The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 447 The Extremely Arrogant Su Chen Killed 2 People With 2 Knives

Chapter 447 The extremely arrogant Su Chen killed two people with two swords
The original roar of the young man who made the sound disappeared.

He felt something flowing between his brows, and raised his hand unconsciously to wipe it.

A sticky feeling appeared in the heart of his palm.

I couldn't help holding it in front of myself to see it was blood, my eyes were wide open, I couldn't believe what I saw


After he finished speaking, his body fell directly to the ground.

Behind him, there are several people, all wearing the costumes of Red Sandalwood Palace disciples, they just saw a flash of saber light.

Na Jiang Yuan pointed to the young man standing in the courtyard, said this, and fell directly to the ground.

One person quickly came to Jiang Yuan to check what was going on.

But when looking at Jiang Yuan's body, he saw the scar on the center of his eyebrow.

His face changed drastically, and he looked towards Su Chen: "You killed Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan is the third son of Elder Jiang Heming!"

He looked terrified.

Several people behind him heard this, and one of them fled quickly, shouting, kill, kill, kill.

The figure disappeared quickly, it should be to report.

"Killing him is still a bit of an insult to my knife."

Su Chen said flatly.

Su Chen didn't care at all about what the other party said about elder disciples.

He doesn't care about the entire Red Sandalwood Palace, why should he care about an elder's disciple.


The man who made the sound looked horrified when he saw what Su Chen said.

This person spoke too arrogantly, he didn't pay attention to the Jiang family at all, or he didn't pay attention to their Red Sandalwood Palace.

He looked a little angry.

But amidst the anger, he secretly thought about the identity of the other party.

If Jiang family and Red Sandalwood Palace are not taken seriously in this way, the identity of the other party must not be simple.

He wouldn't think that the other party was a scumbag.

"Who, uttered such wild words!"

A cold voice resounded in the courtyard.

A woman in a long white dress came in from outside the courtyard. The woman's face was not bad, but her face was the same as that of Mu Qingxue before he met him, a little cold and arrogant.

Behind her was a middle-aged woman in a long purple dress, who was the aunt who persuaded Mu Qingxue earlier.

"Sister-in-law, auntie, why are you here?"

"And what happened to Mr. Murong that Jiang Yuan said just now?"

Mu Qingxue looked at the two people who appeared and asked.

One is her sister-in-law, Mu Wanshuang, and the other is her sister-in-law, Qiu Sutang.

"It was you who killed Jiang Yuan and uttered wild words."

Mu Wanshuang looked at Su Chen and asked in a cold voice.

Although she didn't like Jiang Yuan and wanted Jiang Yuan to die, Jiang Yuan couldn't die here, let alone have anything to do with Mu Qingxue.

"I'm telling the truth, why are you raving, and if you have nothing to do with Mu Qingxue, there will be an extra corpse lying on the ground."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Mu Wanshuang's eyes became sharp, and she looked at Su Chen coldly, her palm moved slightly, as if she couldn't help but want to make a move.

"If you move, you will die!"

When Su Chen spoke, there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

For the first time, he could look at Mu Qingxue's face, but there was absolutely no second time.

Perceived the killing intent from Su Chen.

Mu Wanshuang's heart trembled, as if her heart had been locked, and she could sense the other party's breath, but she couldn't.

"Could it be that the opponent's strength lies in heaven and man."

Mu Wanshuang was shocked.

As for Su Chen not looking at her again, the heaven and man have not arrived, and it is only a matter of a knife in front of him.

Not far from Su Chen, Mu Qingxue immediately stepped forward when she saw this and said, "Sister, who is he?"

"She doesn't deserve to know my name!"

Su Chen would not be used to old women, he said in a cold voice.

"Crazy, too crazy!"

In the yard, except for Mu Qingxue, everyone who looked at Su Chen thought that this person was too arrogant!

"Qingxue, is this the one?"

At this time, Aunt Mu Qingxue stepped forward and asked.

She knew that Mu Qingxue was no longer a virgin, so she knew that Su Chen existed. Of course, Mu Qingxue never told her Su Chen's name.

