Chapter 454 Fierce Liu Qingyao, dead friends never die poor

The gang of beggars moved quickly.

The restaurants, inns, banks, and brothels controlled by Lie Ao were immediately besieged.

The beggar gang disciples appeared like a torrent, and they didn't respond at all.

Of course, there were some who resisted, but among this group of beggars were the three hundred official disciples of the Beggars' Gang, who were very powerful, so even if they resisted, it would be useless.

It's just a lot of blood.

As for the Liefu, a group of Beggar Clan disciples also rushed into the Liefu, and quickly began to move things in the Liefu.

"Master, now that we have the resources, our development will be better in the future. The herbs in the warehouse in the backyard have been shipped out, and they are secretly distributed to Los Angeles. I believe it can suppress some plagues there!"

Lu Youwei appeared in front of Qiao Feng and said.

At this moment, there is a scar on his right arm, which was left when he fought with the disabled guard of the Lie family.

Although the Remnant Guard of the Lie family used a special method to step into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, but his strength is also very strong. Lu Youwei paid a certain price to kill the opponent.

"The situation won't be too good. Next, we have to face the Lie family, as well as the thing they mentioned just now that Bai Wuji, a disciple of the Supreme Wuji Sect, was carrying on his body. I think that thing will be useful to the Lord. We need to get rid of it. Take it and send it to the Lord!"

Qiao Feng said in a deep voice.

"The lord is planning to attack Bai Wuji from the Taishang Wuji Sect!"

"We're facing the Lie family, and then the Taishang Wuji sect, I'm afraid!"

Lu Youwei said in a deep voice.

"Use Yanwangzhai!" Qiao Feng said coldly.

"But the people in Yanwangzhai met people from the Lie family, I'm afraid we won't be able to get in touch with them!" Lu Youwei said.

"Then pretend to be a member of the Lie family. Anyway, the matter of going to the Wuji Sect has nothing to do with our beggar gang?" When Qiao Feng was speaking, he raised his hand, and he grabbed the badge of the Lie family on Lie Hu's waist.

"Elder Tian, ​​immediately pay attention to the traces of Bai Wuji and Yanwangzhai people!"

Qiao Feng said.


Tian Hu immediately took the order to leave.

On the other side, inside the Sheriff's Mansion.

Liu Qingyao listened to the news.

"You mean that the members of the Beggar Gang killed Lie Hu and Lie Ao, and also robbed all the resources of the Lie family, and are transporting them out of the city."

Liu Qingyao asked in disbelief.

"Yes, sheriff, what should we do now, do we need to use manpower to intercept?"

"If we don't do anything, I'm afraid the Lie family will trouble us."

A woman in a green robe below her said.

"Send some people to maintain the order in the county mansion. Don't contact the beggar gang, so as not to break out conflicts. If the other party dares to make a violent move, we are enemies with them. I don't think the other party will be soft-hearted. Just put on a show!"

Liu Qingyao calmed down.

Previously, her idea was just to squeeze Lie Ao away, but now not only Lie Ao was killed, but all the Lie Hus who came were killed, and things were completely beyond expectations.

"How dare they kill Lie Hu and Lie Ao? Are they going to fight against Lie's family? Does your beggar gang have such strength?"

Liu Qingyao frowned slightly when she said this.

"Could it be that the previous targets of this beggar gang were Lie Hu and Lie Ao?"

"I might be tricked by this Qiao Feng!"

Liu Qingyao murmured.

Qiao Feng came to see her earlier, which led to a cooperation. Once the matter was exposed, Qiao Feng can completely say that it was her idea.

Because in this matter, Qiao Feng benefited, and she also benefited.

At that time, she will face the accountability of the lie family.

Facing the Lie family by himself, there is absolutely no way to survive. If he wants to survive, he may only rely on Qiao Feng or the Beggars' Gang.

"The calculation is really deep!"

"However, I also hope that your beggar gang is strong, otherwise, we will all be buried with Lie Hu and Lie Ao!"

Liu Qingyao said with hatred in her heart.

"You are continuing to collect information about the beggar gang. With such a large-scale attack, a lot of information will definitely be exposed. I want to know their strength!"

Liu Qingyao said.


The green-robed woman withdrew quickly.

Liu Qingyao was left alone in thought.

Not only her, but now all the big forces in the entire county are watching this matter silently.

Lie Ao, Lie Hu didn't die, they might move, but Lie Ao and Lie Hu died in the hands of the Beggar Gang, and they made a move, it was no different from courting death, so they all stayed still.

However, many spies were also sent to investigate the information of the Beggar Gang and pay attention to the movements of the Beggar Gang.

The next day.

The county town returned to calm, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians on the streets, as if they were not affected by Lie's family last night. Of course, news of restaurants and teahouses in the streets and alleys were heatedly discussed.

Of course, there are some beggars on the street now, and these people are not disciples of the beggar gang, but ordinary beggars.

The revenge of the Lie family will definitely come quickly.

The beggar gang disciples have basically evacuated.

In the hall of the Sheriff's Mansion.

Many power leaders came to visit.

Something happened to Lie Ao, and now only the county guard Liu Qingyao is in charge, and they can only find Liu Qingyao to discuss countermeasures.

Banquet room.

Liu Qingyao sat on the bench, looked at the dozen or so people below, and said nothing.

But there were more than a dozen people sitting below, but no one dared to underestimate Liu Qingyao. They all knew Liu Qingyao's martial arts and methods, and offending this woman would be fruitless.

