Chapter 446 Kid Who Are You, Why Are You Here?
"Jiang Heming, what do you mean?" Hearing this, the middle-aged man standing on the other side said sharply.

"Elder Mu, you should feel honored to have given birth to a good daughter."

The person known as Jiang Heming looked at the middle-aged man who spoke and said.

He secretly said in his heart: "I mentioned your daughter many times in front of Murong Xingchen, and Murong Xingchen wanted to see your daughter!"

"Otherwise, how could people fall in love with your daughter?"

The Red Sandalwood Palace is divided into three families, of which the palace master's family is the largest, and the others are the Jiang family's family and the Mu family's family.

The Mu family is headed by the ancestor of the Mu family.

The one who refuted just now was Mu Qingxue's father, Mu Tan, an elder of the Red Sandalwood Palace.

As for Jiang Heming who spoke earlier, he had some personal grudges with Mu Tan, so when he was in contact with Qixingtang, he specifically mentioned Mu Qingxue.

"It's an honor, why didn't you send your daughter to Murong Xingchen?"

Mu Tan said in a cold voice.

"If the other party can take a fancy to my daughter, what if I send my daughter to Mr. Murong?"

"Now that my Red Sandalwood Palace is asking for help from the Seven Star Hall, your daughter can find a better family. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. You should be happy!"

Jiang Heming said.

Although he said so, Jiang Heming sneered in his heart.

Mu Qingxue is very beautiful, but there are so many beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, Murong Xingchen is even more of a playboy, with countless confidante around her, after a while, Mu Qingxue will be forgotten.

That's why he wasn't worried.

Otherwise, the Mu family would have threatened the position of the Jiang family with the help of Murong Xingchen.

"I will not agree to this matter!"

Mu Tan said.

Before introducing Mu Qingxue to [Tianshan School], and now introducing Mu Qingxue to Jiangnan [Seven Star Hall], this is simply sending their daughter back and forth as a gift.

After finishing speaking, Mu Tan looked at the lord of the Red Sandalwood Palace in the middle.

The Master of the Red Sandalwood Palace looked calm.

He agrees in his heart, but he will not say these words on the surface.

He looked at Mu Dongyuan, the patriarch of the Mu family.

"Palace Master, Qingxue backed off with Su Chen from the [Blue Dragon Society] before, and was betrothed to the [Tianshan School] later. It is not suitable to see Mr. Murong again."

Mu Dongyuan, the patriarch of the Mu family, said.

Although he understands the meaning of Palace Master Red Sandalwood, he cannot agree to it. He was forced to agree to the marriage with [Tianshan Sect] before, and now he wants to agree to see Murong Xingchen, which he is unwilling to accept.

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Mu family, a stern light flashed in the eyes of the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace.

But it was quickly concealed.

Looking at the other side with a calm face, the ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiangbeili.

"Old man Mu, sacrificing a granddaughter for the Red Sandalwood Palace is what you and I should do. Since Mr. Murong has taken a fancy to Mu Qingxue, is it normal for the two of us to meet?"

"Maybe when the two parties meet, does that girl Qingxue feel good about Mr. Murong?"

"I still suggest that Qingxue meet Young Master Murong. As for the final result of the two parties, it depends on their own decisions!"

Jiang Beili opened his mouth and said.

The meaning of Jiangbei dialect is very clear, just to meet.

Not for you to send your granddaughter.

Mu Dongyuan wanted to say something, but at this time a middle-aged man in a brocade robe from the Mu family said: "Old Ancestor, I feel that there is nothing wrong with letting Qingxue meet Mr. Murong!

The one who spoke was Mu Tianyang, the second eldest son of the Mu family and also Mu Tan's elder brother.

The status in the Mu family is second only to the ancestors, and it can be said that he is one of the several people in power in the Mu family.

In fact, he agreed with giving Mu Qingxue to Murong Xingchen.

Murong Xingchen, the young master of the Jiangnan Seven Star Hall, has influence all over Jiangnan, and its strength and influence are extremely strong.

