The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 448 Continue to kill, Mu Qingxue is in charge of the Red Sandalwood Palace

Chapter 448 Continue to kill, Mu Qingxue is in charge of the Red Sandalwood Palace

The scene where Jiang Heming was split in half with a single knife and blood sprayed out made people's eyes horrified.

The people from the Red Sandalwood Palace who came with Jiang Heming were terrified.

And Mu Wanshuang, who spoke earlier, looked pale and looked at Su Chen in horror.

Her strength was much worse than that of Jiang Heming.

Jiang Heming was cut in half with a knife.

If he had shot at her just now, he would have been beheaded with a single blow as well.

"You! How could you kill Jiang Heming?"

Although she was horrified, she was filled with fear. If the other party killed Jiang Heming, it would be a serious matter.

"Isn't this possible?"

Su Chen said in a cold voice.

At this time, outside the courtyard, many people had already gathered. Jiang Heming was cut in half by Su Chen, and many people saw it.

Some people leave quickly.

Even Mu Qingxue's aunt left at this moment,

The matter was too big, she had to go back and report, hoping to keep Mu Qingxue.


This matter spread throughout the Red Sandalwood Palace.

At this moment, the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace is discussing follow-up matters with Jiang Beili, the ancestor of the Jiang family.

A figure rushed in quickly.

"Palace Master, Patriarch, He Ming and Jiang Yuan were killed with a single knife!"

The person who came was a clansman of the same generation as Jiang Heming from the Jiang family, he said in panic.

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace and Jiang Beili looked at the visitor at the same time.

Especially in Jiangbeili, he came to this person in a flash: "Speak clearly what you just said."

"Old Ancestor, a young man came to Mu Qingxue's small courtyard. He killed Jiang Yuan first, and He Ming went there, but was also cut in half by the other party!"

The visitor said hastily.

"What, dare to be murdered in my Red Sandalwood Palace, this person is too arrogant!"

The Red Sandalwood Palace Master's complexion darkened, and he said sharply;

Jiang Beili's figure came quickly, and the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace followed, and the two quickly went to Mu Qingxue's small courtyard
At this time, the ancestors of the Mu family, as well as Mu Qingxue's parents, had already arrived, and entered the courtyard in a panic.

So many people appeared in the small courtyard.

Su Chen looked very calm,

By killing Jiang Yuan and Jiang Heming, he actually wanted to lure out members of the Jiang family and the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace.

He is clear about the three parties in the Red Sandalwood Palace.

He came here, the first is to see Mu Qingxue, and the second is to help Mu Qingxue take the position of the lord of the Red Sandalwood Palace.

As for dissatisfaction, Su Hao intends to clean up all of them this time.

Of course, some people will be cleared even if they take it.

When Mu Qingxue's parents came to the courtyard, they were taken aback when they saw Su Chen.

Su Chen was Mu Qingxue's previous marriage partner.

They saw Su Chen's portrait, and their eyes were horrified.

After all, with Su Chen today, they can't even pay attention.

[Qinglonghui] Shaolongshou, the leader of the nine northern counties.

Just now, they cooperated with [Tianya Pavilion] to destroy [Tianshan School].

After they knew these things, they were horrified, but also regretful.

But I didn't expect Su Chen to appear in Mu Qingxue's small courtyard now.

In other words, the person my daughter mentioned earlier is Su Chen.

in this situation.

They don't know how to say it.

"Qingxue, what's going on, how can there be outsiders here, you leave the small courtyard with me now!"

Mu Tianyang of the Mu family said in a cold voice.

Mu Qingxue was concerned with the connection between the Mu family and Qixingtang, and he wanted to take Mu Qingxue away from here. In this case, Su Chen's affairs had nothing to do with their Mu family.

"She is my woman, how can you go, how can you order her?"

Mu Qingxue wanted to speak, but Su Chen said something earlier.


Mu Tianyang wanted to say something, but seeing the corpse lying on the ground, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

His strength was only slightly higher than Jiang Heming's.

Of course, his strength is second only to his ancestor Mu Dongyuan.Otherwise, she wouldn't have been Mu Qingxue's master at that time.

But he still doesn't know Su Chen's identity.

When Mu Tan saw this situation, he immediately sent a voice transmission: "Brother, Su Chen is the head of the young dragon of the Azure Dragon Association, the leader of the nine counties in the north!"

After receiving Mu Tan's voice transmission, Mu Tianyang's face changed drastically, and his expression became terrified.

[Qinglong Club] is overwhelming the existence of [Qinglong Temple].

