Chapter 451 The people gathered, you can do it

"My lord, Xue Su and the others are investigating, I believe they will find each other soon!"

The speaking woman said.

When her words fell, Liu Qingyao, who was originally lazy, suddenly changed her expression and looked towards one place.

"Liu Junshou is really extraordinary!"

Qiao Feng jumped down directly.

Just as he jumped down, the three women in white clothes under Liu Qingyao stepped on the ground at the same time, and a cold light flashed in their hands, and the three long swords moved towards Qiao Feng with a cold light at the same time.

The sword is fierce, and the movement is fast,

And the three of them moved in unison.

Seeing this, Qiao Feng put his palms together and swung his sleeves, directly wrapping the long swords of the three people. In addition, a burst of energy burst out from his body and pressed on the three people. With the figures of the three people, he landed in the banquet hall.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Qiao Feng take down her three subordinates so easily, Liu Qingyao's expression became condensed.

"Didn't Governor Liu mention me just now?"

"Under Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang!"

Qiao Feng retracted his sleeves, and retracted the energy that was pressing on the three of them.

The three women didn't move any more, but quickly came to Liu Qingyao's side.

"The leader of the beggar gang, Qiao Feng!"

Liu Qingyao stood up and looked at Qiao Feng with a light shining in her beautiful eyes.

"It seems that Qiao Gang has been here for a while, so let's make it clear that people don't speak secretly. What do you beggars come to Changhe County for?"

Liu Qingyao sensed Qiao Feng's aura, but it was erratic.

Knowing that the other party's strength was higher than hers, and from the other party's words, she knew that Qiao Feng should have been here for a long time.

"It's just to recruit disciples, but Lie Ao of the Lie family has hoarded a lot of herbs, and our Beggar Clan wants these herbs."

Qiao Fengdao,

"Herbal medicine, this batch of herbal medicine has some origins, and they are not all boiled."

Hearing Qiao Feng talking about herbs, Liu Qingyao said in a deep voice.

"Did you, the sheriff, also participate in this matter?"

Qiao Feng looked at Liu Qingyao and said.

"I am the head of a county, how could I do such a thing, the hoarding of herbs may be done by the Lie family and [Xiemeng] together!"

Liu Qingyao said.

"[Evil League], you mean the [Evil League] that appeared in the capital?"

Qiao Feng has shared a lot of news about the capital, so he knows about [Evil Alliance].

"I didn't expect Gang Leader Qiao to know about the capital?"

Liu Qingyao rolled her eyes when she heard Qiao Feng talking about the capital [Xiemeng], she was able to know about the affairs of the capital, and Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang, was probably more difficult than she thought.

"My Beggar Clan has a lot of disciples, knowing about the capital is nothing to worry about, Governor Liu, I came here this time just to know the situation of the masters around Lie Jia Lie Ao."

Qiao Feng said.

"Lie Ao is one of the ten most talented members of the Lie family's generation, and he should have a guard who is a master of all kinds of difficulties."

"Of course, there should be a dead man beside him who was forcibly promoted to the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man through drugs."

When Liu Qingyao was talking, her eyes were fixed on Qiao Feng.He wanted to observe something from Qiao Feng's expression.

Hearing Liu Qingyao's words.

Qiao Feng's expression didn't change,

The Jiangnan area is huge and rich in resources, which has created many aristocratic families.

Moreover, these aristocratic families like to raise dead soldiers, and use drugs to forcibly enhance their strength. Of course, the lifespan of these people is very low, because they have consumed their own vitality in advance,

Although the lifespan is short and consumes a lot of resources, the aristocratic family is rich in resources and doesn't care about such consumption,

"Thank you Governor Liu for the notification, and recently, please don't embarrass us disciples of the beggar gang who entered the city."

"I will notify them to evacuate after the matter is completed."

Qiao Feng clasped his fists, jumped out of the courtyard and left.

"My lord, please forgive me!"

After Qiao Feng left, the three women in white immediately apologized to Liu Qingyao.

