The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 443 [Tianjian Division] Situ Sheng, the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect

Fragrant city.

In a quiet mansion.

The mansion is very large, with pavilions, pavilions and courtyards. Especially in the back house, there is a large water pavilion. When the breeze blows, layers of ripples appear on the surface of the lake.

[Yedi] and [Future] stood in a pavilion in the water pavilion.

"I didn't expect [Xiemeng] to meet us here."

[In the future] Look at the surrounding waterside roads.

"It's a bit beyond my expectation. I don't know what [Xiemeng] wants to see us this time."

[Ye Di] opened the mouth and said.

"It shouldn't be a simple matter. If it were simple, they wouldn't ask us to meet like this."

[In the future] opened the mouth and said.

When the [future] voice fell.

On the other side of the courtyard, a figure came out slowly, wearing a black robe and a mask on his face.

"I, Lu Wu, the leader of the three alliances of [Evil League], have met [Yedi] and [Future]. This time, I invite you two to come here because I want to cooperate with you and do something."

Cai Jing, wearing a mask, walked towards the two of them,

"Cooperate and do one thing. May you talk about it?"

[Ye Di] opened the mouth and said.

"Jointly kill a person, Li Yunsheng, the master of Ziyun Temple in Xiangcheng, as long as the two of you are willing to help, I [Xiemeng] will send a copy of [Divine Secret Volume]."

Cai Jing said.

"Divine secret volume?"

Hearing Cai Jing's words, [Yedi] and [Future] looked at each other, and there was a gleam in their eyes.

Although they have not been in this world for a long time, they have an understanding of the realm of warriors in this world.

His current strength is in his dantian Huahai, and his [future] strength is also at this stage.

To be honest, he has some ideas about [Concentration in the Sea], but he always feels that there are some things he doesn't understand.

Previously, they were going back to Lingnan County to ask Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi for advice.

But if they could get the [Divine Secret Volume] here, then he might not need to ask Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi for advice.

As for the murderer, Ziyun temple master Li Yunsheng,

This man is not simple.

His real identity is a little bit too much to say, but he is the first master of Emperor Zhou of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

I didn't expect [Xiemeng] to kill this person as soon as he made a move.

Of course, if it wasn't for the unusual identity of the person to be killed, [Xiemeng] would probably not have produced the [Divine Secret Scroll].

"Are you challenging Emperor Zhou's bottom line?"

[Ye Di] Although he wanted to get the [Divine Secret Scroll] in his heart, he kept his head calm.

Guess what the other party is doing.

"[Yedi] is indeed as you said, we just want to challenge Emperor Zhou's bottom line, and see if Emperor Zhou never comes out of the imperial palace."

Cai Jing said in a deep voice.

"This is why you are in Xiangcheng!"

【Ye Di】Looking at Cai Jingdao.

"It's not for this reason. Even if we cooperate, it's a bit unrealistic for [Yedi] and [Future] to join hands with me to kill Li Yunsheng today."

"After all, many people know that you have come to Xiangcheng. Once you kill Li Yunsheng, your [Tianya Pavilion] in the capital's [Golden Wind and Rain Tower] will be destroyed in an instant." …

"Although we [Xiemeng] are ruthless, we won't treat our allies like this?"

Cai Jing said.

"Hmph, I didn't expect people from [Xiemeng] to be so loyal. It's really surprising!"

Just when Cai Jing's voice fell.

An old man in a purple-gold robe jumped over the gazebo in a flash, looking at Cai Jing coldly.

"Heaven Supervisor, Situ Sheng, I didn't expect you to come."

Looking at the old man who appeared, Cai Jing said in a deep voice.

They were discussing this Situ Sheng last night, but they didn't expect to meet him today.

"I didn't expect you to know the old man. That is to say, we may know each other. I really want to see your true face under the mask!"

"And you, you actually tried to join hands with the [Evil League], attack the emperor, and kill you today, so as to shake the majesty of my Great Zhou."

Situ Sheng's tone was very cold.

He knew a lot of things, although he knew that it was Dijun who made these people stir up wind and rain, but Dijun would not tolerate these people and test Dijun.

So these people be damned.

He wasn't thinking of arresting people.

Because he doesn't need to know what's behind these people?
While speaking, a layer of black blood appeared on his body, which looked like burning black flames.

The surging breath circulated on him, forming a hazy black figure.

The figure exuded a bloodthirsty aura.

Seeing this, [Ye Di] and [Future Future] quickly gathered together. This person is stronger than the two of them, and they may need to work together to get rid of the enemy.

But when he looked at Cai Jing.

Cai Jing, who was wearing a black robe and a mask, did not reveal any aura, and his eyes were unusually calm, as if he didn't care about Situ Sheng who appeared.

"Situ Sheng, do you think I didn't guard against you [Tianjian Division]? Nie Jianshao, one of the three elders of [Tianjian Division], was killed. You can go and accompany him!"

Cai Jing said in a cold voice.

While he was speaking, not far from the pavilion, a figure slowly walked towards this side.

The figure was also dressed in black, with a mask on his face.

The energy flowing like ripples in the black clothes on his body is slowly flowing, and this flow of energy will turn into turbulent waves at any time.

The eyes exposed on this person's mask revealed a hostility, and between the opening and closing of the eyes, there was a scarlet murderous intent.

Saw this person appear.

Situ Sheng's complexion changed, and he said in a deep voice: "You are a member of the Blood Demon Sect. How could it be possible? My lord wiped out all of your Blood Demon Sect back then. How could there still be remnants of the Blood Demon Sect!"

"Eliminate my Blood Demon Sect, do you think Xue Pingsheng has that ability?"

The visitor snorted coldly.

"Situ Sheng, you were a knife in Xue Pingsheng's hand back then. If you kill you today, I think Xue Pingsheng will not be able to sit still!"

"It was just in case, but I didn't expect to catch you."

"It's true that the heavens have not failed me!"

When the masked person said this, his murderous intent became even stronger.

The figure turned into a bloody light and charged towards Situ Sheng.

Situ Sheng also slapped it with one palm, and the two of them were on the waterside pavilion. After fighting for a few moves, their figures landed on the open space not far away.

After landing, the masked person kicked the ground, his body suppressed the air, and shot violently towards Situ Sheng, his palms clenched into fists, and he shot with force.

"Blood killing, five extreme killing!"

The masked man let out a low shout, and his body transformed into five figures, which attacked Situ Sheng at the same time.

Situ Sheng's eyes froze.

Among the five figures, he couldn't tell which figure was the real one.

Since you can't find it, then use the divine formula directly.

The aura on his body changed, and the bloody figure formed by the blood all over his body before appeared, and a huge momentum moved towards the five figures.

One of the figures seemed to be affected.

at this moment.

There was a sneer at the corner of Situ Sheng's mouth, his eyes flashed, his feet touched the ground, he jumped up, and his palms were raised into knives.

"Divine Style, March Sword Slash!"

With a single strike, the light of the sword is like the moon, and it is divided into three sword shadows that gather together, powerful and powerful.

That figure was directly divided into two.

But no blood spewed out, and Situ Sheng Tong Kong shrank suddenly.

At this moment, one of the five figures had appeared in front of him, and the palm of his hand slammed down towards his heart.

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