Mu Qingxue nodded.

Since Su Chen is here, there is no need to hide the matter between her and Su Chen.

Seeing what Mu Qingxue said, Qiu Su Ting looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes. Su Chen was quite handsome, and she seemed to have the aura of a superior person.

From this point, it can be seen that Su Chen's identity is not simple.

But no matter what the other party is, this is the Red Sandalwood Palace.

The Red Sandalwood Palace will definitely maintain the majesty of the Jiang family.

"Jiang Yuan is Elder Jiang's disciple. If you kill him, the Jiang family will never let it go. I think you should leave first!"

Qiu Suting said.

"I won't let it go, so what?"

Su Chen will not leave, the strongest person in the Red Sandalwood Palace is in the Eight Difficulties of Heaven and Man, with such strength, even the four ghosts in western Hunan can crush him.

Why should he leave.

Seeing Su Chen's domineering words, Mu Qingxue stepped forward and said, "Auntie, it's fine, if the Jiang family wants to explain something, let them come to me!"

"Don't bother the rest of the Mu family!"

"Qingxue, you can't be alone with him. The family has decided to let you go to the south of the Yangtze River to meet Mr. Murong of the Murong family. As long as you join the Murong family, our Red Sandalwood Palace can gain a foothold in Jiangnan and seek development, and so can our Mu family." Go one step further!"

"Young Master Murong is the young master of the Seven Star Hall in the south of the Yangtze River. He refers to you by name and wants to see you!"

"The Palace Master and the Patriarch have already agreed."

At this time, Mu Wanshuang said sharply, and when she spoke, she still looked at Su Chen.

She wanted the Murong family of Seven Star Hall to suppress Su Chen.

"The young master of the Jiangnan Seven Star Hall, Murong Xingchen?"

Su Chen said involuntarily.

Now that his forces are deployed in the south of the Yangtze River, he certainly knows something about the Seven Star Hall in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Since you know Mr. Murong, then you also know the gap between you!"

"Sister-in-law, I won't go to see Murong Xingchen, and if you have such a thing, don't say it!"

What else did Mu Wanshuang want to say, Mu Qingxue looked at Mu Wanshuang with a bad expression and said.

She didn't want Su Chen to be misunderstood. It was revealed that she was married to [Tianshan School] before, and now she revealed that she went to see Murong Xingchen, what would Su Chen think.

At this time, Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue. He didn't expect that since Mu Qingxue was so popular, but beauties were always popular at any time, he wouldn't let him have any guesses.

"Murong Xingchen really can't compare with me!"

When everyone was silent, Su Chen said such a sentence lightly.


Mu Wanshuang was originally in a bad mood after being interrupted by Mu Qingxue, but now she heard what Su Chen said, she was a little out of breath and couldn't speak for a while.

At this moment.

"Who, who killed my son!"

An angry, deep and cold voice sounded outside the courtyard.

"Jiang Yuan's father, Jiang Heming, has a personal grudge against my father!"

Mu Qingxue said via voice transmission.

After the sound appeared, a figure rushed into the courtyard in an instant, seeing Jiang Yuan with the knife marks on the ground between his eyebrows, Jiang Heming's face became cold and stern,

"It was him, he killed it! Junior Brother Jiang!"

The Red Sandalwood Palace disciple who spoke earlier said.

"Little bastard, you killed my son, I want you to die!"

Jiang Yuan looked at Su Chen with a cold gaze, his eyes were like blades, his face was extremely ferocious, his footsteps stepped on the ground, his body shot out violently, and he slapped Su Chen with his palm, he wanted to kill Su Chen first, in order to relieve him Hatred.

"Just you kill me too!" When he shot, Su Chen's figure also moved, faster than him.

This Jiang Heming was stronger than the third master of the Mu family he had met before, and his strength was close to that of heaven and man.

But this strength, in front of Su Chen, is only a matter of one knife,

This time, Su Chen's knife was not like drizzle, but as violent as a waterfall, and the light of the knife suddenly rose.

The Jiang Heming who struck out was cut in half with a knife, and blood sprayed out, spraying on the faces of some people like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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