The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 444 Cai Jing's insidiousness, Situ Sheng's death

Seeing this, Situ Sheng's energy surged all over his body, and the violent energy formed a kind of shield on him.

When the man in black's palm was hard on the opponent's chest.

His eyes froze, but then the energy on his palm erupted like a volcano.

The powerful force sent Situ Sheng flying upside down.

Situ Sheng's body hit the corridor by the river, causing the corridor to collapse.


Situ Sheng who flew upside down spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it was not fatal.

The figure rushed out of the shattered corridor, staring at the masked man in black with stern eyes.

"Gorefiend Wuji, you belong to the Bloodfiend Sect, the left protector He Yishang, didn't you have your heart broken by Master Xue's palm?"

Situ Sheng looked at the masked Humanity with disbelief in his eyes.

Many people's faces can be changed, but their own cultivation skills cannot be changed.

Situ Sheng recognized the identity of the masked person.

"I didn't expect anyone to remember me, He Yishang. Of course, Xue Pingsheng did break my heart, but I didn't die."

"Aren't you surprised? It's okay to tell you. Back then, I practiced the closed-heart meditation of Buddhism. When Xue Pingsheng attacked me, I used the closed-heart meditation to cut off my heart. Of course, it was only a short time to cut off my heart. Let me escape."

The person wearing the mask took off the mask on his face.

A very ordinary face, nothing special, if you want to say something special, it's just his eyes.

His eyes are deep and sharp.

"I didn't expect you to be able to deceive adults!"

Situ Sheng's eyes became gloomy.

Unexpectedly, when he came to arrest people, he got himself into trouble.

His eyes turned, his body moved, and he wanted to leave, but the black-clothed He Yishang also moved his body, his breath locked on the opponent, if the opponent moved, he would unleash a sharp blow.

But this He Yi also looked serious.

Although he just succeeded in one blow, if he can kill the opponent, it is not so absolute.

The opponent's strength is only a line behind him, and if he can't beat the opponent, he can escape.

With the opponent's strength, if he escapes, it is really difficult for him to take him down.

Being stared at by He Yishang, Situ Sheng's eyes were even more gloomy.

As soon as he moved, the other party locked onto his figure, because they didn't want to let him go.

Seeing this situation, Situ Sheng's eyes flickered, his body flew into the air, his palms were raised, and he attacked He Yishang with his palms.

"Blood Sea Blue Wave Palm!"

He probed his air with his palm, his blood was surging, and he attacked He Yishang with an astonishing rumbling momentum.

Seeing this, He Yishang also punched out.

The strength of the fist was concentrated on the fist, forming a huge wave of air that collided with Situ Sheng's palm.

This time the head-to-head confrontation between the two is not much different.

But after the collision, a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of Situ Sheng's mouth again.

"He Yishang, I didn't expect that in 15 years, your strength would be able to reach Concentration in the Sea. I remember that when your Blood Demon Sect was destroyed, your strength had just stepped into the stage of dantian transforming the sea like mine."

"I didn't expect you to break through and concentrate in the sea by yourself."

Situ Sheng looked at He Yishang with a little surprise on his face.

"But even so, if I'm injured, you may not be able to keep me!"

Situ Sheng looked at He Yi and said sadly.

"It seems that He Yishang's strength should not be too strong in the sea."

[Ye Di] watched the two fight, and transmitted the sound to [Future].

Of course, the strength of these two people put a lot of pressure on him.

It would be no problem for him and [Future] to fight against either Situ Sheng or He Yishang.

"There are so many people here, can't we keep you!"

"[Yedi] and [Future], the other party wanted to kill you just now, and now we can join hands to kill him!"

He Yishang said to [Yedi] and [Future] in a blink of an eye.

[Yedi] and [Future] fell silent after hearing the words.

"[Ye Di] and [Future], if you unite with me to kill the people of [Xiemeng], I, [Heaven Supervisor], don't have to ask about your affairs!"

At this time, Situ Sheng thought of something and said.

"What we do, we don't need you [Tianjian Division] to ask!"

Yedi said in a cold voice.

While speaking, he turned around with [Future Future] and appeared in the same place.

Cai Jing, who was wearing a mask, appeared in another place.

Form a triangle and surround the opponent.


Seeing this, Situ Sheng's face changed, he didn't expect that [Ye Di] and [Future] would think of making enemies with them [Tian Jian Si].

"Kill you, who knows it's us?"

"It's [Xiemeng]'s people who killed you. It has nothing to do with us. What do you two say?"

Ye Di looked at Cai Jing and He Yishang.

"Of course, we [Evil League] will undertake this matter, just as we [Evil League] want to expand their momentum!"

Cai Jing said.


Listening to the conversation of several people, Situ Sheng's complexion became gloomy, and his figure suddenly moved towards Cai Jing.

Among the three groups, Cai Jing's side is the weakest, and it is also the best position for him to break through, shooting out of his body at an extremely fast speed.

Cai Jing has been wary of each other.

The moment the opponent made a move, he took the lead, stretched out his palms, and slapped out with one palm.

Situ Sheng's eyes narrowed

He didn't expect that the other party would dare to confront him head-on, and his palms unconsciously touched the other's palms.

But when he touched it, the energy in his palm was directly pierced.

The two sharp steel needles in Cai Jing's hand pierced his strength and inserted into his palm.

That Situ Sheng let out a scream, but his vigorous energy leaked out, and Cai Jingzhen was also sent flying.

The arm shot by Cai Jing cracked, and blood sprayed out.

But Cai Jing didn't take it seriously
A blood-colored force appeared on his arm, with a hint of vitality on top of this blood-colored force, and quickly repaired his arm, and soon the burst meridian in the arm returned to its original state.

As for his complexion, he couldn't see clearly with the mask on.

Situ Sheng, who was screaming, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and walked towards Cai Jing.

But at this time, He Yishang had already made a move, and his figure rushed over.

Situ Sheng, who made the shot, turned around suddenly, raised his palm, and the steel needle nailed on his palm shot towards He Yishang instantly.

And the palm of the hand formed a claw, and one claw grabbed He Yishang. On the finger, there was a cold breath, forming a cold light, and the speed was extremely fast.

Seeing this scene, Ye Di and Future Two were also shocked.

Judging from this blow, the opponent's goal was not Cai Jing but He Yishang.

This Situ Sheng knew very well that it was useless to kill the man in black who was blocking him in front of him, only by severely injuring He Yishang could he get out of the predicament.

Just as He Yishang avoided the steel needle, he saw Situ Sheng's fierce palm directly grabbing his right shoulder.

Once caught, He Yishang's right arm will surely be shattered. At that time, Situ Sheng can pursue and further injure the opponent.

At this time [Ye Di] made a move, and the violent palm force formed a huge momentum, and attacked the opponent's palm.

He didn't want to seriously injure the opponent, but just wanted to delay the speed of the opponent's palm grabbing down.

As long as the speed is delayed, he believes that He Yishang will have time to kill Situ Sheng.

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