Fu and said.

Appreciation is expressed on the face.

This Murong Fu sees some things very clearly.

He reported everything, but never concealed his ambitions.Liu He appreciates such a person very much.

"Qin Chengshou who just left, you can move around more!"

Liu He then said.

"This subordinate will arrange the [Money Gang] affairs, and help His Highness get back what he needs as soon as possible."

Murong Fu said.

After talking about Murong Fu, he didn't stay here, not only Liu He was in urgent need of funds, but also Qiao Feng in the south of the Yangtze River, so he had to grab the money from the Money Gang as soon as possible.

After Murong Fu left.

Wearing red clothes [Shadow Gate] Hong Luo came out from the back hall.

"You leave this kind of thing to Murong Fu? You can rest assured."

Hong Luo looked at Murong Fu who left and said.

"The [Money Gang] was facilitated by Murong Fu. If you facilitate it, I can also entrust it to you to complete."

"However, you can't be careless about this matter. You [Shadow Gate] also sent people to watch over it."

"But remember, just look, don't move!"

Liu He looked at Hong Luo and said.

"Your Highness, don't worry, we [Shadow Gate] will definitely track down the whole incident."

Hong Luo bowed.

"It is rumored that [Eternal Life Society] and [Bu Lao Tang] have heirs who have appeared, this heir, do you have any clues from your [Shadow Gate]?"

Twelve princes said.

"For the time being, it is only rumored outside, but no one has seen the descendants of these two mysterious forces, but we [Shadow Gate] are looking for them, and I believe we will find them soon."

Hong Luo said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? Find them as much as possible. If I can get their support, my chances of winning will be better!"

"There is also your sect master of the [Shadow Gate], when will you meet me? Now that I have the right to govern the Nine Emperors, your sect master has not met me, so it seems that you are not sincere."

The twelve princes looked at Hong Luo and said.

"The master of the door should leave the customs in a month, and will meet with His Highness at that time!"

Hong Luo opened the mouth and said.

"Okay, you will arrange it when the time comes, I really want to meet your sect master who has never shown up!"

Liu He said.

"Then, Your Highness, I'll arrange people first to watch over Murong Fu's affairs."

Hong Luo bowed and said.

Liu He nodded.

Hong Luo walked out of the banquet hall with a bow.

After leaving Liu He's mansion, there was already a carriage waiting outside the door, Hong Luo entered the carriage,

Inside the carriage.

A woman wearing a veil was in the carriage, her face could not be seen clearly, but there was a trace of coldness in her exposed eyes.

"I've seen the sect master!"

After Hong Luo entered the carriage, he saluted the woman.

"The forces and people that Liu He gathered here, how many people we can control!"

The veiled woman spoke.

"Liu He has deliberately avoided my side recently. There are many things that I have not been able to grasp at the first time."

"Recently, he is using a man named Murong Fu."

"This person helped him subdue the Iron Palm Gang in Mengcheng, and even connected with the [Money Gang]."

"They want to rob the [Money Gang] of a batch of silver that was transported to the capital, and Liu He asked me to monitor this Murong Fu!"

"Also, he wants to meet you, sect master. According to your previous instructions, I said that you can meet him after you leave customs in one month!"

Hong Luo said in a deep voice.

"Liu He is really courageous when he takes action against the [Money Gang]. What do you think of this Murong Fu? Can he be gathered for our use?"

The veiled woman spoke.

"This person is very ambitious and has never concealed it. If we want to win him over, we must give him enough power, which we cannot do."

"And I'm afraid that Murong Fu was brought out by Liu He to test us!"

Hong Luo said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? Then I'll go and get in touch with this Murong Fu myself!"

The veiled woman spoke.

"It's a little inappropriate for the head of the sect to contact Murong Fu personally. Once Murong Fu is the person Liu He pushed out, your identity will be destroyed."

Hong Luo said involuntarily.

"I know this well. The heirs of [Bu Lao Tang] and [Eternal Life Society], you should find it out as soon as possible. If we can't find it, we can get it from other forces!"

"This subordinate understands!"

Hong Luo responded.

"Recently, Marquis Anqing's funds have also encountered problems. He has always wanted to participate in my [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce]. His previous source of funds was the [Money Gang]. Jin Yuting does not support him now. You can inform the Twelfth Prince about this matter. !"

"Or take this line through Mrs. An Qing."

"The [Money Gang] has been able to stand in the Great Zhou Dynasty for so many years. It's not that no one has conspired with them, but the [Money Gang] still exists, and his background cannot be underestimated."

"I got some rumors that Jin Feihong, the leader of the money gang, may be one of the several major stewards of [Zhenwuyuan]."

"It is possible to move the [Money Gang], which will attract people from the [Zhenwuyuan], so try to facilitate the cooperation between Liu He and An Qinghou."

The veiled woman continued.

Hearing this, Hong Luo was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect that [Money Gang] would have a relationship with [Zhenwuyuan].

The carriage moved forward on the street, slowly entered the crowd and disappeared.

Golden Breeze Building

"How is the investigation by the president of the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce?" Bai Choufei looked at Nalan Rongyan and asked.

"The investigation data is limited. The president of the [South China Sea Chamber of Commerce] rarely shows up, and he wears a veil when he shows up. I contact her through the veil. There is a layer of subtle energy on the veil, which blocks my investigation."

"As for the identity of this person, it was only investigated that he came from Hainan, and no specific clues were found at all. I want to buy information about this person from other forces, and the information I get is different. I am sorting out With this information, I hope to find some useful information."

Nalan Rongyan said.

"You don't need to collect too much information about this person! For us, this person is not that important, you put down what you are doing now, there is an important thing that needs you to do!"

Bai Choufei told about Shangguan Jinhong's discussion with Murong Fu.

"Murong Fu and Shangguan Jinhong are worried that the Twelve Princes have plans to spy on them, so they want us to help. After they succeed, quickly disperse this batch of silver and transfer it to Jiangnan!"

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said
"Over there in the south of the Yangtze River? There are also our people there?"

Nalan Rongyan asked in surprise.

After following Bai Shoufei for a long time, I feel more and more the power of [Tianya Pavilion] behind [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower].

Just then.

A member of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] appeared outside the door.

"Landlord, news from outside the Great Wall."

The member bowed outside the door.

"Come in!"

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

After the disciple came in, he handed the secret letter in his hand to Bai Choufei, and bowed out of the room. Bai Choufei opened the secret letter with a look of surprise on his face.

Then handed the secret letter to Nalan Rongyan.

(End of this chapter)

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