If you can hug this thigh.

Their Mu family will be able to gain a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River, and they can also become the master of the next generation of Red Sandalwood Palace, so he spoke.

"Brother you!" Seeing this, Mu Tan looked at him incredulously.

Mu Tianyang didn't look at him.

"It's just to meet, I think Qingxue is also willing! Regarding the matter of the Palace Master, our Mu family will go to persuade Qingxue!"

Mu Tianyang made the decision directly.

Mu Tan looked at the ancestor of the Mu family. Mu Dongyuan wanted to say something, but the fourth ancestor of the Mu family beside him said, "Brother, I also agree with Tian Yang's words."

"Since the Mu family has agreed, let's transfer resources as soon as possible and leave Beyond the Great Wall."

Palace Master Red Sandalwood spoke at this moment, turned around and left after speaking.

Although the Red Sandalwood Palace transferred a lot of resources before, there are still a lot left, which is also an important task.

Inside the hall.

Jiang Heming walked to Mu Tan's side.

"What happened back then, when we arrive in Jiangnan, I will take it easy with you!"

The sound is very low.

After finishing speaking, he followed the Jiang family out of the hall
"Brother, why did you do this?"

Mu Tan walked up to Mu Tianyang and said in a cold voice.

"This is the best choice for our Mu family. Jiangnan Seven Star Hall is the Jiang family's connection, and we have no friendship with our Mu family."

"Qingxue's side is the best opportunity for us to catch up with the Murong family, and it is the most beneficial to our Mu family."

"You don't need to go to Qingxue's work. I will ask Sanmei and her aunt to persuade you. You don't have to worry about it!"

After speaking, Mu Tianyang also turned and left.

Inside the hall.

Mu Tan was left alone, with a very bad expression on his face.

Mu Qingxue's courtyard.

Besides Mu Qingxue, there was another person, Su Chen who came to the Great Wall.

Now that the [Tianshan Sect] outside the Great Wall has been destroyed, a power like the Red Sandalwood Palace is no longer considered a power in his eyes, so he came to see Mu Qingxue.

After all, he was the one who took Mu Qingxue's first drop of blood.

Since he came to Beyond the Great Wall, of course he wanted to meet Mu Qingxue.

People can be passionate, but not ruthless.

"I didn't expect you to come to see me!"

Mu Qingxue looked at Su Chen who was dressed in white, with surprise and joy in her beautiful eyes.

Now Su Chen is not the previous Su Chen.

The leader of the nine counties in the north, the young dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Association], any identity can suppress them [Red Sandalwood Palace].

"Isn't it just that I heard that someone was planning on you, so I'll come here in person to help you solve this trouble?"

Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue and said.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Mu Qingxue was startled.

She didn't expect Su Chen to say such a thing.

Mu Qingxue's recent marriage with the [Tianshan faction] has shown a kind of sadness. Compared with the previous cold and arrogant frost, there is a more pitiful feeling.


Seeing Mu Qingxue's expression, Su Chen couldn't help asking.

"I thought you were always domineering?"

In Mu Qingxue's memory, Su Chen was unreasonable. At that time, he controlled himself and took away his first time.

Although influenced by Gu insects, Mu Qingxue still has her own judgment in her thoughts and mind, and her feelings for Su Chen are somewhat complicated.

"Qingxue! I heard that you are going to be given to Mr. Murong of Jiangnan Seven Star Hall. You are really popular, why don't you follow me first!"

"At that time, there is no need to give it to Mr. Murong!"

At this time, a frivolous and arrogant voice sounded outside the courtyard.

Then a figure appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

It was a young man in a brocade robe, with a lewd smile on his face, walking towards the courtyard with big strides.

Seeing Su Chen in the courtyard, the young man was stunned at first, and then roared angrily: "Boy, who are you? Why are you here?"

The voice was rough and wild, but he responded with a knife light, the knife light was like drizzle, across his face.

In an instant, a bloodstain appeared between his brows.

(End of this chapter)

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