Chapter 452 Yan Wangzhai, Three Yamas, Ten Yamas

The county government of Changhe County, Lie's family.

Lie Ao is receiving Lie Hu.

"Uncle Liehu, even if the hidden guard misses, you don't need to come to Changhe County yourself, just leave it to my nephew, who can help you eliminate those beggars."

Lie Ao, who was sitting opposite Liehu, said.

"I'm here this time not only to deal with the people behind the beggars, but also to meet the people from Yanwangzhai here!"

Lie Hu said in a deep voice.

"Yanwangzhai, our Lie family wants to cooperate with Yanwangzhai?"

Hearing this, Lie Ao was startled, he didn't expect Lie Hu to come this time to meet the people from Yanwangzhai.

Yanwangzhai is located in a place called Shihui Mountain at the intersection of Changhe County, Tianhe County, and Changyu County.

This is a three-way boundary.

Of course, I don't care about the three, the main reason is that the power of Yanwangzhai is too strong.

There are only three Hades in Yan Wangzhai, Gold Hades, Silver Hades, and Iron Hades. These three are rare masters among heaven and man.

Among them, Jin Yanwang's strength has almost reached the state of concentrating in the sea.

Under the three great kings of Hades, there are ten halls of Yama, and there are many traps in the Yan Wangzhai. Ordinary people go in, and there is death but no life.

Moreover, the three great kings of Hades and the ten palaces of Yama in this Yan Wangzhai are brutal, often killing people and robbing Taoists.

Many people want to eradicate Yanwangzhai
It's just that the heads of those who went were hung at the gate of the village by Yan Wangzhai.

Today, at the gate of Yan Wangzhai, it can be said that countless skulls,

Their Lie family is a family from the south of the Yangtze River, so they still need a reputation.So he didn't know how their Lie family could cooperate with Yan Wangzhai.

"Murder, Robbery"

Liehu opened his mouth and said.

"Murder, robbery?"

Hearing this Liao was a little puzzled,

"After all, we have to do something around your Changhe County, so it's okay to tell you that one of the three sects under the Taoist Holy Land, Taishang Wuji Sect, the eldest disciple, Bai Wuji, recently got a fragment of an ancient Taoist scroll, this ancient scroll fragment It is rumored that it is one of the secret books of the Taoist sect. People from the Zhenwu Taoist Temple are going to the capital, so Bai Wuji will take this fragment to the capital."

"I came here this time to use Yan Wangzhai's hand to kill this Bai Wuji and take this fragmented scroll from his hands."

Liehu opened his mouth and said,

Hearing this, Lie Ao frowned slightly,

"Uncle Liehu, my Lie family can do this matter, why did you let Yan Wangzhai do it?"

Lie Ao also asked a little puzzled.

"The Taishang Wuji Sect supports the thirteenth prince. If our Lie family makes a direct move, then the seventh prince will be hostile to the thirteenth prince."

"Now that the Seventh Prince is in trouble in the court, it would be bad for him to add another opponent. If someone from Yanwangzhai makes a move, and we finally buy back this secret code from Yanwangzhai, who can use it?" For an excuse?"

Liehu opened his mouth and said,

In fact, many times, everyone knows who did it,

But without an excuse, there is no opportunity to do it.

"My nephew understands, but the people in Yanwangzhai are extremely cruel. I'm afraid they won't give it to us after they get the secret volume."

Lie said,

Yanwangzhai can make the three counties ignore it, which shows its strength,

"I have what Jin Yan Wang needs here, and he will give it to us, not to mention that it's useless for him to ask for it!"

Lie Hu said confidently.

"Let's not talk about the matter of Yan Wangzhai, you should have investigated the situation of those beggars here, tell me your opinion!"

Lie Hu changed the topic and said.

"Uncle Liehu, now this group of beggars has appeared in my Changhe county mansion. It seems that there is some action, but the gathering of beggars is undoubtedly just causing trouble. What else can they do? These beggars are too weak and useless. Kill them It's just a little effort."

"The most important thing is the people behind these beggars!"

"I'm waiting for these people to show up!"

"But according to my speculation, they should take action!"

"Speaking of which, Uncle Liehu, please ask the people from Yanwangzhai to help my nephew by getting rid of Liu Qingyao, the governor of Changhe County."

"This Liu Qingyao has always wanted to suppress me. If the people in Yanwangzhai get rid of her, no one will say anything?"

Liao said.

"It is rumored that you are not dealing with this Liu Qingyao. I didn't expect that you are not dealing with it to this extent. Then this time the people from Yanwangzhai come. When the time comes, let them take action. But Liu Qingyao can't die. Her martial arts can be abolished. Without martial arts, people can be disabled One, you can do whatever you want, you can get rid of Changhe Commandery!"

Liehu said.

"Then thank you Uncle Lie Hu, I have already arranged the banquet tonight, Uncle Lie Hu, I specially prepared your favorite Qiongzhou brew!"

Lie Ao stood up and said.


Lie Hu seemed very happy, and followed Lie Ao out of the banquet hall with the two of his entourage.

Not far away, there is a banquet pavilion in the back hall.

the night is gradually appearing
But the gazebo is brightly lit
Several people sat one after another.

"I didn't expect that there are so many delicious food, it really makes my old beggar greedy!"

While speaking, a roast chicken on the table flew away in an instant, and then three figures fell down.


Seeing this situation, the guards in the mansion immediately gathered together and walked towards the three of them.

"Go back!"

At this time, Lie Ao stood up and said in a low voice.

These attendants of his are okay against ordinary warriors, but they really can't deal with three beggars.

"It seems that you should be members of the Beggar Gang, I don't know how to call you!"

This is Lie Ao's mansion, so the matter of coming out should be left to Lie Ao,

However, Lie Hu and the two people accompanying him looked at the three people who had fallen vigilantly.

The strength of these three people is not simple.

Although his aura was restrained and his strength could not be seen, but when he appeared at this time, it should be aimed at him.

"The nine-pocket elder Lu Youwei, the eight-pocket elder Tian Hu, and Jin Yuanling!"

The three said,

Nine Sacks Elders, Eight Sacks Elders

All eyes are on the pockets,

For the beggars, their ranks are still relatively vague, and I haven't heard of the saying that the beggars have one bag and two bags.

Judging from this now, the beggar gang is based on the bag on the body as the size of the position.

Thinking of this, Lie Hu and Lie Ao's expressions were all concentrated,

If the beggar gang is in such a situation, then their previous guess about the beggar gang was wrong.

Previously they just thought someone was planning something behind these beggars

But judging from the current situation, the gang of beggars has a large scale.

Then they have to take it seriously.

"I don't know why the three elders of the Beggar Clan came to my Lie Mansion?"

Lie Ao asked.

But his eyes were directed at the butler next to him, and the butler slowly backed away.

"What's the matter, isn't your Lie family always looking for trouble with our beggar gang?"

"Of course we're coming to visit!"

Lu Youwei took a bite of the roast chicken in his hand, and said.

"Calling, Elder Lu, this is not the way to pay a visit, let alone your beggar gang killed the hidden guard of my Lie family, why don't you give me an explanation!"

Lie Hu stood up slowly at this time, and between speaking, an unusually powerful aura erupted.

Like a flood, it roared towards Lu Youwei.

"Liehu, warriors fight for life and death, if they come to kill us, they are looking for death!"

"Of course, today, you will die here too!"

At this time, Lu Youwei stopped talking nonsense with the other party, and put the roast chicken in his arms into his arms, and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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