Chapter 449 Beggars, We Are From Beggars

at this time
In Luocheng, Jiangnan Changhe County, it was raining continuously, and the whole air seemed a little humid.

In a ruined temple.

A bonfire was burning.

A nine-sack elder and an eight-sack elder were burning a pot of hot water.

The elder of the nine bags is named Lu Youwei, and the elder of the eight bags is named Tian Hu.

Qiao Feng stood in front of the house, watching the continuous rain outside.

"Now in Los Angeles, how many people have we recruited?"

Qiao Feng asked.

"Master, we don't have many disciples of the beggar gang in Los Angeles, about 500 people. Now the plague is spreading, and we don't have enough herbs!"

An eight bag elder who was picking up the fire spoke.

"Have you found out that the herbs are gathered in someone's mansion?" Qiao Feng asked.

"The gang leader has already found out that the herbs are all gathered in the home of Lie Ao in Changyang County. Lie Ao is a direct descendant of the Lie family in Jiangnan, and this side of Changyang County belongs to the Lie family's territory."

"Lie's family, Lie Ao, the mother clan of the Seventh Prince!"

"Recently, they are marrying the four major families in Jiangnan, and they want to increase the status of the Lie family in Jiangnan."

Qiao Feng murmured.

"This matter should not be possible. The four major families in Jiangnan control half of the power in the Jiangnan region. If they marry the Lie family, they will be on the side of the seventh prince."

"It's not the time to place bets yet. They probably won't choose to do so. This may just be a trick by the Lie family to deal with the actions of the eldest prince in the Jiangnan area!"

"Master, should we take a section of Na Liao's mansion?"

The eight-sack elder said.

"How many gang members do we have in Changhe County now!"

Qiao Feng then asked.

"About 3000 people, plus the [-] disciples we brought earlier."

Lu Youwei, the elder of Nine Pockets, spoke.

"With such strength, can we take away the herbs and some disaster relief food from Lie Ao?"

Qiao Feng asked.

"Master, it's very difficult. The governor of Changhe County, the guard barracks outside the city, and the commander of Nanzhen Fusi are all members of the Seventh Prince. If something happens to Lie Ao, not only the county guard will help, but the city defense will help." People from Fusi and Nanzhen will appear."

"And the forces in Los Angeles are basically under the control of the Lie family. If there is a move, they will also move out, and we will suffer heavy losses by then!"

Lu Youwei, the elder of Nine Sacks, said in a deep voice.

The prefecture of Changhe County, Ancheng, has a large city, and there are many forces inside and outside the city. The Lie family is in charge of Changhe County, so the influence here is definitely not small.

Herbs and food are not easy to transport. When taking things away, they may be intercepted. Once the interception is too strong, they will cause a lot of casualties.

Moreover, a large number of beggars flowed into Ancheng, which might cause some changes.

"It seems that we must find a way to get the other party to send the herbs and food outside the city before we can do it."

Qiao Feng said in a deep voice.

"Guangzhu, in fact, we can buy it. Even the 100 million taels of silver notes that the young master sent to the capital and the 30 taels of silver notes he raised for us privately have been sent to Changhe County. We can use this Qian buys herbs with Na Lie."

Elder Eight Bags said.

"According to my observation, this Liao is hoarding medicinal materials just to make money, and he should be different from the person who caused the plague."

"Although they have collusion, but in the face of huge benefits, I think Lie Nao will sell those herbs!"

"At that time, if he takes the money and doesn't sell it, the gang leader and we can personally kill him. I think it will shock the entire Changhe County and raise the reputation of our beggar gang!"

"At this time, if we gather more disciples of the beggar gang, we will be able to overwhelm them in momentum."

"Even if a conflict breaks out, if we don't protect the herbs, if we fight, the losses will be smaller."

The Eight Sack Elder Tian Hu said.

"Okay, then let's set off overnight to Ancheng!"

Qiao Feng said.

It's just that when he spoke, his eyes froze slightly.

"It seems that a friend has come to see us and won't let us go!"

Qiao Feng said softly

At this time, outside the ruined temple, a group of people wearing coir raincoats were galloping towards them.

There are three people in the lead.

Soon they stopped outside the ruined temple.

"Commander, in Luo City, those who gather beggars are in this ruined temple."

Behind the three commanders, one spoke.

The forces in Changhe County are all under the control of the Lie family, and Qiao Feng's actions have been controlled.

This group of people came to Lie's family from Ancheng, Changhe County.

The battle between the Seventh Prince and the First Prince had ceased on the surface, but secretly, the First Prince was still infiltrating the Seventh Prince's territory.

Therefore, the Lie family should be very careful.

Once suspicious characters appeared, the Lie family would destroy them accordingly.

this time.

Although these people provoked beggars who were not as good as mud legs, but there were a large number of them, so they attracted attention.

Three leaders came from the Lie family.

One of them has the rare strength of heaven and man.

The other two are at the peak of soul refining.

As for the dozen or so people behind them, they are all in the Soul Refining Realm.

The lineup is luxurious.

After all, they were also afraid that this was a trap designed by the First Prince, so they brought so many experts.


The leader gave a sharp shout.

Behind him, more than a dozen people drew out their long knives one after another.Ready to re-enter the ruined temple,

The door of the ruined temple opened.

Tian Hu came out from inside, wearing a shabby robe, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, and eight pockets were embroidered on the shabby clothes.

As if he didn't see anyone outside, he left the ruined temple on his own.

At this time, a person with a knife went directly towards Tian Hu,

But when he rushed over with the knife, the bamboo stick in Tian Hu's hand flashed out, and then he drew it back.

The bamboo stick was placed on the ground, and a trace of blood flowed from the head of the bamboo stick, mixing with the rainwater on the ground.

"I'm a beggar like me who also fights and kills, I don't know where I provoke you!"

Tian Hu said in a cold voice.

"What a fast bamboo stick!"

As the leader, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he didn't even see the other party make a move just now.

"Really? I don't know if you people can escape my bamboo stick!"

Tian Hu said in a cold voice.

He didn't show his full strength.After all, the strength of the Seven Difficulties of Heaven and Man will still cause a sensation.


Seeing this, the leader's eyes were fixed, and the two people beside him, together with a dozen people behind him, attacked Tian Hu at the same time.
More than a dozen masters of soul refinement took action, and they were also people who often train together.

Sword light, rain light, silhouette.

But a cyan light cut these figures apart in the blink of an eye!

The dozens of people who made the shot stopped, and then fell to the ground.

Blood mixed with rainwater, forming bloody water all over the ground.

The leader's complexion changed, and a long knife appeared in his hand, and he attacked Tian Hu in an instant.

When the knife was drawn, a black light appeared in the knife, tearing up the rain and attacking Tian Hu.

"Your speed is still too slow!"

But before his saber arrived, Tian Hu appeared in front of him, raised the bamboo stick in his hand, held the tail of the bamboo stick, and pierced the opponent's throat directly.

"You, who are you?"

The leader held his pierced throat and said hoarsely.

"Beggars, we are from the Beggars!"

Tian Hu's voice rang in his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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