The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 442 [True Martial Taoist Temple], the eldest prince’s thoughts, unite [Blue Dragon Club]

"Cooperation is fine, but I want them to show a little sincerity."

"Lao Qi contacted Yantian recently and obtained a batch of high-quality ice jade, which is on the way to the capital. If they can help me get it, it's okay to cooperate with them!"

The eldest prince spoke.

"The Seventh Prince is practicing [Beiming Ice Profound Art], and he probably wants to use this ice jade to improve his strength. If [Golden Phoenix Drizzle Tower] wins this batch of [Ice Jade]."

"In addition, the Seventh Prince's benefactor Taixu Daoist died at the hands of the [Blue Dragon Society], and there is also the shadow of the [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower]. Combining the two, we have established a formidable opponent for the Seventh Prince."

"Without the power of the opponent, it is untenable in the capital!"

The Taibao Nian Jinlun said to himself.

"[Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] has contact with Qingchen. Qingchen is in charge of the [Heaven Supervisory Department]. According to reason, it is more beneficial for her to cooperate with [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower]. Why hasn't their cooperation been carried out!"

"If [Golden Wind and Rain Building] cooperates with [Tianjian Division], it will be beneficial to us."

The eldest prince said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, you're thinking things a little too simply. The role of the [Heaven Supervisor] mainly depends on who is in charge. The [Heaven Supervisor] under the leadership of Murong Qingchen is at best an empty shell."

"What's more, when Xue Pingsheng left, only three elders were left behind for Murong Qingchen, and now that Nie Jiansha is still dead in the hands of [Xiemeng], there are only two left."

"Of the two, Situ Sheng is the strongest. It was rumored that this person has retreated for several years and has successfully stepped into the sea to concentrate."

"However, in Haizhong's concentration, there are strengths and weaknesses. Situ Sheng's blood and vitality are declining. I guess he must have used drugs to break through to this step, so the divine power is very weak, so the [Heaven Supervisor] is in Murong Qingchen. You can't hold a knife in your hand."

Nian Jinlun said in a deep voice.

"Teacher, what do you mean? [Tianjiansi] is still under the control of the father?"

The eldest prince frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"It must be in the hands of His Majesty. [Tianjiansi] is a knife of His Majesty, just like a knife repairer. Will he give the knife to other people at will?"

"Your Majesty doesn't leave the customs, it doesn't mean he doesn't ask questions, but I haven't figured out what His Majesty intends to do."

When Nian Jinlun spoke, his brows furrowed.

"That's right, if the father wants to abdicate, the position of emperor of the Zhou Dynasty should be passed on to me, the eldest son, but a nine princes have been created to rule."

"He wants us to fight each other, and finally one person will become the prince and inherit his throne."

"Before, I thought that with the improvement of my strength, I would be able to overwhelm the other eight people and become the prince, but I didn't expect that I would be calculated and lose the nine counties in the north and [Qinglong Temple]."

"And now those princes who have not won the position of Nine Emperors are also starting to take the lead."

"These people should have my father's permission, otherwise, they wouldn't show up. Teacher, what do you think my father wants to do?"

The First Prince's tone was somewhat unwilling.

"Your Highness needs to relax. As long as His Majesty does not shatter the void and step into the gate of heaven, his position as Lord of the Great Zhou will not fall into anyone's hands." …

"Back then, His Majesty successfully stepped into the broken level with the fortune of the world. According to the theory, he could break through the void, but His Majesty didn't do it, but chose to retreat. I thought His Majesty wanted to stabilize his fortune!"

"However, His Majesty has not asked about the affairs of the court these years, which makes me very puzzled. Nowadays, many people suspect that His Majesty may have hidden diseases!"

"Chaotang Jianghu, the situation is changing!"

Nian Jinlun sighed, and then said: "We just need to understand these things. Now our main purpose is to continue to increase my strength."

"What the teacher said is."

"I don't know if the teacher has any ideas about [Qingxu Temple], it is rumored that [Qingxu Temple] is not going to support Lao Qi anymore!"

The eldest prince said in a deep voice.

"Because of the death of Daoist Tianxu, Qingxu Guan's attitude towards His Highness the Seventh Prince is unclear, and I got news that they are already looking for other people."

"And the person they are looking for is not necessarily the prince in charge of the Nine Great Princes."

Nearly Lun Dao.

"It's not the nine ruling princes, did the teacher get any information?"

The eldest prince stared blankly and said.

"One of the sacred places of Taoism [Zhenwu Taoist Temple] sent a successor down the mountain. This successor has already arrived at [Qingxu Taoist Temple], and is going to come to the capital together with Mu Yuanping, the big disciple of Qingxu Taoist Temple's generation."

Nearly Lun Dao.

"[True Martial Taoist Temple] Someone came down the mountain, I wonder who this person is?"

"The name is Mu Qingxuan, and it is rumored that she has cultivated one of the three great skills of the Zhenwu Taoist Temple [Zhenwu Taishang Sword Art]. I don't know the specific strength yet!"

Nian Jinlun said in a deep voice.

"If I can get Mu Qingxuan's approval from [True Martial Taoist Temple], will I be able to establish a relationship with the Taoist side and get their support!"

The eldest prince said with joy on his face.

The power of Taoism was very strong in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If he can get the support of Taoism [Zhenwu Taoist Temple] and [Qingxu Temple], he can not only make up for the power he lost in the nine northern counties, but also further enhance his own power.

"Your Highness, let's see their reaction after they arrive in the capital. If they don't pay a visit to the Seventh Prince, then maybe we can get in touch."

"And what do the Tantric sects think about the nine counties in the north? They won't really be willing to let [Qinglong Temple] close the temple right here!"

Nian Jinlun talked about 【Qinglong Temple】

"There is no movement from the Buddhist gate for a while, I don't know what they think!"

The First Prince frowned.

"If there is no movement, this Buddhist sect is probably thinking about it. This time [Qinglong Temple] crisis, if the Buddhist sect fully supports them, who can coerce them? I am afraid that the Buddhist sect will be like the Taoist sect, looking for new characters. Your Highness has to guard against it. "

Nian Jinlun said in a deep voice.

While speaking, his pawn fell.

Standing up, he said: "Your Highness, the time I agreed with that Bai Choufei has come, so I will leave first!"

"Then there will be Teacher Lao!"

The First Prince bowed and sent Nian Jinlun out of the palace.

After seeing off Nian Jinlun, the eldest prince sat on the bench.Lost in thought.

Then he said, "Come here!"

A dark shadow came in from the door.

"You go to the nine counties in the north to meet Su Chen on my behalf, and hand over my letter to Su Chen by the way."

"Just say I want to work with him."

The eldest prince took out a letter from his pocket, which seemed to have been prepared a long time ago.

The nine counties in the north were defeated, and the [Qinglong Temple], which previously supported him in Tantra, was sealed off, which made him lose a lot of help.

And just as the Taibao said, the attitude of the Buddhist Tantric School has changed somewhat.

made him feel the crisis.

So he wants to cooperate with 【Blue Dragon Club】.

People from [Qinglong Club] killed Daoist Taixu of the Qingxu Taoist Temple, and they had already become enemies with Lao Qi.

Although the battle between him and Lao Qi subsided on the surface, it did not exist in the dark. If he cooperates with [Qinglonghui], his power will definitely be further improved!
It may not be possible to liberate [Qinglong Temple].

The man in black bowed and left the room.

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