Their Red Sandalwood Palace offended [Qinglong Temple] and could only live outside the Great Wall, not daring to set foot in the nine counties in the north.

The strength of Red Sandalwood Palace back then was much stronger than before.

The ancestor of the Mu family also knew Su Chen's identity at this moment.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

After all, their Mu family had withdrawn their marriage contract first, so Su Chen appeared here now to take revenge on their Mu family.

He didn't know that Mu Qingxue had lost her virginity.

So I thought so.

The scene became silent.

"Who dares to kill my Jiang family!"

At this time, a deep voice appeared from outside the courtyard.

After the words fell, Jiang Beili's figure had already rushed in. Seeing the corpse on the ground, his eyes turned red, and then he looked in the direction of Su Chen.

There are no outsiders here, only Su Chen, needless to say Su Chen is the murderer.

"Don't look at it, I killed them!"

"The ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiangbeili."

Su Chen looked at Jiangbei and said in a cold voice.

"Boy, the old man will unscrew your head first." When Jiang Beili spoke, his figure rose into the air.

He didn't talk nonsense with Su Chen at all, he just wanted to screw Su Chen's head off, and then settle the score with the Mu family.

As for the ancestors of the Mu family, as well as Mu Tianyang, they didn't move.

Looking at Jiangbeili coming from the sky.

Su Chen didn't move,

The strength of Jiangbeili is among the seven difficulties of heaven and man, and he is not an opponent yet.

What's more, he doesn't need to do anything at this time, and the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi should also do it.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't move, Jiang Beili's eyes became even more ferocious. He thought that Su Chen was suppressed by his aura.

But when his palm was about to grab Su Chen's head, four ghostly figures appeared in front of Su Chen

The four figures merged into one in an instant.He blocked Jiang Beili's palm.

Then the four figures separated instantly, and slapped Jiang Beili's chest with four palms.

Jiang Beili's body flew upside down even faster than when he was attacking.

Hitting on the wall of the small courtyard, a mouthful of blood spurted out. He looked at Su Chen, wanting to say something, but four figures appeared in front of him, and his palms fell.

Jiang Beili's head was cracked with a palm.

He lost his breath and fell to the ground

After that, the four figures didn't stop, and went straight to kill the few people who followed.

These people didn't react at all and fell to the ground.

Only the owner of the Red Sandalwood Palace remained.

He looked horrified. He didn't expect these people to kill Jiangbeili and other people.

He wanted to say something, but the four ghosts of Xiangxi had already appeared in front of him, and the four blurred figures made it impossible for him to tell where the four ghosts of Xiangxi were.

"Boundless air!"

Seeing this,

Palace Master Red Sandalwood let out a low cry, and raised his palm, rumbling and terrifying vigor erupted out of his palm like sea waves.

Since no one can be found, there is only full coverage.

When the vigor exploded, a terrifying flame power also appeared around the Red Sandalwood Palace Master.

Qi Jin is to force the opponent out, and then use the flames he cultivated to kill the opponent.

In front of him, the four ghosts in Xiangxi, the four figures merged into one, slapped out with one palm, blocked the blow of the red sandalwood palace master, and rushed towards the red sandalwood palace master with a vigor to surpass.

Seeing this, the Red Sandalwood Palace Master's expression changed, and he backed away. Flame qi appeared on his right arm, and then cut out directly.

The energy of the huge flame turned into several feet of sword light, and it slashed towards the four ghosts in Xiangxi.

Cut open a gap in the Qi Jin pushed out by the four Xiangxi ghosts before, and sweep towards them.

When Lie Yanzhen Qi was being cut out, the air smelled of burning, which showed the sharpness of the knife.

"This red sandalwood palace master has some strength!"

Su Chen, who didn't make a move, looked at the situation and murmured.

As soon as he finished speaking, the four shadows of the four ghosts in Xiangxi merged together, and a phantom palm appeared, and directly combined the flame saber energy together.

Then shattered.

Seeing this, Palace Master Red Sandalwood's complexion changed, and he wanted to escape.

But those four figures were extremely fast, and they appeared in front of each other in a blink of an eye. The four figures kept changing and shot at the Red Sandalwood Palace Master.

The strength of the red sandalwood palace master is also in the eight difficulties of heaven and man, and he is not an opponent of four people at all.

Wanting to shout, the four of them didn't give him a chance at all, and after a few breaths, they killed him.

Seeing this scene, Mu Family Patriarch and Mu Tianyang's expressions changed.

"No one from the Jiang family and the palace master's line will be left behind!"

At this time, Su Chen's voice came from the courtyard.

A figure left from outside the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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