"I don't even know Qiao Feng's strength, so you don't need to apologize!"

"I just don't know how he plans to deal with Lie Ao this time. If Lie Ao can leave Changhe County in disgrace, that would be great!"

Liu Qingyao said.

In her heart, Qiao Feng would suffer at best.

outside the mansion,

Qiao Feng came to a restaurant, opposite to the restaurant was Lie's Mansion.

I ordered a jar of wine, ordered some dishes casually, and began to drink heavily.

Lie Ao's strength here, don't care too much at all.

What he cared about was Lie Hu, one of the leaders of the dark guards of the Lie family.

To be able to become the leader of the Lie family's dark guards, Lie Hu's strength must not be easy.

After all, the dark guard is the force organization of the Lie family to eliminate all necessary troubles, how can they help the Lie family solve the troubles without certain strength.


While drinking, Qiao Feng's eyes moved slightly,

Looking at the street not far away, there were three black horses galloping on the street, galloping towards them, and stopped in front of Liefu.

From the different horses down.

The leader was tall and tall, walking like a tiger descending a mountain. He was wearing a dark golden robe, and there was a sinister aura between his brows.

"Nine difficulties for one person, and six difficulties for two people. This master in the Jiangnan region is indeed much better than the nine counties in the north."

Qiao Feng looked at the three people who entered the Lie Mansion, and thought to himself.

"Beggars are not allowed to enter this restaurant!"

At this time, a voice came out

At the door of the restaurant.

Several beggars leaned on bamboo sticks and were about to come towards the restaurant, but were stopped by the waiter of the restaurant. These beggars had a bag on their bodies.

He is a bag of disciples of the beggar gang, and also the latest disciple of the gang of beggars. Being able to become a bag of disciples shows that he knows some simple skills.

"Why can't we beggars enter restaurants? We can just give you money for drinking. Are you looking down on us beggars?"

One of the beggars looked at the waiter who stopped them from the shop.

"Hurry up and invite the guests in."

When these beggars talked about the beggar gang, the shopkeeper of the restaurant immediately said.

These days, the news about the gang of beggars has spread in the county. Although it is a gang of beggars, it can't stand the crowd.

Can not offend or do not offend.

What's more, for these beggars, he can't say anything for drinking and giving money?
Just then.

A figure appeared downstairs, making a cuckoo sound, Qiao Feng put down the wine bowl, and stepped out of the restaurant.

The beggar over there walked up to Qiao Feng.

"Master, Elder Lu and Elder Jin are waiting for you!"

The beggar passed Qiao Feng and headed forward, and Qiao Feng followed closely behind.

In a small courtyard.

Lu Youwei was eating grilled chicken and drinking wine when he saw Qiao Feng coming: "Master, I even brought the bank note from Mr.!"

He wiped his clothes with his greasy hands, and prepared to give Qiao Feng the silver ticket he got back.

Beside him was a rather burly old man with eight bags on his body, and another elder Jin Yuanling with eight bags.Salute to Qiao Feng.

"Elder Lu, it's up to you to keep this part of the silver!"

"Notify Elder Tian to come here?"

Qiao Feng said to the beggar who led him.

This beggar was one of the gang members who were drawn out along with them.


The beggar quickly exited the courtyard.

"Guangzhu, you are planning to directly confront the Lie family, but our current strength is against the Lie family, and the chances of winning are not great!"

Jin Yuanling at the side took a sip of wine.

"It seems that Elder Lu didn't tell you that we were being targeted by the Lie family's hidden guards. The Lie Hu from the Lie family came here for our beggar gang, so it doesn't matter whether it's obvious or not."

"I just went to the county guard's mansion. The county mansion will not drive away the disciples of the Beggar Clan in the near future. If this is the case, we will have enough manpower to transport the things we have obtained."

"Also, the matter of hoarding medicinal materials is what Lie Ao and [Xiemeng] did together, and informed [Golden Wind and Rain Tower] of this news."

Qiao Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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