"Guardian Liu, Lord Lie Ao and Lord Lie Hu died in our Changhe County, should we think of a way?"

One of the middle-aged men in a yellow robe spoke.

Changhe County, gangster, the force in charge of the waterways of Changhe County, the one in the yellow robe is its gang leader, Cao Zhiyou, who had been attached to Lie Ao's men before.

"Master Cao, you said to find a way, but I don't know what you can do. The members of the beggar gang have not gone far. You can lead your gangsters to pursue them. I think this is a good idea."

Liu Qingyao looked at Cao Zhiyou and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Liu, you are the leader of our county. Now the gang of beggars are killing and robbing our county. The county should take care of it. We can help!"

Another tall, lion-like man in a purple-gold robe spoke with a resolute face.

Situ Xiong, the leader of the lion gang, and Cao Zhiyou, the leader of the gang, are both subordinates of Lie Ao.

When Lie Ao came to Changhe County, he took refuge in Lie Ao.

Now that Lie Ao is dead, they are eager to show off, but Lie Ao and Lie Hu who can be killed by the members of the Beggar Clan show that their strength is too strong, they dare not make a move at all.

So the two of them wanted to intimidate Liu Qingyao and let Liu Qingyao take action.

"Could it be that Liu Junshou is not willing to send someone to take action? Could it be that Liu Junshou is related to the beggars' gang and protects the people of the beggars' gang like this."

Seeing that Liu Qingyao was silent, Situ Xiong spoke again.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the house became tense.

Some people looked at Situ Xiong and Cao Zhiyou who made a sound. They looked at each other, but they didn't make a sound.

"Situ Xiong, repeat what you just said!"

There was a cold light in Liu Qingyao's beautiful eyes, and she looked at Situ Xiong who spoke.

There was an indescribable majesty in his tone, as if he wanted to see through Situ Xiong's heart.


Situ Xiong's complexion was a bit ugly, but at this stage, he couldn't get off the horse.

"Governor Liu, isn't it? If you don't send people to hunt down the Beggars' sect disciples, I have reason to think that you have something to do with the Beggars' Gang. Otherwise, the county guard, you will lead people to go after the Beggars' sect members now. "

Situ Xiong said loudly.


The female servant beside Liu Qingyao said sharply.

"A girl, you don't have a place to talk here!"

Situ Xiong snorted coldly, Liu Qingyao had already said it all, and he only cared about a maid.

"court death!"

All of a sudden, Liu Qingyao who was sitting on the bench burst out like a ghost. At the same time, a burst of sword light shot out from the hand of Liu Qingyao, who was sitting on the bench, and swept towards Situ Xiong in an unmatched manner.

the attack
Human shadows raided, sword lights filled the sky.

"Liu Qingyao, how dare you!"

Situ Xiong let out a low growl.He grabbed the long knife on the table next to him with his palm.

The moment the sword light swept across his face, the violent blade light in his hand instantly tore through the air, forming a violent storm and engulfing the sword light.

clang clang clang
next moment
Sparks splashed everywhere, swords and swords crisscrossed, causing others to step aside one after another.

They didn't expect to fight as soon as they said it.

After the sparks splashed, the two figures staggered.

Liu Qingyao stood opposite Situ Xiong with a long sword in hand.

"Smelly bitch, I respect you, call you sheriff, who do you think you are!"

Situ Xiong said coldly.

Liu Qingyao didn't speak, but suddenly screamed, stepped forward, and the thunderous sword light shot out again, bursting like a thunderbolt, and aimed at Situ Xiong's vital points.

Situ Xiong is not to be outdone.The long knife in his hand exploded, and he shook the opponent's sword light, the air exploded, and some gravel burst out from where they fought.

"Liu Qingyao, your strength is nothing more than that. If it wasn't for the fact that Young Master Lie Ao didn't want to deal with you, you would have given me an advantage, and I would have let you know what a woman is!"

When Situ Xiong drew his knife, he laughed.

When the loud laughter came out, Liu Qingyao's face soared with anger and murderous intent

The sword light suddenly disappeared.

Then I saw a flash of red light passing through Situ Xiong's throat.

"If you want to die so much, I will help you!"

Liu Qingyao's cold voice sounded in the hall.


After the sound fell, Situ Xiong's body fell directly to the ground, and there were several scarlet embroidery needles at his throat.

"One step at a time, and a needle in the sleeve!"

Seeing this, the people in the room couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Drag it down, so as not to dirty the ground!"

Liu Qingyao returned to the seat and said sharply.

Outside the hall, two people appeared and quickly dragged Situ Xiong's body out.

The hall became silent.

At this time, a man in a green robe said: "Your Majesty, the gang has a lot of people, and it is indeed possible to deal with the gang of beggars."

Neither the beggar gang nor the Lie family can stop them, whoever is going to be the one seeks death.

Now that Situ Xiong is dead, it can only be gangsters.

"Qin Taiyuan you!"

Cao Zhiyou didn't expect that his words would set him on fire.

"Your Majesty, since Chief Cao is willing to send troops to chase after the members of the Beggars, I think Chief Cao should go after them immediately, otherwise, the members of the Beggars will flee far away!"

One said immediately.

Dead poor, not dead friends.

If you want to give some explanation to the Lie family, you can only use other people's lives.

"Yes, we thought so too."

Others also joined in.

(End of this chapter)

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